Skeptoid #756: The Death Ship SS Ourang Medan
This ship was said to be discovered with all its crew dead under unexplainable circumstances. Learn about your ad choices:
The true science behind our most popular urban legends. Historical mysteries, paranormal claims, popular science myths, aliens and UFO reports, conspiracy theories, and worthless alternative medicine schemes... Skeptoid has you covered. From the sublime to the startling, no topic is sacred. Weekly since 2006.
This ship was said to be discovered with all its crew dead under unexplainable circumstances. Learn about your ad choices:
Some researchers believe there is no such thing as Gulf War Illness, and the rest have more questions than answers. Learn about your ad choices:
Good scientists can get the wrong idea, but they don't need to make it worse by announcing bad science. Learn about your ad choices:
This famous UFO case is said to be proven by military radar data. Learn about your ad choices:
Skeptoid answers some... interesting feedback LIVE at the Outpost 2020 con. Learn about your ad choices:
How well do you know the Middle Ages? Can you tell what's fact and what's fiction? Learn about your ad choices:
Conspiracy theorists believe that Hollywood elitists torture children and extract drugs from their bodies. Learn about your ad choices:
Some research has found that crowds are apathetic and don't render assistance; some has found the opposite. Learn about your ad choices:
Many theories surround the mysterious sinking of the USS Maine that triggered the Spanish-American War. Learn about your ad choices:
Popular stories claim that the Nazis tried to assassinate Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin in Tehran in 1943. Learn about your ad choices:
Skeptoid corrects another round of errors sent in by listeners just like you. Learn about your ad choices:
The belief that Australia doesn't exist may not be as unique as you think. Learn about your ad choices:
A reexamination of the famous case of the man whose personality changed from a grievous brain injury. Learn about your ad choices:
The facts differ widely from what's generally believed to have been a mass poisoning. Learn about your ad choices:
This B-17 supposedly completed a mission and returned to base, all without an aircrew. Learn about your ad choices:
How the wisdom of crowds can sometimes allow groups of non-experts to reach an expert conclusion. Learn about your ad choices:
Skeptoid answers another round of questions sent in by students all around the world. Learn about your ad choices:
Some supplemental information on recent episodes, plus some listener feedback. Learn about your ad choices:
This growing conspiracy theory posits that a global cabal of pedophiles secretly controls the US government. Learn about your ad choices:
Why a UFO case you've probably never heard of got attention from a major TV network. Learn about your ad choices:
Some believe that traces of tobacco in Egyptian mummies prove the Egyptians were first to the New World. Learn about your ad choices:
Why is the world's greatest public health philanthropist charged with crimes against humanity? Learn about your ad choices:
Some believe that psychedelic drugs played an irreplaceable role in the evolution of Homo sapiens. Learn about your ad choices:
Updates to the episode on MSG sensitivity and the Miracle of Calanda. Learn about your ad choices:
This mysterious creature actually killed over 100 people in France in the 1760s. Learn about your ad choices:
A survey of seven of the most popular out-of-place artifacts said to overturn human history. Learn about your ad choices:
A popular tale claims that the skeletons of two riveters were found between the hulls of this mighty ship. Learn about your ad choices:
A popular conspiracy theory claims the Vatican uses a telescope named LUCIFER to find an alien savior. Learn about your ad choices:
Some claim that when the Earth's geomagnetic field reverses, it could spell the end of humankind. Learn about your ad choices:
Some believe this relict dinosaur still survives in parts of the Congo. Learn about your ad choices: