Heart muscle contraction and repolarization is dependent on Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium ions crossing cellular membranes.
When a patient’s potassium levels get too low or too high, hypokalemia or hyperkalemia results respectively.
Two things that may lead us to suspect hypo or hyperkalemia.
Medical conditions & medications that can cause potassium imbalance.
ECG changes seen in hypo and hyperkalemia.
Critical lab values that would indicate a need for treatment.
Emergent, ACLS interventions for hypokalemia and hyperkalemia.
Additional information on causes of hypo and hyperkalemia can be found on Ninja Nerd podcast. Check out the pod resources page at passacls.com.
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Helpful Listener Links:
Practice ECG rhythms at Dialed Medics - https://dialedmedics.com/