We haven't done Words of Brandon since July, and there's been a quite a lot to cover! This episode covers some random events, but also FanX in September and November's Dragonsteel Mini-Con. There's spicy stuff here: aethers, dragons, Lost Metal hints, Ian completely despairing... Enjoy!
Next weekend we'll have part two where we primarily cover December's spoiler stream.
This episode has Eric (Chaos), Ian (Weiry), Evgeni (Argent), and Kadie (AonEne)!
Words of Brandon we talk about this episode: https://wob.coppermind.net/collections/990/
You can get a copy of the original Aether of Night manuscript (that is uncanonical) on the 17th Shard forums: https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/60219-aether-of-night-manuscript-requests/?page=1
Dragonsteel Prime sample chapters: https://www.brandonsanderson.com/dragonsteel-prime-chapter-25-bridge-four-1/
2:36 Aethers are really relevant to the future of the cosmere
6:39 Why do gemstones crack when Stormlight is drawn out of them quickly?
9:43 Would Plate perfectly fit on horses?
11:20 Hoid will learn he got hornswoggled in the beginning chapters of SA5
13:21 Are the Intents of all the Shards related to the individuals who were involved in the Shattering?
15:35 What are dragons like in the cosmere?
17:53 Jezrien's death broke the Oathpact
23:06 Does Nightblood view Investiture as evil?
24:48 Mistborn becoming Cognitive Shadows
27:42 Jasnah surviving in Shadesmar
32:12 Khriss on Roshar?
33:00 Shallan's timeline is intricate
34:14 Does Investiture exist without Connection?
46:17 What question about the cosmere does Khriss most want answered?
47:31 Dustbringers have a lot of variety
49:31 Onto Mini-Con, and a note about paraphrased WoBs
50:54 Are the aethers native to multiple worlds?
54:17 Odium double-crossing Autonomy
1:01:30 Medallions without Hemalurgy
1:03:02 Is there more than 1 dragon amongst the Shards?
1:07:30 Hoid should not be a Rosharan Lightweaver
1:10:35 Are there other Surges that are also versions of Yolish magic?
1:13:06 Is Renarin the first Truthwatcher of his kind?
1:15:56 Are Soulburner and Starburner the same project?
1:17:54 God Metals are why metal is weird in the cosmere
1:20:19 Isaac's cosmere Nikki Savage story!
1:21:36 Kimmalyn is gay!
1:24:22 Could a Bondsmith bond a Shard to something?
1:27:07 Is Hoid's hair naturally white?
1:28:08 How many worldhoppers at Kelesina Shores' party?
1:29:41 Worldhopper in TLM from a culture inspired by India
1:31:03 Are Aimians descendants of humans and honorspren?
1:33:15 Could Shai make a stamp to make her temporarily a Mistborn with lerasium?
1:35:57 Are the Ghostbloods on Roshar the same organization as the Set on Scadrial?
1:36:52 Is splitting ettmetal like creation of anti-Light?
1:39:39 Taravangian now sees what the Diagram was an inferior version of
1:42:04 Is Harmony bound by Ruin and Preservation's deal?
1:44:23 Rivals to Hoid's power, aethers and dragons!
1:45:48 Can Wax talk to Harmony from another system via earring?
1:46:50 What lies attracted a Cryptic to Tien?
1:48:45 Leeching/nicrobursting Feruchemy
1:52:13 Kaladin's yellow eyes
1:55:18 Hemalurgy in Desolations
2:03:44 Dalinar Connecting Kaladin to Tien
2:07:17 Could Navani open a perpendicularity?
2:14:03 Spiritwebs out of raw Investiture
2:17:01 Are there other God Metals anyone can burn?
2:18:21 Is Vax a good place to get vaccines?
2:20:40 Who's That Cosmere Character
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Odium Double-Crossing Autonomy!? Late 2021 Words of Brandon Part 1 | Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast