Have you added live streaming to your social media strategy? If you haven't you're definitely missing out. Live streaming has become very popular on social media and is a great way to attract new clients and customers while educating your audience. Live streaming also drives more traffic to your website and social media channels.
In this episode, we interview Moniek James who is a live stream QUEEN! Make sure you have your pens ready because she's dropping gems in this episode.
Moniek James is a veteran, military spouse, speaker, author, columnist, and serial online entrepreneur. Her passion is teaching purpose-driven business and brand owners how to leverage content marketing to build awareness, establish credibility, and create their profitable digital footprints.
Moniek has been featured in the Huffington Post, Fit Small Business, VoyagePhoenix, and the Association of Military Spouse Entrepreneurs and believes that entrepreneurship is a building block to economic empowerment.