“Lúnyǔ” zhě, èrshí piān, qún dìzǐ, jì shàn yán. “Mèngzǐ” zhě, qī piān zhǐ, jiǎng dàodé, shuō rényì. Zuò “zhōngyōng”, zi sī bǐ, zhōng bùpiān, yōng búyì. Zuò “dàxué”, nǎi céngzi, zìxiū qí, zhì píngzhì. ------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Analects of Confucius, written by Confucius' disciples are composed of twenty chapters in which Confucius' thoughts, remarks and deeds are recorded. The book of Mencius, consists of seven chapters, was penned and compiled by Mencius disciples. The book explains the power of emperors' rule, promoting that the nailers should rule in a way of compassion and benevolence. The doctrine of Mean (Zhong Tongi was written by Confucius' grandson, Zi Si. Zhong" means staying in the middle and not leaning toward any side, and "Yong" refers to a status of being immobile The book advises people to keep the doctrine of mean and stay unbiased when dealing with things and other people. Written by one of Confucius' disciples, philosopher Zeng Zi, book Great Learning links government, self-cultivation, and investees together, asserting that cultivation of the individual and order of the family should be achieved before a country can be well administered
< Explanation in simplified> 《论语》是孔子的学生写的记录,一共有二十篇,记载着言行和思想。 《孟子》共有七篇,是学生记录孟子言行的书,讲的是孟子有关道德仁义的主张。 《中庸》是孔子的孙子子思所作,「中」是不偏不倚,「庸」是不变的意思,说的是待人接物要不偏不倚。 《大学》是孔子的学生曾子所写,禅述修身、齐家、治国、平天下的道理,告诉我们要由内而外完成自身的学习和提高,先培养内在品德修养,再考虑如何完成自己的事业,如何学有所成。
< Explanation in traditional> 《論語》是孔子的學生寫的記錄,一共有二十篇,記載著言行和思想。 《孟子》共有七篇,是學生記錄孟子言行的書,講的是孟子有關道德仁義的主張。 《中庸》是孔子的孫子子思所作,「中」是不偏不倚,「庸」是不變的意思,說的是待人接物要不偏不倚。 《大學》是孔子的學生曾子所寫,禪述修身、齊家、治國、平天下的道理,告訴我們要由內而外完成自身的學習和提高,先培養內在品德修養,再考慮如何完成自己的事業,如何學有所成。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment