Species - podcast cover


"The host, Macken Murphy, is able to condense vast chunks of information into engaging and digestible episodes. Fact-filled and fun." — The New York Times



In this episode, we learn about a bird that basically evolved into a mammal. The sheer number of areas where they have converged with mammals is absurd. Ironically, the mammals they have almost become may be their undoing. Enjoy the show. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1id0OV22jN1L-B0LqABkE9gLZ3hfR52d0MuHC-MjDRis/edit?usp=sharing...

Jul 22, 201924 minTranscript available on Metacast


This show opens up with a horrifying attack on a kayaker, and from there it only gets worse... On this podcast, you will hear about the nightmarish hunting methods of one of the most fearsome animals in the ocean. Find out about their life history, and their surprisingly high likelihood of killing you in the safety of your own home, all on this episode of Species. If you enjoy this show, please nominate it for a Podcast Award in the education category, as well as the People's Choice category. Bi...

Jul 14, 201917 minTranscript available on Metacast

Golden Jackal

In this episode, Macken celebrates America's independence by discussing obscene Russian experiments, a world without water, as well as the ramifications of cattle being sacred in some parts of India. All of this, incredibly, is totally relevant to the golden jackal. Prepare for an episode full of stories, anecdotes, and information about hybridization, regurgitation, and domestication. If this show adds value to your week, please consider becoming a weekly donor. Bibliography...

Jul 08, 201921 minTranscript available on Metacast

Human: Tyus Williams, Wildlife Biologist

In this episode, Macken talks to wildlife biologist Tyus D. Williams. During this long and wide-ranging conversation, they covered some of the following topics: The ethics of mosquito sterilization, conservation, pseudonaturalism, scientific contrarianism, Tyus's jaguar research, and tigers that eat bears. Tyus is a researcher and science communicator whose work with jaguars has been published in National Geographic. You can interact with him on his twitter, @ScienceWithTyus , and learn from his...

Jul 05, 20192 hr 30 minTranscript available on Metacast

Horseshoe Crab

What has 10 eyes, 12 legs, a spike for a tail, a tube-shaped heart, and blue blood worth $60,000 a gallon? A horseshoe crab! This animal is ancient, they are even older than trees, and today you are going to learn all about them. On this episode, Macken takes you on a tour of the horseshoe crab's anatomy, and tells you all the weird things you never knew about the Atlantic horseshoe crab. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSYTC0X_HH0YT6vTWrWUhqenexQmbOM8AlgADzz4eS8/edit?usp=shari...

Jul 01, 201928 minTranscript available on Metacast

Fairy Penguin

Come listen to the weirdest conservation story of all time: The story of a primate named "Swampy Marsh," who decided to train a dog to defend blue penguins from foxes. Seriously. This show will teach you about the immense challenges inherent to being a tiny penguin, and will tell you all the fun (and not-so-fun) facts about fairy penguins. Along the way, you will learn about chimpanzee warfare and the expression of violence in humans and penguins. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d...

Jun 24, 201921 minTranscript available on Metacast


Tuna are incredibly underestimated animals. We usually think of them as ingredients, instead of creatures. In reality, they are marvelous predators; on par with lions, sharks, and other creatures we generally respect. Today we are going to talk about an animal that is extreme in every way... Extreme speed, extreme size, and extreme price: the Atlantic bluefin tuna. Find out why the Atlantic bluefin tuna is going extinct, and what you can do to help them, all on this episode of Species. Bibliogra...

Jun 17, 201919 minTranscript available on Metacast


Can an earthworm survive being cut in half? Do they re-grow both ends? Is it true that worms can reproduce with themselves? Was Charles Darwin obsessed with earthworms, and did he scientifically determine their favorite food? Do worms have brains? What about hearts? Why do they carry leaves back to their dens? Find out all the answers on this episode of Species. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hGhOUKfhp1q9F5M5y5X6pbL9ddqWlB1-bBogYw3aV1U/edit?usp=sharing...

Jun 03, 201919 minTranscript available on Metacast


Why are flamingos pink? Why do they stand on one leg? Do flamingos have teeth? Do flamingos know how to dance? Find out the surprising answers to all these questions and more, hear two weird conservation stories, and learn all about the American flamingo on this episode of Species. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A5aZn6YhKxoQfvSSsHRFpsmBMRKYf0I5gfZxT-88sIo/edit?usp=sharing...

May 27, 201928 minTranscript available on Metacast


The Japanese nickname for the oarfish is "ryugu no tsukai," which translates to English as "messenger from the sea god's palace." In the traditional Japanese mythos, this animal is a warning: They are a sign that a tsunami is coming. In this episode, we explore the possibility that this seemingly absurd theory is true, and we talk all about what is perhaps the longest fish in the sea. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iuv3w-7s1yhB6kzve_920EnQhyt5gC1avdLgHfkmvzY/edit?usp=sharing...

May 20, 201922 minTranscript available on Metacast

Human: John Oberg, Social Media Influencer & Animal Advocate

John Oberg is one of the most prominent characters in the modern animal rights movement. He is an animal advocate hoping to make the world a kinder place by utilizing the power of social media. Today, John sat down with Macken for a conversation about veganism and animal rights advocacy. Together they went through the reasons for being vegan, discussed the future of veganism, and jointly addressed some of the most common defenses of animal exploitation. John also spoke about his fascinating life...

May 16, 201953 minTranscript available on Metacast

Honey Badger

Were honey badgers weaponized by the UK during the Iraq war? Who would win, the greatest fighter on earth, or a honey badger? What about a honey badger vs. a lion? Or a hyena? Or a cobra? How come honey badgers are so absurdly brave? Why are they such creative escape artists? Honey badgers are the toughest animals on the face of the planet, and today we talk all about them. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BoUEfR7tUcfFvlEeMabjbZ1F4meRuA7197t6Xv7-Hp4/edit?usp=sharing...

May 13, 201926 minTranscript available on Metacast

Komodo Dragon

This is the animal who inspired King Kong, and maybe some dragon stories. Find out about their magical healing abilities, their insane sense of smell, and their truly disturbing method of killing their prey. Discover the answer to the following questions: Why do almost all cultures have dragons? Do Komodo dragons kill by sepsis or venom? Are baby Komodo dragons just reptilian squirrels? Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10Z5Gnu_HJURoW5VYyTTcfcgmeXfNfXGq39BDgUoXl6s/edit?usp=sharing...

May 05, 201924 minTranscript available on Metacast

Human: Ashley Gary, The Wildlife Host

Ashley Gary is a science communicator and a wildlife educator. This afternoon, she had a wide-ranging, hilarious conversation with Macken in which they discussed the following topics: The ethics of retweeting. Social media and wildlife education. What schools might do to improve entertainment value in class. Indiana Jones & lizards. I nstagram aesthetics. Wildlife television. Gorillas vs. grizzly bears. Cheetahs. Enormous ducks vs. tiny horses. The above list is only a sample of what they discus...

Apr 28, 201941 minTranscript available on Metacast

Barn Owl

This animal is a sensory genius. They are masters at detecting everything while staying undetected. On this episode, Macken goes deep into the incredible science of how this animal can hear everything, without ever being heard; how this animal can see everything, without being seen. They are debatably the best listeners in the animal kingdom, and their entire face is like a radar dish. Find out all about them on this episode of species. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HxT7URtxD...

Apr 28, 201924 minTranscript available on Metacast


Today we are going to talk about the ugliest animal on earth (at least, by popular vote). Join us, and discover why they look so awful on land and so normal at sea. Find out the fun facts we have about this animal, and learn about the nature of ugliness itself, on this episode of Species.

Apr 22, 201919 minTranscript available on Metacast

Jumping Spider

This animal forces us to ponder the nature of intelligence itself. They are running incredibly complex software on unbelievably small hardware: Their brain could fit on the head of a pin, and yet their sensory processing and strategizing abilities rival those of the smartest animals on earth. Look closely at the photo above, and you will count eight eyes. This spider-hunting spider can see in all directions at once, stalk and deceive their prey, seduce them with false siren calls and manipulate ...

Apr 07, 201927 minTranscript available on Metacast


This creature has the greatest deceptive abilities in the animal kingdom, unless you count humans. The fork-tailed drongo's ability to lie and manipulate other species into doing what they want is nothing short of stunning, and their intelligence is absolutely unbelievable. Today, we learn about why humans lie, why it is usually wrong, and why Darwin might disagree. We address questions, such as: Do drongos possess a theory of mind? Should I skip school and pretend to be sick? Why do meerkats ke...

Mar 31, 201918 minTranscript available on Metacast

Whale Shark

Whale sharks are the biggest fish, in the biggest pond on earth. This animal can get to be nearly 50,000 pounds and over 40 feet long. That is the length of a school bus, and double the weight! On this episode, Macken tells you all the fun facts about whale sharks, and gives you the best available answers to some of the following questions, like: Why the heck are whale sharks so dang big? Has a whale shark ever killed a human? Could a human fit in a whale sharks mouth? Why do whale sharks have h...

Mar 24, 201918 minTranscript available on Metacast

Human: Kirsten "The Hellbender" Hecht, Salamander Expert

Salamander expert Kirsten Hecht—also known as Kirsten “Hechtbender,” for reasons that will become clear—gave Macken a call tonight to talk about salamanders and other topics. The conversation was light & fun, we heard a few stories, learned a bit of history, and found out a lot about animals. Macken had several questions for her tonight, including: Why are they called hellbenders? Can all salamanders regenerate limbs? How do salamanders regenerate limbs? Why do amphibians go through a tadpole st...

Mar 22, 201929 minTranscript available on Metacast

Wolf / Dog

Learn all about an animal that is simultaneously man's best friend, and man's worst enemy. Discover how a massive, muscular carnivore was changed into a baguette-loving basset hound like mine, and find out everything you want to know about dogs and wolves. Learn the answers to all your wolf & dog questions, including: Why do wolves howl? Are wolves howling at the moon? Do wolves eat people? Why did we domesticate wolves, and how did we do it? How amazing is a dogs' sense of smell? Do wolves hunt...

Mar 17, 201932 minTranscript available on Metacast

Blue-Ringed Octopus

This animal may look pretty, but they can do some pretty ugly things to your nervous system. Discover the science of how octopuses change color, find out why "octopi" is grammatically incorrect, and learn about the scandalous mating techniques of this strange and dangerous animal all on this episode of Species. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YhqDS42XkO-KniTav6H3hpbeRK-q0lcNdwwCEaRTHGc/edit?usp=sharing...

Mar 10, 201921 minTranscript available on Metacast

Blue Jay

Is color itself an illusion? Can blue jays speak English and imitate dogs? How can I get on Ellen? Do blue jays kill hawks? Do they use tools? Why do they mimic hawks? Are they bullies? What is so mysterious about them? This episode will more or less answer all those questions, and together we will learn all about blue jays on this episode of Species. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WJBq56qTc0b1FPjJasToUn1ehuYfQrxZmU8t5pMVOuw/edit?usp=sharing...

Mar 03, 201925 minTranscript available on Metacast


Was the movie "Alien" plagiarized? How does an anglerfish make their lure glow? Why do fish fall for such a simple trick? What does it feel like to be a male anglerfish? The anglerfish might be the creepiest animal in the ocean. Find out what we know about them through the lens of the humpback anglerfish, on this episode of Species. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lLpuGJI2tzvC6qXO38Ln77TA_ALlLbPEuLpnxXiEPRM/edit?usp=sharing...

Feb 24, 201925 minTranscript available on Metacast


This animal is nicknamed the "happiest animal on earth," but what do they have to be happy about? Not much, beyond hanging out with Roger Federer. Find out the meaning of "Rottnest" and learn about the child-sacrificing, lightning-fearing, gorgonzola-choking quokka on this episode of Species. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gI4fknlR16jnIiVTwIQB7BrUW1I_oo5lK_QtBm2WN6M/edit?usp=sharing...

Feb 17, 201920 minTranscript available on Metacast

Bonus: The Biological Benefits of Monogamy

Monogamy seems completely impractical from an evolutionary perspective. If the "goal" of the survival of the fittest is to pass on your genes, how can limiting yourself to just ONE mate make any sense at all? Wouldn't playing the field be the best way to succeed? In most cases, yep. But in some select species, monogamy is the best strategy. Today we are going to talk about why monogamy evolves, and the biological benefits of monogamy under specific circumstances. Happy Valentine's Day! Bibliogra...

Feb 14, 201916 minTranscript available on Metacast

Human: Corbin Maxey, Animal Expert & TV Personality

Corbin Maxey is a nationally recognized animal expert and TV personality who has been featured on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” “The Martha Stewart Show,” “Late Night with Seth Myers,” “The Today Show,” and now… Species! Hear Corbin talk about becoming famous, saving alligators from teenager’s bedrooms, and almost getting killed by hippos while trying to use the bathroom in Africa, all on this special episode of Species. Find Corbin Maxey all over the internet using the links below: Website:...

Feb 12, 201937 minTranscript available on Metacast

Asian Giant Hornet

This hornet has a stinger as long as a thumbtack, and their venom dissolves flesh and kills dozens upon dozens of humans every year. As if that wasn't enough, they fly in swarms faster than you can run, and they are the largest hornets in the world. Beware. They organize into war bands and decimate other species, and their behavior is unbelievably complex. Buckle up! Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TTMgZezhfjDcM9I4Hl4RDL_yVs90HGe_eRd6ZoeqWGg/edit?usp=sharing...

Feb 10, 201922 minTranscript available on Metacast

Harris's Hawk

This highly intelligent bird employs unbelievably complex strategies to hunt in packs, and take down evasive prey. Their social structure is extremely complex and their romantic lives will shock you. Here about the story of Rufus the security hawk's kidnapping from Wimbledon, and learn about an amazing animal on this episode of Species. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jqsTGgzP_e-2XBy7QkzcsFJN2JSt6IgP0wZXPG591Oo/edit?usp=sharing Support Species: SpeciesPodcast.com/Donate...

Feb 03, 201924 minTranscript available on Metacast

Dusky Gopher Frog

This tiny frog nearly cost timber farmers $30 million and then became the center of a Supreme Court case. Is the Supreme Court too powerful? Why does this frog cover their eyes when they're scared? What is a species, and what does "critical habitat" mean? Find out all on this episode of Species. Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10mBi8uYMlwbJ1rjD30sf5xM1pZWmaQ2xK1c6YIXMbbM/edit?usp=sharing...

Jan 27, 201917 minTranscript available on Metacast
Species podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast