Pilot to Pilot - Aviation Podcast - podcast cover

Pilot to Pilot - Aviation Podcast

Justin Siemswww.pilottopilothq.com
The Pilot to Pilot podcast is a place for aviators to come for inspiration and encouragement. We aim to help all types of aviators to continue pursuing their aviation dreams, whether that be flying commercially or flying for fun.


E270 - State of the Industry

Have you ever wanted inside info on what’s going on in the Aviation industry? Well this is the episode for you. In todays episode Dr. Jim Higgins and I talk about the Pilot shortage, why some airlines have paused hiring and what the future might look like with automation.

May 02, 202351 minEp 270Transcript available on Metacast

E269 Corporate Pilot For Life

Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with corporate Pilot for life, Claire! Corporate flying and Fractional flying are a legit career and if you’re interested you should give it a shot!

Apr 25, 20231 hr 3 minEp 269Transcript available on Metacast

268 - Jim Higgins Pilot, Teacher and Former MEC Chairman

Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with Jim Higgins. Now, this isn’t your normal state of the industry podcast. Todays podcast is all about Jim and his story, and let me tell you, it does not disappoint. Jim’s story is a great one.

Apr 18, 20231 hr 14 minEp 268Transcript available on Metacast

E265- Kevin the Editor : Corporate Over Airlines

Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with Pilot to Pilot podcast editor, Kevin. Find out how Kevin became the editor and why he chose the corporate life over airlines.

Mar 22, 20231 hr 13 minEp 265Transcript available on Metacast

E264- Stuart Cory DPE

Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today is a DPE PilotCheckride episode. Ever want to to know what is going through the mind of your DPE? Well, these are the episodes for you! BEST GROUND SCHOOL APP use code JUSTIN for 10% off! BEST PROTEIN POWDER FOR PILOTS   Happy Flying, Justin...

Mar 15, 202345 minEp 264Transcript available on Metacast

E263 -State of the Industry Delta’s New Contract

Avination, what is going on and welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is all about the aviation Industry. We are talking Deltas contract, JetBlue Spirit merger, and all the latest aviation news.

Mar 08, 20231 hr 10 minEp 263Transcript available on Metacast

E262 Army Golden Knight

Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today’s episode is with former Golden Knight and current CFI and Pilot Dave Herwig. Find out what it takes to become an Army Golden Knight and why Dave became a pilot. Best multivitamin- https://1stphorm.com/products/micro-factor?A_AID=Jsiems

Mar 01, 20231 hr 11 minEp 262Transcript available on Metacast

E261 - Heavy Metal Ferry Pilot

Avination welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. A stomach bug worked through my house this week and I wasn’t able to record a new episode. Today we are re releasing an all time favorite. @sg_nomad on Instagram has one of the coolest aviation jobs and he makes some dope videos too. Check out his story and let us know what you think.

Feb 22, 20231 hr 15 minEp 261Transcript available on Metacast

E260 - State of the Aviation Industry

Avination, welcome back to another State of the Industry podcast. Today Jim and I are talking about all of aviations hottest topics.

Feb 14, 202355 minEp 260Transcript available on Metacast

E259 - Cirrus CEO Zean Nielsen

Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, we are talking with Cirrus CEO, Zean Nielsen. In todays episode we cover the good and bad of 2022, forecast for 2023 and talk anything and everything General Aviation. Go to greens on the road https://1stphorm.com/products/opti-greens-50-stick-packs?A_AID=Jsiems

Feb 07, 202342 minEp 259Transcript available on Metacast

258 - Your Aviation Questions Answered

Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is an AMA. Want your aviation question answered? Make sure you follow @pilottopilot on IG!

Feb 01, 202323 minEp 258Transcript available on Metacast

A day in the Life of a Corporate Pilot

Episode 257 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast is a day in the life of a corporate pilot. In this episode, I rundown what day 2 of a 7 day tour looks like. It includes an airline, 1 minute flight and a 4 hour flight. Best Protein - https://1stphorm.com/products/level-1?_pos=2&_psq=protein&_ss=e&_v=1.0&variant=31157418262614?A_AID=Jsiems

Jan 24, 202310 minEp 257Transcript available on Metacast

Bill Noe Former President and COO of NetJets

Avination, what’s is going on and welcome back to episode 256 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. I’m todays episode, I’m talking with one of my mentors, Bill Noe. Bill started out as a pilot but eventually rose to become COO and President of NetJets. He is currently running a newly formed flight school for Marshall University. Also, hear a crazy story about how Urban Meyer introduced me to Bill! My go to way to get quality greens on the road https://1stphorm.com/products/opti-greens-50-stick-packs?A...

Jan 17, 20231 hrEp 256Transcript available on Metacast

Schmiiindy takeover

Avination welcome back to episode 255 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today is the last re run as we have new content coming next week! Today is a rerelease or two of my least favorite people on IG 😂. They are some cool people living everyone’s dream of owning a vintage Cessna 182!

Jan 10, 20231 hr 5 minEp 255Transcript available on Metacast

Amy White:Coast Guard to Regional Pilot

Avination, welcome back to episode 254. Amy just recently was hired as a regional pilot. Listen to her story to see how she got to where she is today.

Jan 04, 20231 hr 14 minEp 254Transcript available on Metacast

Flying with Type 1 Diabetes

Episode 253 Takes off now! Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with Pietro who was the first pilot to receive his first class medical with Type 1 Diabetes

Dec 28, 20221 hr 20 minEp 253Transcript available on Metacast

Anthony Pentz: Aviation Entrepreneur

Avination, welcome back to episode 251 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast! Todays episode is with, Anthony Pentz Anthony and I graduated from Ohio State together and it’s been so cool to see him build up Foxtrot Aviation! To learn more about Anthony check out todays episode.

Dec 21, 20221 hr 15 minEp 251Transcript available on Metacast

Im an Instrument Pilot, now what?

Pilot to Pilot episode 251. So you’re an Instrument pilot and want to know what to do next? Well this episode is for you! https://1stphorm.com/collections/meal-replacement-proteins/products/power-pro-bar/?A_AID=Jsiems

Dec 13, 202256 minEp 251Transcript available on Metacast

State of The Industry

Avination, welcome back to episode 250 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is a State of the Industry podcast with Jim Higgins!

Dec 06, 202238 minEp 250Transcript available on Metacast

Ask me Anything!

Avination! Today is an AMA episode, where I answer your questions! Make sure you’re following Pilot to Pilot on Instagram so you can have your question answered on the next AMA. https://1stphorm.com/products/vegan-power-pro-bar/?a_aid=JSiems

Nov 29, 202220 minEp 249Transcript available on Metacast

Captain Moonbeam: Corporate Pilot

Best protein bars https://1stphorm.com/products/vegan-power-pro-bar/?a_aid=JSiems Episode 248 with Captain Moonbeam! Kitchen chronicles is still upon us. New content coming soon!

Nov 23, 20221 hr 25 minEp 248Transcript available on Metacast

19 Year Old PC12 Pilot

Check out the best Protein Bars of all time https://1stphorm.com/products/vegan-power-pro-bar/?a_aid=JSiems Avination, welcome back to episode 247 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast! Todays episode is with Jace Brennan, a 19 year old PC12 pilot. This is a re release and Jace has since moved to Hawaii where he is still flying a PC12!

Nov 15, 20221 hr 14 minEp 247Transcript available on Metacast

Corporate Pilot building time for Southwest!

Avination, welcome back to episode 246 of the Pilot o Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with Jeremy Grodin. Jeremy built his time by flying corporate in hopes to land his dream flying job.

Nov 08, 202257 minEp 246Transcript available on Metacast

Regional Pilot Leaves for ATC

Avination, what is going on and welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with James Heath. James is a regional pilot who left to become an air traffic controller!

Nov 01, 20221 hr 13 minEp 245Transcript available on Metacast

Checkride tips from an examiner

Avination, welcome to episode 244 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today we are announcing a new podcast called, PilotCheckride. Hosted by DPE, Stuart Cory! Today, Stuart tells us his five best tips for a successful Checkride

Oct 25, 202233 minEp 244Transcript available on Metacast

JetBlue Buys Spirit - State of the Industry

Avination, we have some exciting news. We are launching a new podcast under the Pilot to Pilot Brand. Here is the first episode of the State of the Industry podcast, featuring Jim Higgins!

Oct 18, 202238 minEp 243Transcript available on Metacast

Kim Kissh: Corporate Pilot

Avination, welcome back to episode 242 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today is a re release of Kim Kissh. Check out her path to becoming a corporate Pilot!

Oct 11, 202258 minEp 242Transcript available on Metacast

Garmin Aviation - Autoland

The award winning Autoland technology gets an in-depth interview. Find out what Autoland means for General Aviation and the future of aviation.

Oct 04, 202244 minEp 241Transcript available on Metacast

Rich Rafferty: CFI Building Hours

Avination, welcome back to episode 240 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with CFI and content creator, Rich Rafferty. Rich didn’t know he wanted to become a pilot until a google search of high paying jobs without a degree. He then took an intro flight and was hooked. Learn more about Rich in todays episode. Make sure to follow him on Instagram @rich__rafferty. Happy flying!

Sep 27, 20221 hr 9 minEp 240Transcript available on Metacast
Pilot to Pilot - Aviation Podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast