Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of cooking and eating a butternut squash that you found while walking your dog. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 The Basics of Verbing Nouns | Grammarly Blog Scott Adams: Chris and Matt Go to Hell - Decoding the Gurus Prevent Rot of Winter Squash in Storage The Only Way To Store Butternut Squash, According to a Food Expert...
Dec 30, 2024•9 min•Ep 713•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of using the alley behind your butcher shop for staging turkey smoking. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Microwave Sparking? 5 Common Causes - Ocean Appliance Feast of the Seven Fishes - Wikipedia An Italian American Christmas: It’s not Traditional, but It’s Our Tradition | Italian Sons and Daughters of America Belmont Butchery with your turkey in a filthy alley : r/rva You All Owe Belmont Butchery an Apology : r/rva Regarding...
Dec 27, 2024•14 min•Ep 712•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of leaving cookies and milk out for Santa, and carrots for his reindeer. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 How To Celebrate The Winter Solstice How does Santa make it around the world in one night? | HowStuffWorks Is Santa Claus immune to COVID-19? - YouTube Immunologists convinced Santa has a great immune system - News & Events | Trinity College Dublin...
Dec 25, 2024•14 min•Ep 711•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks associated with mysterious green spots in ice cream. Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - risky ☣️ Jeni’s Ice Creams A Greenish-Black Discoloration of Chocolate Ice Cream...
Dec 23, 2024•13 min•Ep 710•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from eating homemade roasted sriracha chickpeas left at room temperature for three days. Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - risky ☣️ Roasted Sriracha Chickpeas - ShortGirlTallOrder Easy Roasted Chickpeas - Super Healthy Kids
Dec 20, 2024•9 min•Ep 709•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from using expired pasteurized cows milk used for yogurt. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 563. Chris’s Yogurt Without Heating — Risky or Not? 128. Milk on the Counter Over Night — Risky or Not? Foods Near the End of Their Shelf Life - Consumption Recommendations | Consumer Food Waste Community of Practice | Connect Staphylococcus aureus Toxin Formation in Hydrated Batter Mixes...
Dec 18, 2024•11 min•Ep 708•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of eating fruit that has been bitten by a bat Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - risky ☣️ Teacher Bitten By Bat In Classroom Dies Of Rabies Zoonotic Exposures: Bites, Stings, Scratches & Other Hazards | CDC Yellow Book 2024 Unrecognized diversity of mammalian orthoreoviruses in North American bats - ScienceDirect Rabies - Frequently Asked Questions | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Ecology and Host Identity Outweigh Evolutionary History i...
Dec 16, 2024•14 min•Ep 707•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of reusing a tomato sauce lid after it has been licked by a dog. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Hit Somebody! (The Hockey Song) - YouTube Microbiota populations in supragingival plaque, subgingival plaque, and saliva habitats of adult dogs | Animal Microbiome The Impact of Dogs Oral Microbiota on Human Health: A review – Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia Cultivable Oral Microbiota of Domestic Dogs | Journal of Clinical...
Dec 13, 2024•24 min•Ep 706•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from washing poultry blotting towels in cold water. Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Kitchen cloths: Consumer practices, drying properties and bacterial growth and survival - ScienceDirect 1 Million Dollars Scene | AUSTIN POWERS (1997) Movie CLIP HD - YouTube...
Dec 11, 2024•16 min•Ep 705•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from eating a paper ballot. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Arc de Triomphe - Wikipedia Acrylamide | ToxFAQs™ | ATSDR Safety Data Sheet - Voters Ink An unusual case of xylophagia (paper-eating) - PMC Do By Friday ChatGPT- is it safe to eat a paper ballot A meta‐analysis of pica and micronutrient status - Miao - 2015 - American Journal of Human Biology - Wiley Online Library ChatGPT - how many episodes make an arc?...
Dec 09, 2024•16 min•Ep 704•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks using a strangers paper napkin found in a parking lot. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Keep America Beautiful: The Crying Indian (1970) - YouTube Iron Eyes Cody - Wikipedia First Thanksgiving - SNL - YouTube...
Dec 06, 2024•15 min•Ep 703•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of reusing a paper towel used to cover microwaved Kraft Dinner. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Kraft Dinner - Wikipedia Barenaked Ladies – If I Had $1,000,000 Lyrics | Genius Lyrics Can you use the plastic cake covers you get at the store and use them as microwave covers? - Quora ChatGPT - Microwaving Mac and Cheese...
Dec 04, 2024•14 min•Ep 702•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks reusing unwashed cutlery that has food particles attached. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Food Utensil Bacteriology - PMC Microbiological assessment of cutleries - MedCrave online Contamination of knives and graters by bacterial foodborne pathogens during slicing and grating of produce - ScienceDirect Enterobacter aerogenes B199A May Be an Effective Surrogate for Quantifying Transfer of Salmonella Newport 96E01152C-TX from C...
Dec 02, 2024•16 min•Ep 701•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks associated by getting kissed once by your dog with tongue. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 284. Dog Kisses — Risky or Not? Grey Cup - Wikipedia People Kissing Dogs in Mouth | TikTok Zoonoses in the Bedroom CDC podcast transcript Zoonoses in the Bedroom - Volume 17, Number 2—February 2011 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC Pasturella Multocida Meningitis in a Dog Lover (or Don’t Kiss Pets!) Pasturella multocida menin...
Nov 29, 2024•22 min•Ep 700•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from using a black plastic spatula. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Throw Out Your Black Plastic Spatula - The Atlantic Black plastics: Linear and circular economies, hazardous additives and marine pollution - ScienceDirect Food Packaging & Other Substances that Come in Contact with Food - Information for Consumers | FDA Mercer Culinary M35110GY Hell’s Tools® 12” Gray High Temperature Slotted Turner / Spatula Precautionary pr...
Nov 27, 2024•13 min•Ep 699•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks associated with deep frying a turkey. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 AB’s safer method of deep frying a turkey Some assembly required : r/PaymoneyWubby Shatner Loses it in Recording Studio - YouTube Thanksgiving Day Fires in Residential Buildings (2014-2016) Deep-fried Turkey: Delicious or Dangerous? | scienceandfooducla Turkey Fryer Fire Safety William Shatner Turkey Fryer - YouTube Michael D. Brown - Wikipedia Thomas Elber...
Nov 25, 2024•16 min•Ep 698•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from Thanksgiving leftovers. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 FoodKeeper App | FoodSafety.gov Cooling Uncovered Foods at a Depth of ∼5.1 cm (2 in.) or Less Poses Little Risk of Pathogen Growth - ScienceDirect Merch — Risky or Not?...
Nov 22, 2024•13 min•Ep 697•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from thawing a turkey in the garage. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 631. Thawing a Whole Turkey in a Hot Garage Twice — Risky or Not? 86. Thawing Poultry at Room Temperature — Risky or Not? Don Schaffner 🦠 on X: “Room temperature thawing of frozen meat is an interesting topic that comes up from time to time. If you check all of the food safety advice websites they will tell you that it is not safe to do this. (1/18)” / X Th...
Nov 20, 2024•14 min•Ep 696•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from rinsing your turkey in the sink. Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - risky ☣️ 1: Non-Canonical First Episode — Risky or Not? Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing A brief history of chicken washing Should You Wash Chicken? Nutrition Security and Food Safety in Rural Texas - College of Agriculture Food and Natural Resources Merch — Risky or Not?...
Nov 18, 2024•16 min•Ep 695•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from relying on a pop up thermometer. Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - risky ☣️ Kitchen Thermometers | Food Safety and Inspection Service Developing a Citizen Science Method to Collect Whole Turkey Thermometer Usage Behaviors Changes in Lighting Source Can Produce Inaccurate Assessment of Visual Poultry Doneness and Induce Consumers To Eat Undercooked Ground Turkey Patties - ScienceDirect Merch — Risky or Not?...
Nov 15, 2024•16 min•Ep 694•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks posed by inexperienced home chefs and potlucks. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 CDC identifies bacteria that killed 3 who ate church meal | Food Safety News Bacteria that killed 3 at Antioch Thanksgiving dinner pinpointed Consumer Food Handling in the Home: A Review of Food Safety Studies - ScienceDirect Food Safety in Home Kitchens: A Synthesis of the Literature Where Does Foodborne Illness Happen—in the Home, at Foodservice...
Nov 13, 2024•17 min•Ep 693•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of eating guacamole left out overnight. Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - risky ☣️ Mild Guacamole - Yucatan Guacamole Yucatan Authentic Guacamole 16 oz, 16 oz - Kroger Avocados - Food Source Information Behavior of Listeria monocytogenes in Avocado Pulp and Processed Guacamole - ScienceDirect Effect of storage temperature and time on the behavior of Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and background microbiota on whole fresh avocados (Persea americ...
Nov 11, 2024•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of drinking a freeze dried beef organs and colostrum smoothie. Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - risky ☣️ Social Media Analytics and Publishing - Fedica (Formerly Tweepsmap) Post | LinkedIn Erewhon’s Raw Animal-Based Smoothie has organs, unpasteurized dairy - Los Angeles Times Erewhon How to Pronounce Erewhon (Correctly!) - YouTube Bovine lymph nodes as a source of Escherichia coli contamination of the meat - ScienceDirect Merch — Risky or Not?...
Nov 08, 2024•12 min•Ep 691•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of letting a toddler eat raw flour. Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - risky ☣️ 684. Recalled Treehouse Waffles — Risky or Not? Brantford - Wikipedia Consumption of Raw Flour in the United States: Results from the 2019 U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Safety and Nutrition Survey - ScienceDirect Consumer Knowledge and Behaviors Regarding Food Safety Risks Associated with Wheat Flour - ScienceDirect Notes from the Field: Multistate Outbreak of E...
Nov 06, 2024•11 min•Ep 690•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from eating mussels still unopened after cooking. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 What does it mean if a clam is open or closed before cooking? Is one better to eat than the other, and why? - Quora Why can’t you eat shellfish that didn’t open during cooking? : r/AskCulinary Mussel Did You Knows - Mussel Facts - PEI Mussels Information Mussels | Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference A comparative study of the effect of di...
Nov 04, 2024•19 min•Ep 689•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of slivered onions today in light of the ongoing outbreak. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 E. coli Outbreak Linked to McDonald’s Quarter Pounders | E. coli infection | CDC Taylor Farms: Leading Producer of Healthy Salads & Fresh Foods E. Coli Outbreak Tied to McDonald’s Widens to 75 People in 13 States - The New York Times California firm recalls onion products amid E. coli outbreak - Los Angeles Times Outbreak Investigation ...
Nov 01, 2024•22 min•Ep 688•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from eating Nerds Gummy Clusters (when you are not allergic to Carmine B). Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Nerds Gummy Clusters: The internet is obsessed. That was entirely by design. Color Additives | FDA Small Entity Compliance Guide: Declaration by Name on the Label of All Foods and Cosmetic Products that Contain Cochineal Extract and Carmine | FDA Color Additives Questions and Answers for Consumers | FDA Color Additives H...
Oct 30, 2024•12 min•Ep 687•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of eating an egg fried on Astroturf. Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - risky ☣️ Heat Levels — Safe Healthy Playing Fields Toxicity/Carcinogens — Safe Healthy Playing Fields “The Artificial Turf at the Women’s World Cup Was Reportedly 120 Degrees at Kick Off” — Safe Healthy Playing Fields The artificial turf at the Women’s World Cup was reportedly 120 degrees at kick off - The Washington Post Surface Temperature of Synthetic Turf ChatGPT - Eggs on A...
Oct 28, 2024•18 min•Ep 686•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of pouring unused maple syrup back into the container. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Identification of Microbial Spoilage in Maple Syrup Samples Mold in Maple Syrup Fungi in Ontario maple syrup & some factors that determine the presence of mold damage - ScienceDirect Fungi Associated with Pure Maple Syrup Packed at the Minimum Recommended Reheating Temperature - ScienceDirect Brix: The Essential Knowledge The Science of Syr...
Oct 25, 2024•17 min•Ep 685•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks from waffles currently recalled for Listeria monocytogenes . Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 559. Waffles — Risky or Not? Merch — Risky or Not? “We promise not to waffle” graphic tee, long sleeve tee, tank, onesie, pullover crewneck, and pullover hoodie by Don Schaffner. | Cotton Bureau TreeHouse Foods Announces Voluntary Recall of Certain Waffle Products Due to the Potential for Listeria monocytogenes Contamination | FDA Upd...
Oct 23, 2024•19 min•Ep 684•Transcript available on Metacast