Advent: Rescued From Sin
Colossians 2:13-15 (CSB) Christ conquered sin, death and Satan. God sent His son on a mission to rescue us and through him we have been liberated. In Him we have also conquered.
Colossians 2:13-15 (CSB) Christ conquered sin, death and Satan. God sent His son on a mission to rescue us and through him we have been liberated. In Him we have also conquered.
John 3:16-19 (CSB) God has the power, authority, and position to condemn us for all our sins, yet he graciously sent Jesus Christ, who gave his life as ransom for us. Through Jesus, God's rescue mission not only frees us from condemnation, it gives us eternal life.
Luke 2: 1-20 (CSB) Part 2 of our Advent Series details how the birth of a baby in a Manger, in a small town called Bethlehem, is a pivotal moment in God's Rescue Mission. Jesus' birth ushers in God's plan to rescue us from this broken world. We are called to worship, praise, and spread the Gospel.
Colossians 1:9-14 (CSB) Jesus' perfect life, selfless death, and triumphal resurrection has rescued us from darkness. In part 1 of our Advent series, we are reminded why we need rescuing. God's rescue mission should lead to lives filled with gratitude to Him.
Hebrews 13:20-25 (CSB) In the final sermon on the Book of Hebrews, we are reminded that the God of peace will equip us with everything good to do his will. We are called to respond by glorifying God through obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 13:7-19 (CSB) The elders' primary responsibility is the oversight of Doctrine, Direction, Discipline, and to model lives of Distinction. Pastor One Mokgatle and the Elders at Rooted Fellowship hold a panel discussion on these 4 areas of leadership.
As we enter the last 2 months of the year, what can we as disciples of the Lord Jesus learn from Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42.
Hebrews 13: 1-6 (CSB) How we see God changes everything. If we look at him through the lens of the Bible, we will be overcome with awe and reverence, and this will have a massive impact on how we live others and engage in community.
Mark 4:35-41 CSB Seeing Jesus for who is in the midst of storms and acknowledging him in his full revealed identity in our daily lives.
Hebrews 12:14-29 (CSB)
Hebrews 12:3-13 Discipline from the Lord is evidence of Gods love towards you and His desire to grow you. So don’t reject it … receive it.
Hebrews 10:32-12:1-2 (CSB) If you want to persevere in your walk with Jesus - you need to have FAITH.
Hebrews 10:26-31 (CSB) The writer of Hebrews takes time to warn us of a road that according to Jesus, many, take. It’s a road that leads to judgement and can be avoided by trusting in Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Heed the warning - see the grace and live in it.
James 5:13-20 (CSB) The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
One Mokgatle Romans 10:1-13 The simplicity of salvation is confess and believe.
Joey Mongalo 2 Corinthians 15:18-21 We are reconciled to be reconcilers.
HEBREWS 10:19-25(CSB) In view of all that Christ has done for us, primarily in the sacrifice of Himself on the cross for our sakes, we are encouraged to do three things - three ways the blood of Jesus calls us to respond. So let us…
God’s adoption of us was intentional, it was costly, it saved us from death, it blesses us with a relationship with our Father as we are given a Spirit of sonship and it confers an eternal inheritance upon us. Thank you God for this blessing that flows from regeneration.
Regeneration or being born again is one of God’s mysteries. However, as theologians, there is much to discover and learn about it, as we examine Jesus’ words on being born again in John 3.
HEBREWS 9:11-10:18 (CSB) Sin is a major problem, but Jesus is a great Savior, and because of Him, because of His body broken for us and His blood shed for us we can have peace with God.
HEBREWS 9:1-14 (CSB) Are you paralyzed by a dirty? Does that feeling of moral stain on your soul leave you in despair and hopelessness? There is one solution; only one thing that can cleanse and make you whole and that is the blood of Jesus Christ shed at the cross for you and me. And for anyone who believes that counted for them – you will be saved.
Hebrews 8:1 - 13 (CSB) The writer of Hebrews brings to conclusion the Superiority of Jesus Christ's priesthood and how this priesthood mediates over a heavenly covenant. All of this is anchored in God being the one that does the work.
John 11:1-44 (ESV) Jesus calls you by name to come out of the empty tomb. Take off your grave clothes and live in the freedom He has purchased for you by His death and resurrection.
HEBREWS 7:1-28 (CSB) The author of Hebrews in chapter 7 clearly states that Jesus is better than any sacrificial system ever written under Moses. Jesus is the faithful and merciful high priest we need.
A follower of Jesus should want to make the most they can in order to make the biggest impact they can all for the Glory of God and the advancing of His Kingdom.
We are called to give our first and best because God gave us His first and best in Jesus. Our response to the Gospel should compel us to be generous with everything, and this includes our money and resources.
The Bible teaches that it’s possible to wisely save and invest for the future while also being rich toward God by storing up treasures in heaven. Saving and investing honours God because it rightly values money as a gift that He has given to us.
If we are to live the abundant life in our finances and manage money like grownups, we must first be honest with ourselves. Are we driven by fear, that leads to control or neglect? This will never lead to the abundant life. We must anchor ourselves in the Biblical truths that shape our understanding about money and God.
HEBREWS 6:9-20 (CSB) After giving three stern warnings the author of Hebrews begins to encourage the people of God, reminding them that God – who makes a promise and swears an oath – cannot lie! Therefore we can take Him at His word.
HEBREWS 5:11-6:8 (CSB) The author of Hebrews gives some strong warnings that we should listen to. Be careful of immaturity, ambiguity and forgery that leads to apostasy.