Xiāng jiǔ líng, néng wēn xí; xiào yú qīn, suǒ dāng zhí. Róng sì suì, néng ràng lí; tì yú zhǎng, yí xiānzhī. Shǒu xiàotì, cì jiànwén; zhī mǒu shù, shì mǒu wén. Yī ér shí, shí ér bǎi, bǎi ér qiān, qiān ér wàn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Huang Xiang in the Eastern Han Dynasty, at the age of nine, warmed his father's bed with his body heat in winter nights before his father went to bed. Such filial piety is what one should exercise. Also in the Eastern Han Dynasty, a four-year-old child named Kong Rong gave the bigger pears to his elder brother. Such courtesy should be cultivated at a young age. After exercising filial piety and fraternal love, one should then learn extensive knowledge through seeing and hearing information from different sources in daily life. By gradual memorization and accumulation, one shall be able to master all kinds of knowledge.
< Explanation in simplified> 东汉的黄香九岁就懂得天冷时先用身体帮父亲暖床。这种孝顺的行为是子女应尽的本分。 东汉末年的孔融四岁就知道把大梨让给哥哥吃,自己吃小的。这种礼让兄长的美德,适当及早教育培养。 我们首先要做到孝顺父母,友爱兄弟姐妹;其次要学习知识,增长见闻,掌握基础的语言文字和数学知识。 由一知十,由于知百,由百知千,由千知万,循序渐进,不断积累,这样才能学好各门科学文化知识。