The frustrating part of science is that it takes time. It takes time to validate an experimental process, duplicate the process enough times to verify that the results are relatively predictable, and to calculate and demonstrate the statistical probabilities.
When it comes to doing research about health and wellness, it’s hard to wait out the time for scientific validation for compassionate reasons. The Hippocratic oath starts with the promise to “first do no harm."
But the science behind healthcare can sometimes create a dilemma.
In today’s Quantum Revolution episode, we’re going to be talking with Dr. Peta Stapleton who has been building a body of scientific evidence behind the Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT. Some of you may know it as “tapping."
While the practice of EFT tapping has not been around as long as acupuncture, one of the main components of EFT is the gentle tapping on those same energy lines, or meridians, used in acupuncture and acupressure. When combined with some current psychotherapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure Therapy, tapping yields amazing results.
EFT was developed by Gary Craig in the 1990s based on his study of work done by Roger Callahan in Thought Field Therapy (TFT). TFT was one of the first methods in what is now called Energy Psychology. As Craig realized the potential of this approach, he worked to refine and simplify the techniques while maintaining positive, measurable results: an evidence-based methodology. He ultimately developed a simple yet very profound set of techniques which he made available to everyone on his website
Dr. Peta Stapleton is a registered clinical and health Psychologist and Associate Professor at Bond University (Australia) who embraces evidence-based and innovative techniques. Dr. Stapleton is a world-leading researcher in Emotional Freedom Techniques (‘Tapping’) and led a world first study investigating brain changes after EFT. She was awarded the Harvey Baker Research Award for meticulous research (Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology), and was named 2019 Psychologist of the Year (Australian Allied Health Awards). Dr. Staplteon has also authored The Science Behind Tapping: A Proven Stress Management Technique for the Mind and Body (Hay House), which won Best Self-Help Book (2019 Best Book Awards, American Book Fest).
Find Dr. Stapleton on social media, she would love to connect!
Twitter: @petastapleton
Instagram: @petastapleton
Research publications:
Dr. Stapleton’s clinical food craving program based on research trials:
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In the education system, that are more than two generations of students moving through the school system who do not benefit from the most current educational research, something you’ll learn about in our next Quantum Revolution episode. We hope you will join Karen Curry Parker and her guest Dr. Naomi Fisher on our next episode, we'll see you there!