------------------------------------------------------------------ At the end of the Warring States period. the State of Qin merged all the other six states and unified the country. Ying Zheng became the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty and entitled himself "Shi Huangdi" (the First Emperor). The tyranny of Ying Zheng and his son, the second ruler of Qin, led to the country's chaotic state. Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, therefore, rose up in rebellion against the Qin Dynasty and overthrew the tyranny. Both wanted the throne. Liu Bang (ruler of the Han State) and Xiang Yu (ruler of the Chu State) then started the well-known war between the Chu and Han, which ended with Liu's victory. As a result, Liu Bang became Emperor Gaozu, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty (also known as the Western Han Dynasty). Two hundred years later, Wang Mang usurped the throne which had come to the reign of Emperor Xiaoping. Liu Xiu, also known as Emperor Guangwu, arose and overthrew the rule of Wang Mang later. He restored the dynastic title of Han and chose Luoyang City as the capital. From then on, the history of China entered the period of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Together, the Western and Eastern Han dynasties lasted for more than four hundred years. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the three states, Wei, Shu, and Wu started to fight for the throne of Emperor Xian. They were called the "Three Kingdoms" and this was the Period of the Three Kingdoms. Sima Yan, the ruler of the Kingdom of Wei later defeated the other two kingdoms, established the Jin Dynasty and unified the country. The Jin Dynasty was also divided into two periods, the Western Jin and the Eastern Jin.
< Explanation in simplified> 战国末年,秦王嬴政兼并六国,统一了天下,自称「始皇帝」。他施行暴政,皇位传到第二代时引起天下大乱,刘邦、项羽兴兵起义,秦朝灭亡。随后楚王项羽和汉王刘邦展开争夺,最后汉高祖刘邦获胜,建立汉 朝,史称西汉。西汉传至孝平帝时,外戚王莽篡取了帝位。之后,汉光武帝刘秀推翻王莽政权,中兴汉室,在洛阳建都,称为东汉。两汉共历四百多年,到东汉末年汉献帝时灭亡,天下形成魏蜀吴三国三足鼎立的局面,历史上称为三国时代,直到司马炎灭三国,建立晋朝,天下才再度统一。晋朝又分西晋和东晋。
< Explanation in traditional> 戰國末年,秦王嬴政兼併六國,統一了天下,自稱「始皇帝」。他施行暴政,皇位傳到第二代時引起天下大亂,劉邦、項羽興兵起義,秦朝滅亡。隨後楚王項羽和漢王劉邦展開爭奪,最後漢高祖劉邦獲勝,建立漢 朝,史稱西漢。西漢傳至孝平帝時,外戚王莽篡取了帝位。之後,漢光武帝劉秀推翻王莽政權,中興漢室,在洛陽建都,稱為東漢。兩漢共歷四百多年,到東漢末年漢獻帝時滅亡,天下形成魏蜀吳三國三足鼎立的局面,歷史上稱為三國時代,直到司馬炎滅三國,建立晉朝,天下才再度統一。晉朝又分西晉和東晉。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------