Everything you need to start a successful blog. In this episode, host Michelle Thames is joined by Aaronica Cole to discuss how to make a successful blog in 2023 because, yes, you can create a successful blog in 2023. Blogs are back! Aaronica shares her tips and tricks that she wished she knew when she first started blogging and how you can stay creative for your blog.
Aaronica Cole is a multi-award-winning sustainability blogger, sewing influencer, eCommerce store owner, and CEO of AC|Media. She began blogging in 2006 when it was just storytelling. In May of 2015, she left corporate America to never return. This is when she monetized her first site which was once known as TheCrunchyMommy.com and is now AaronicaBCole.com. Her most recent business venture is HarmonyTraceApothecary.com which has been quite successful.
Watch the interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/5qX_WnWdS8Q
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