Lǐ yuè shè, yù shū shù, gǔ liùyì, jīn bùjù. Wéi shū xué, rén gòng zūn, jì shìzì, jiǎng shuō wén. Yǒu gǔwén, dà xiǎozhuàn, lì cǎo jì, bùkě luàn. Ruò guǎng xué, jù qí fán, dàn lüè shuō, néng zhī yuán. ----------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Proprietary, music, toxophily, cart-driving, calligraphy, and mathematics are the "Six Skills" ancient scholars must acquire. Men in modern time do not have the obligation to master these skills, but they should learn how to read and write and extend their knowledge base on that. One should also bear in mind that the development of Chinese characters has gone through the following transformations of calligraphic styles: hieroglyphics, large seal style, small seal style, clerical-script style, regular script style, running-script style, and cursive style. The knowledge of the world is immense and unlimited; to try to learn them all is unrealistic and impossible. One should, therefore, choose the suitable kinds for intensive study, and leave the rest for general understanding.