Spark Science - podcast cover

Spark Science

Dr. Regina Barber DeGraaff - Western Washington
Spark Science, where we explore stories of human curiosity. Hosted by Dr. Regina Barber DeGraaff.


Spacecraft Chronicles: Dust Devils

Have you seen a dust devil before? Have you wondered if they exist on Mars? Listen to our mini podcast about how dust devils were seen on Mars and how they helped our rovers. To learn more about the events discussed, click here . Special thanks to Kjartan Kinch, Nicole Schmitz and resources from KMRE – Spark Radio & Western Washington University Image Courtesy of NASA

Jul 09, 20175 minEp 26Transcript available on Metacast

Trappist-1 & Exoplanets

Dr. Melissa Rice, Mars Rover specialist and friend of the show, is back! Dr. Rice and Dr. Jim Davenport talk with us about planets, the habitable zone and what is so important about the Trappist-1 system. Please enjoy this show where we speculate about planets outside our solar system (exoplanets) and compare them to the amazing moons that orbit Saturn and Jupiter. Image Courtesy of NASA

Jul 02, 20171 hr 6 minTranscript available on Metacast

Quantum Computers

Our 50th episode (including Spacecraft Chronicles) is about Quantum Computers. Our guest is Dr. Nima Dinyari from University of Oregon. Dr. Dinyari, Jordan and Regina have a great time talking Q-bits, Schrodinger's cat and Quantum leaps. We try our best to explain this complex subject and break it down for non-physicists. Special thanks to Kurzgesagt for the image and awesome video.

Jun 25, 201754 minTranscript available on Metacast

Magical Girls & Marissa Meyer

In this episode we interview the panelists from PuliCon 2017 , a one day comic convention in Puyallup WA. First we talk to Majokko Misu and Merri Christianson ( Fake Geek Girls ) about the geek subgenre, Magical Girls. We then interview the keynote panelist Marissa Meyer , best-selling author of The Lunar Chronicles . The conversation covers fairy tales, feminism and sci-fi. Enjoy these fun conversations about the various ways to be a geek girl. Special thanks to co-host Bonnie Svitavsky, Leila ...

Jun 18, 201736 minTranscript available on Metacast

Crossover w/ Perfectly Acceptable Podcast: Comics & Gene Luen Yang

We hope you enjoy our first ever crossover podcast with the guys from the Perfectly Acceptable Podcast . We met at their studio in The Comics Place to discuss the works of Gene Luen Yang. We review the amazing Secret Coders books and current issues of New Super-man. Jeff, Django and I had nothing but praise for the writing of Gene Luen Yang. In between our banter, we discuss clips from my interview with Yang at Emerald City Comic Con in March 2017. We talk democracy, computer science, the MacArt...

May 28, 201752 minTranscript available on Metacast

Neuroscience: Huntington's Disease

This episode features Western Washington University professor Dr. Jeff Carroll. In this show we talk about Huntington’s Disease (HD) and is the third in our neuroscience series (one each season). We tackle a very serious illness with a combination of reverence and humor. Dr. Carroll takes us through the history of disease, his personal journey with the illness and his research on HD at WWU. For more information check out HDBuzz Image Courtesy of YourGenome...

May 19, 201750 minTranscript available on Metacast

March for Science Bellingham

Today's episode features reporting on the March for Science by Spark Science correspondent Natalie Moore. We were on location at a satellite march in Bellingham, WA. While Dr. Barber DeGraaff was busy with march organizing, Natalie asked event speakers and participants why they were compelled to come out in full support for SCIENCE. Listen to former astronaut Captain Wendy Lawrence speak on inconvenient truths and her hope for the future. We include Dr. Melissa Rice, Mars Rover Scientist, mesmer...

May 14, 201740 minEp 1Transcript available on Metacast

Spacecraft Chronicles: Mars 2020

Are you excited about the next mission to Mars? Before we send humans to the Red Planet, another rover will travel to explore Mars like its robotic siblings. We talk to scientists and engineers on the NASA team and ask "what are they are most excited when it comes to Mars 2020?" Special thanks to Gerhard Parr, Kristin Paris, Nicole Schmitz, Jacob Adler, Sheridan Ackis, and resources from KMRE - Spark Radio & Western Washington University Image Courtesy of NASA...

May 07, 20176 minTranscript available on Metacast

Inclusive Science: Ideas & Academia - Part 2

In this episode we travel back to the SACNAS National Convention. SACNAS stands for the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science and is the largest STEM society dedicated to racial and ethnic inclusion. This year we speak to many scientists about new ideas in their field and our place in academia. Enjoy these amazing stories of struggle and support. Part 2 guests: Randall Acosta (JPL Engineer), Julio D'Arcy (UCLA Chemistry Prof) & Corey Welch (Director, S...

Apr 23, 201750 minTranscript available on Metacast

Inclusive Science: Ideas & Academia - Part 1

In this episode we travel back to the SACNAS National Convention. SACNAS stands for the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science and is the largest STEM society dedicated to racial and ethnic inclusion. This year we speak to many scientists about new ideas in their field and our place in academia. Enjoy these amazing stories of struggle and support. Part 1 guests: Charee Peters (Astrophysics graduate student), Dominque Butler (model & astronomy student) &...

Apr 15, 201759 minTranscript available on Metacast

High School & Robotics with Team Reign

Being a high school student is hard enough but imagine the added scrutiny of being the only all female robotics team at competitions and press attention. This is the reality of Team Reign from Holy Names Academy. We sit down with these teenage engineers and talk identity, computer science & the future. Image Courtesy of Holy Names Robotics Team Reign

Apr 09, 201730 minTranscript available on Metacast

Girl Genius: An interview with Kaja Foglio

In this episode we interview the creators of the highly popular online comic Girl Genius , Kaja & Phil Foglio. Phil had to step away soon after we started but my guest host, Puyallup librarian Bonnie Svitavsky, and I continued to talk with Kaja about mad scientists, the Tolkien-like Northwest, gender stereotypes and what makes a scientist. We end with great advice for aspiring sci-fi writers. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did. Image Courtesy of Girl Genius http://www.girlgeni...

Apr 01, 201756 minTranscript available on Metacast

Kinesiology & Common Injuries

What is Kinesiology? Listen to our show to to find out. Our guests are Western Washington University (WWU) Biomechanics Professor Dr. Jun San Juan & owner of Pure Fitness Martial Arts in Bellingham, WA, Kru Brooke. We discuss common injuries, how to avoid them and body alignment. This episode was recorded in WWU Digital Media Center and video will be available soon. Enjoy.

Mar 26, 201737 minTranscript available on Metacast

Awesome Astrophysicists: Planets, Stars & Outreach

This is our third episode from Geek Girl Con. We interview astrophysicists, Dr. Lisa Will, Dr. Karen Knierman & Dr. Meredith Rawls. These women were on the Worlds of Star Wars panel at the convention, however we take this time to talk about much more. We discuss outreach, their path to astrophysics and nerd culture. Enjoy. Special thanks to Geek Girl Con & Puyallup Librarian Bonnie Svitavsky

Mar 19, 20171 hr 3 minTranscript available on Metacast

STEM Paths: Interview w/ SAMMUS and Summer Ash

Science Communication & "Nerdcore" Rap are the topics of this epsiode recorded at Geek Girl Con 2016. We first speak with Enongo Lumumba-Kasongo, better known as the amazing rapper SAMMUS, about her music and her experience as a PhD candidate. We then have a great conversation with Rocket Scientist and Astonomer Summer Ash who has been on Star Talk with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Nerdist with Chris Hardwick. Summer and I talk about what inspires us and how she found her path into science outreach. If...

Mar 05, 201757 minTranscript available on Metacast

Augmented Reality: What is it?

What is the difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (AR)? Who are the players in these markets? Is Pokémon Go really AR? These questions are answered by software engineer and computer scientist Kyle Rader. We have guest co-host Russell Pearce join us in this lengthy, yet fun discussion on a new way to interact with the “real” world.

Feb 26, 20171 hr 14 minTranscript available on Metacast

Women of Pixar - Computer Science & Cartoons

Welcome to Season 3 of Spark Science! Back in October 2016, we recorded serveral interviews at Seattle's Geek Girl Con. This amazing convention strives to support girls who love comics and STEM. Our first interview was the Women of Pixar panel Yun Lien, Angelique Reisch, and Trina Roy. We had a joy filled discussion about what it is like to work on beloved films, how to get a job at Pixar and learning how to code. Enjoy 30 minutes of geeking out and giggles....

Feb 18, 201730 minTranscript available on Metacast

Behavioral Neuroscience: Addiction

Spark Science sits down with Behavioral Pharmacologist and WWU professor Dr. Jeff Grimm. We talk about his background, new theories on addiction, rat parks and how sugar can be an addictive substance. You can view the Kurzgesagt video on addiction by clicking on the link below

Sep 12, 201657 minTranscript available on Metacast

Spacecraft Chronicles 2: Spirit Rover Drama

In this second episode, we explore the drama that comes with flying robots to Mars. We talk with Planetary Society President Dr. Jim Bell and Mars dust expert Dr. Kjartan Kinch about the Spirit Rover and the challenges involved in the mission. Enjoy our short tale of mystery, frustration and triumph. Image Courtesy of NASA

Aug 12, 20168 minTranscript available on Metacast

LIGO & The Fabric of Space

In September 2015 gravitational waves were directly detected for the first time. It was recorded simultaneously at two Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatories (LIGO) in Hanford, WA and Livingston, Louisiana. Spark Science attended a tour at LIGO with physic students from WWU and student correspondents Lia Cook and Nathan Miller. LIGO's Outreach Coordinator Dale Ingram takes us through the facilities and tells tales of mice in tubes, earthquakes and moths. We also want to thank the ...

Jul 17, 201652 minTranscript available on Metacast

Spacecraft Chronicles 1: The JUNO mission with Emily Lakdawalla

Enjoy the first installment of the mini-podcast about past, present and future space missions just in time for JUNO’s arrival at Jupiter! In this episode we talk to Planetary Society’s Senior Editor and Planetary Evangelist, Emily Lakdawalla about JUNO's camera and citizen science. We also share some fun facts about Jupiter and other spacecraft that have studied the gas giant in the past. Image and Information Courtesy of NASA Clarifications: When I say “Humans have visited the planet before” I ...

Jul 02, 201617 minTranscript available on Metacast

Science On Screen - The Man Who Knew Infinity

In this episode Spark Science partners with the Pickford Film Center in Bellingham, WA to host a "Science on the Screen" event. WWU professors Dr. Amites Sarkar and Dr. Stephanie Treneer discuss the work of the great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan before a screening of the film about Ramanujan's life, "The Man Who Knew Infinity" starring Dev Patel and Jeremy Irons. The event was filmed and can be viewed by clicking the link below. A special thanks t...

Jun 26, 201651 minTranscript available on Metacast

Photonics & Friends - Interview with SPIE CEO

SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics and Spark Science got the CEO to come to the Spark Radio studios for an interview. We talk about what the heck photonics is, spying with film and student chapters worldwide. Spark Science even calls into Hsinchu, Taiwan to talk to some wonderful SPIE chapter members. Enjoy our show on how the world is affected by LIGHT.

May 29, 201656 minTranscript available on Metacast

Gene Luen Yang: Award Winning Author & Computer Scientist

We are back with an amazing interview with National Ambassador for Young People's Literature, Superman writer, Avatar the Last Airbender comic author and Computer Scientist, Gene Luen Yang. Please enjoy our joyous conversation about superheroes, growing up Chinese-American, computer science and comics for STEM. Video of interview Check out Gene Luen Yang's websites and his new comic that teaches kids computer science. http...

May 15, 201644 minTranscript available on Metacast

Whatcom Water Quality

The questions "How drinkable is the city water?" & "Where does our drinking water come from?" are in the news nationally and locally. City of Bellingham's own Eric Johnston came to the Spark Radio studios to answer our questions and talk to us about the history of water treatment. Jordan and I also learn about "NIGHT SOIL" in London (listeners please look this up) and how Bellingham's drinking water is better than bottled water. Enjoy the show that may make you more confident in your drinking wa...

Apr 11, 201653 minTranscript available on Metacast

Finding Our Way in the Dark

In this episode we talk about Dark Matter, Gravity Waves, Gravitational Lensing and other Astronomy with WWU astrophysicist Dr. Kenneth Rines. Dr. Rines succeeded in teaching the guest host, Dr. Regina’s brother and local actor, Ruben Chen science (Regina could not). We had a great time learning about things in the universe that still confuses scientists today. Enjoy our journey through the mysterious dark of space. Image credit: NASA, ESA, D. Coe (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Insti...

Mar 27, 201648 minTranscript available on Metacast

The Science of

In today's episode we have a great conversation about the legal system and how it utilizes science with Officer Vince Sainati & City Attorney Maili Barber. My sister and Officer Vince show us how to use Radar & Lidar, we talk about accident recreation & how people try to get out of speeding tickets. We also have a great time testing the Radar & Lidar on nervous bellingham residents and joke about how cop & legal dramas are not so accurate. Enjoy.

Mar 13, 201655 minTranscript available on Metacast

Fermentation at the Chuckanut Bay Distillery

Join us on our tour of the Chuckanut Bay Distillery in Bellingham, WA with owner Matt Howell and WWU Chemist Dr. Elizabeth Raymond. Matt tells us about the local ingredients and the stages of the process while Dr. Raymond helps use dive into the chemistry. We talk about the natural and processed fermentation, moonshine and homebrew. Enjoy hearing us sample the goods on air. Please visit the Chuckanut Bay Distillary for your own tour.

Feb 28, 201648 minTranscript available on Metacast

The Anthropology Files

What is Medical Anthropology? Listen to our show with Dr. Sean Bruna where we talk about the study of human beings and what can affect their health. We also talk about "aliens", meeting Barak Obama, physicians bedside manner, food deserts and the physical dangers of scientific research. We end with Dr. Bruna talking about America's most famous forensic anthropologist, Bones. Enjoy our show that tries to humanize scientists and each other.

Feb 21, 201659 minTranscript available on Metacast

Inclusive Science: Inspiration & Support

Spark Science recorded on location in Washington, DC at the SACNAS National Convention. This convention is the largest gathering of minority scientists and I went around and asked the questions "Why did you become a scientist?" and "What and who supported you?" I apologize for the audio quality due to my inexperience. However, the stories are definitely worth a listen. Enjoy. Image: Myself and Dr. Dione Rossiter.

Feb 14, 201651 minTranscript available on Metacast
Spark Science podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast