Use your social media and online content to earn money. Host Michelle Thames Carla R Cannon-Lawrence discuss how to create intentional content that will generate the income for women to live their dream lives. They discuss sharing your story, establishing trust, and authenticity on social media — all without overwhelming and working yourself.
Carla R. Cannon-Lawrence, The Trailblazer is truly a mogul in the making who is dominating the coaching industry within her own right. From experiencing homelessness to becoming a 6-figure earner she is on a mission to help aspiring and emerging female entrepreneurs UNLOCK hidden potential, UNLEASH their greatness and ACTIVATE their power that leads to awakening their inner TRAILBLAZER! Carla’s authentic and transparent approach has inspired women from across the globe to develop the necessary courage to LIVE THEIR TRUTH and CHARGE THEIR WORTH while preventing burnout in the process!
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