The Grind Of The Grace - Part 10: James 5:7-11
Part 12 in our Grind of the Grace series.From carbon to diamond, only through patience and faithfulness in the midst of immense trials.
Part 12 in our Grind of the Grace series.From carbon to diamond, only through patience and faithfulness in the midst of immense trials.
James cautions us against a life lived independent from God - James 4:14-17
Wisdom from above causes a transformation that causes us Iive in unity and peace with our neighbours - James 3:13-18
Check it, Mate - The tongue is powerful. So use it wisely! Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
The resurrection changes everything!
It’s clear and simple; Genuine Faith leads to Genuine Fruit. James 2:13-26
It’s clear and simple; Christians shouldn’t discriminate! - James 2:1-13
James identifies the fruit of the faith but he also helps us to see what true Christian faith practically looks like.
God has a plan for your life, a purpose for your suffering and has made a promise that your momentary affliction will pass away when His son returns to make all things new. James 1:13-18
Q&A with Wendy-Leigh and One
Lekgotla: Brokeness by Rooted Fellowship
James offers an encouraging and unique perspective on the hardships and trials of life that we will go through. See how God uses these times to prove and improve our faith whilst at the same time our faith is what sustains us through the hard times. James 1:2-12
James advocates that what we believe, will be evident in how we behave. Faith without works is dead.Featuring Ndandilambie by Redeeming Syllables full version available here:
Ndandilamible(I was hungry)Wandipha kulok ‘obunako(you gave me from what you had)Ndandinxaniwe(I was thirsty)Wandiselis’ amanzi wakho(you gave me your water to drink)Ukhol ‘oluphilayo(faith that is alive)Lubonakala ngezenzo(is seen by its works)Ukhol ‘oluphilayo(faith that is alive)Lufumaneka kuYesu(Is found in Jesus)Faith is a meal best served livingIt is IsaacSilentLike a lamb led to the slaughterHe opened not his mouthIt is Abraham in mid-worshipHand raised up highReady to cut short his own l...
God's ultimate purpose in us being united at Rooted Fellowship in 2018 is for Jesus to be glorified and thus to see the world awakened to the wonder of God and His transcultural church. John 17:1-26
The Lords Table screams community. It’s our opportunity to be reminded yet again that we are wonderful made for fellowship, as we bless, break and behold together. - 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone - Hebrews 12:1-2 Part 1 - Made for Fellowship Please Note: We apologize for the poor sound quality due to technical difficulty experienced.
The Gospel that is, good news to the poor, frees the captives, gives sight to the blind and liberates the oppressed, is the only Gospel we desperately need in 2018 and beyond!
Christ’s death and resurrection removes the chains of fear and bondage, so that we might serve God in holiness and righteousness. Luke 1:57-80
If place could speak by Redeeming Syllables
Sonke Singcolile (Dear Maboneng)by Redeeming Syllables
God has not rejected us - A look at Lamentations 5 featuring "Sonke Singcolile (Dear Maboneng)" and "If places could talk" spoken word by Redeeming Syllables
Listen to the words of Jeremiah who suffered along with his people because of their sin, and put your hope in Jesus who suffered in place of His people because of their sin. - Lamentations 3
Q & A with Joey Mongalo and One Mokgatle
Main session with Joey Mongalo
God's righteous anger is the first step in restoring his relationship with his disobedient people (Israel) and it reveals to his people their true hope and security. At the cross of Christ God's righteous anger was revealed and satisfied. Lamentations 2 and 4
Our Lament, starts and ends with GOD and that's a GOOD thing - Lamentations 1:1-22
We have the privilege of a King that is listening, what is our request to Him?" Nehemiah 2:1-8
The Gospel Advances Philippians 1:12-18
When we cry out Oh Lord remember me, this causes us to put our trust and faith in Jesus once more.