Skeptoid #785: Desalination vs. A National Water Grid
A comparison of two popular ways to help cope with the new water reality of global warming. Learn about your ad choices:
The true science behind our most popular urban legends. Historical mysteries, paranormal claims, popular science myths, aliens and UFO reports, conspiracy theories, and worthless alternative medicine schemes... Skeptoid has you covered. From the sublime to the startling, no topic is sacred. Weekly since 2006.
A comparison of two popular ways to help cope with the new water reality of global warming. Learn about your ad choices:
The facts and fiction of what's possible and what's already been tried in switching human heads. Learn about your ad choices:
The story behind the story of the many paranormal events associated with this former island in the Aral Sea. Learn about your ad choices:
In which another round of corrections is made to previous episodes. Keeping it real! Learn about your ad choices:
The problem of a runaway catastrophe in Low Earth Orbit looms ever larger and closer. Learn about your ad choices:
Cannabidiol is sold as an additive to just about every kind of product you can imagine. Why? Learn about your ad choices:
Some of what we know about the Great Pyramid that exclude it having been built by aliens or Atlanteans. Learn about your ad choices:
Some of what we know about the Great Pyramid that exclude it having been built by aliens or Atlanteans. Learn about your ad choices:
Popular reports claim that a group of US Navy destroyers were buzzed by advanced drones in 2019. Learn about your ad choices:
Science refutes the claim made by some that the Moon is a hollow spaceship engineered by aliens. Learn about your ad choices:
Some updates and additional information to a few past episodes... better all the time. Learn about your ad choices:
What's true and what's not about the world's most popular cryptocurrency. Learn about your ad choices:
A roundup of all the best pro-science characters from your favorite books, movies, and TV shows. Learn about your ad choices:
This remote town in Alaska was said to have been abandoned because of violent Bigfoot attacks. Learn about your ad choices:
A host of strange monsters are said to lurk beneath the surface of the world's deepest lake. Learn about your ad choices:
A mishmash of eastern mysticism masquerades as psychometry. Learn about your ad choices:
Which came first: the publication of this famous vampire story, or its associated family tradition? Learn about your ad choices:
Myths, conspiracies, and coverups cloak this 1857 massacre of American emigrants. Learn about your ad choices:
My personal favorite Skeptoid episodes from each and every year of its production. Learn about your ad choices:
This Marian apparition from Egypt has some science fiction explanations and a sound one. Learn about your ad choices:
Some claim that all of world history is a coverup for the mighty ancient nation of Tartaria. Learn about your ad choices:
Most teachers believe that students have different learning styles and curricula can be tailored to it. Not so much. Learn about your ad choices:
People keep thinking Elvis is still alive -- and here's why that matters to you. Learn about your ad choices:
Australia's version of Bigfoot may -- or may not -- have its origin in Aboriginal mythology. Learn about your ad choices:
The lone exception to the science fact that radio cannot hurt you. Learn about your ad choices:
This popular tale claims 62 African schoolchildren were contacted by an extraterrestrial. Learn about your ad choices:
The most famous case in the history of Monsanto vs. small farmers might not be what you think. Learn about your ad choices:
This most famous ship disappearance from the Bermuda Triangle probably had nothing to do with it. Learn about your ad choices:
You ever wonder about the truth behind popular urban legends? Or how about the craziest conspiracy theories you hear about online, chemtrails, the Flat Earth, the Hollow Earth, is there anything to them at all? Famous mysteries like what happened to Amelia Earhart, what's up with the Bermuda Triangle, who was Jack the Ripper? What about famous ghost stories, like the Amityville Horror, or the Warrens? What was really going on with that? Or this stuff they show on television: Ancient Aliens, Hunt...
Some believe the government opened up time portals underneath Long Island, New York. Learn about your ad choices: