The “know like trust” (KLT) factor is a marketing concept that has become super important. The goal of social media and selling on social or the internet should be to get your audience, prospects, leads, customers, or clients to understand your business and eventually believe in your brand and invest.
People want to know the real you — not the curated picture-perfect face you show! It takes time, and is an investment but trust me friend it will be worth it in the end.
Join The Expand Your Influence Community! This group is for influencers, creators, and small biz owners who want to become the expert authority in their industry, build their brand, and grow their social media community. If you want to learn how to make money on social media, attract your ideal clients, get a ton of traffic to your offers, websites, and massively grow your list and customers, this is the place to be! We go all-in when it comes to social media and BEYOND!
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