Once again, Natalie Wexler has inspired a podcast episode! Today, Melissa and Lori discuss the new reality of many - schools are closed, and families and caregivers are wondering how to support their kids at home? Resources : How to Engage Kids and Build Their Knowledge When Schools are Closed, Natalie Wexler Get FREE Knowledge On The Go with ELA, Math, and Science lessons taught by virtual teachers at Greatminds.org Audible by Amazon Tumblebooks Book Library Foundational Skills: Florida Center ...
Mar 21, 2020•20 min•Ep 25•Transcript available on Metacast Robin McClellan, is the Supervisor of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction for Sullivan County Public Schools in Sullivan County, TN, but even more importantly is a cheerleader for high-quality curricula (HQC) and a member of Curriculum Matters PLN. In Sullivan County, she spearheaded the implementation of high quality curricula across eleven elementary schools - in this podcast, she tells us all about it - and how the team she refers to as the "Game Changers" truly changed the trajec...
Mar 20, 2020•47 min•Ep 24•Transcript available on Metacast Today Emily Hanford joins Melissa and Lori to define the Science of Reading, addressing the current misinterpretation of the term and what it really means. She shares thoughts on teacher prep programs and where teachers get knowledge about what or how to teach, contemplates why teacher prep programs are not preparing teachers to teach kids how to read, and how curriculum plays a role in helping teachers who do not know the science of reading. Visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter. Fo...
Feb 10, 2020•1 hr 4 min•Ep 23•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 22: Dr. Sonja Santelises joined us to discuss why she saw the urgent need for change in Baltimore City Public Schools, how she set and supported a clear literacy focus through the Blueprint for Success and high-quality curricula, and the ongoing next steps that prevail. She is witty and sharp, but most of all, we appreciate her vision and boundless energy in this admittedly difficult work. Visit OUR WEBSITE to subscribe to our newsletter and podcast! https://www.literacypodcast.com/ Connect ...
Feb 10, 2020•45 min•Ep 22•Transcript available on Metacast David Liben's 'tell it like it is' style combined with his raw humor and literacy expertise make him an invaluable resource and information source on this podcast! He has worked with Student Achievement Partners (SAP) and synthesized research behind the CCSS. David discusses why old habits die hard, the impact of knowledge and vocabulary on comprehension, and why we've shifted away from leveled text to complex text for core instruction. Resources: Text at the Center by Liben ...
Jan 27, 2020•55 min•Ep 21•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Karen Vaites and Janise Lane unpack a recent visit to see Wit & Wisdom's high quality curricula in action Baltimore City Public Schools. After the visit, Karen posted this blog . It's a must-read! Visit OUR WEBSITE to subscribe to our newsletter and podcast! https://www.literacypodcast.com/ Connect with Melissa & Lori: Twitter Instagram Facebook Today is a great day to start your own podcast... If you’re thinking about it, we say GO FOR IT! We love Buzzsprout f...
Jan 10, 2020•25 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast Kate Walsh, President, of National Council on Teacher Quality, joins us today to discuss her recent article, Getting at the root of the school to prison pipeline . She shares details about her visit to the Legacy Museum in Montgomery, Alabama, and how that inspired her to write this article. A focus of NCTQ is whether or not the programs that prepare elementary teachers are making sure those aspiring teachers learn the science of reading. Teacher preparation programs play a key role in ensuring ...
Dec 30, 2019•50 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast Join us as we talk with Angelique Jessup, Program Director & Ruth Farfel, Program Associate, at Campaign for Grade Level Reading in Baltimore, MD. Find out how grade level reading has collaborated with City Schools to support high-quality curricula implementation and how they engage and support families with building knowledge on curricular topics. Follow Grade Level Reading on Instagram @bemorereadmore. Visit OUR WEBSITE to subscribe to our newsletter and podcast! https://www.literacypodcas...
Dec 04, 2019•39 min•Ep 18•Transcript available on Metacast Today Scott Dieter joins us to share the landscape in Lorain, OH pre-high-quality curricula implementation and the steps his district made to prioritize trust and confidence before and during the implementation process. He shares lessons learned from the curriculum pilot as well as pivotal implementation input from teachers involved in the pilot. Most importantly, the Lorain, OH team take a learner mindset stance as they embark on their Wit & Wisdom ELA journey. Scott's TRY mantra rings...
Nov 14, 2019•52 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast Join us as we hear from Brian Kingsley, CAO of Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools in Charlotte, NC. Brian shares his thoughts on how effective reading programs should be designed around evidence-based practices, how adopting a high-quality curricula and centering PD on curricula gives teachers a common purpose, resources to learn more about the science of reading, and advice to leaders who are looking to adopt high quality curricula. He is funny and thoughtful, you'll want to listen to this epis...
Nov 04, 2019•44 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast Catlin Goodrow, consultant at Evidently Reading, addresses common assumptions teachers and leaders have about high-quality curricula. Why aren't more districts, schools, and teachers using high-quality curricula? We debunk these assumptions in this episode! A central curriculum is boring/irrelevant. Providing a curriculum disrespects teacher expertise. Common Core-aligned curricula are "too rigorous" for our struggling readers. Find Catlin on Twitter @EvidentlyR & keep up with...
Oct 25, 2019•47 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast What happens when kids get to high school and are striving readers, struggling to fluently read grade-level text? We discuss the Libens' approach to addressing this issue, as well as share experiences of Baltimore City Schools Secondary Blueprint Literacy Coaches Zachary Jaffe & Tami James. Read Know Better, Do Better by David & Meredith Liben, Chapter 7, to have a deeper understanding of the springboard for our conversation. https://www.learningsciences.com/authors/meredith-liben/k...
Sep 24, 2019•50 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast TNTP's Kristen McQuillan and Regan Kelly share how important it is to adopt a high-quality curriculum. But... what happens after that? What should be considered as next steps? What's the bridge from adoption to implementation of a new curriculum? What does this mean for teachers? SO. MANY. QUESTIONS!!! LOTS of fabulous answers and ideas, grounded in research and experience. EdReports https://www.edreports.org/ TNTP's Opportunity Myth: https://tntp.org/publications/view/student-exp...
Sep 17, 2019•57 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast Learning from Liz Manolis' great mind (see what we did there?) on successful structures for implementation of Wit and Wisdom curriculum including the Spotlight Schools Visit Program to support leadership coaching, trends on implementation successes and challenges, and preparing for mindset shifts to trust the process. Liz-isms & Quotes: "Go slow to go fast." "Go back to go forward." "The Content Stages framework provides the skeleton, the structure needed for co...
Sep 04, 2019•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Melissa and Lori begin the conversation around equity and access with Bree-L Ukoha, a Blueprint Literacy Coach in Baltimore City Schools. Bree-L shares stories from the field and how adopting Wit and Wisdom curriculum was a step in the right direction of leveling the equity playing field for Baltimore students. Unbound Ed - 5 charges: https://blog.unbounded.org/reflecting-on-the-5-charges/ Adopt aligned curriculum Attend to language of standards Talk about race systematically Examine bias and it...
Aug 21, 2019•58 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast Today we are live with Natalie Wexler, the author of The Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of America’s Broken Education System–And How to Fix It (LISTENERS - IT’S AVAILABLE TODAY!). The book focuses on the lack of content in the elementary curriculum and its connection to what is commonly known as the achievement gap. Natalie provides a snapshot of research on building knowledge, then tangibly deconstructs the why and how behind the research making explicit connections to education classrooms tod...
Jul 31, 2019•51 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast Pun intended. This episode takes us into the world of Geodes - decodable readers that bridge foundational skills and Wit and Wisdom ELA - through building knowledge and accessible text. Melissa and Lori talk with Lorraine Griffith and Emily Gula, who share the research and insight behind the development of Geodes and how they can be used in classrooms, as well as (and most importantly) why Geodes are market disrupters. We can't wait for Baltimore City students to experience these special te...
Jul 24, 2019•1 hr 7 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast A teacher's perspective on curriculum implementation is invaluable... and today, we have not ONE, but TWO teacher perspectives on Wit and Wisdom year one implementation! Kyair and Katie are funny, smart, and have incredible learner-mindsets. They discuss the engagement of their students in texts and tasks, how Wit and Wisdom provides equity and opportunity, and their thoughts on teaching with an integrated (not isolated) curricula - a shift in mindset from the way 'school was done&apos...
Jul 09, 2019•1 hr 2 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast We are thrilled to have Janise Lane, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, share how Baltimore City Schools used research and strategy to drive the high-quality curriculum implementation of Wit and Wisdom for K-8 schools district-wide. City schools drove structures for leaders and teachers by anchoring curriculum focused professional development, led by Wit and Wisdom experts, and taking the approach of learning together. Janise shares replicable strategies, structures, and insider tips.....
Jun 29, 2019•53 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast Melissa was inspired by a quote in Brene Brown's book: Dare to Lead https://daretolead.brenebrown.com/ . Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics, who said, “In the past, jobs were about muscles, now they’re about brains, but in the future they’ll be about the heart.” Listen to her insightful and relatable take on curriculum with heart. Visit OUR WEBSITE to subscribe to our newsletter and podcast! https://www.literacypodcast.com/ Connect with Melissa & Lori: Twitter I...
Jun 16, 2019•9 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast We had the extreme pleasure of interviewing Amy Holbrook & Mandy Polen, literacy leads in Mad River, Ohio. The Mad River district adopted Wit and Wisdom's ELA curriculum two years ago district wide, and three years ago for several pilot schools. Since then, their teachers have been immersed in adaptive change and test scores have soared! They provide tangible strategies and tips for side by side implementation support, share what worked for them, and describe the real process. We can&ap...
Jun 06, 2019•53 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast Join us as we fangirl over Natalie Wexler's articles: The Biggest Education News Story You've Never Heard Of & Why American Students Haven't Gotten Better at Reading in 20 Years. We share our thoughts on the explicit connection to Wit & Wisdom curriculum, research, and building knowledge (CCSS Shift 3). https://nataliewexler.com/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/nataliewexler/2019/05/12/the-biggest-education-news-story-youve-never-heard-of/#af16b5b60d48 https://www.theatlantic...
May 29, 2019•17 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast Melissa and Lori dive into K-8 texts to highlight salty summer reads to get set for next school year! We share the why behind our choice for each summer read text choice and make recommendations for field trips and experiences connected to texts to further build background knowledge for students. Join us as you prep for summer - RSVP those books at the library NOW! Visit OUR WEBSITE to subscribe to our newsletter and podcast! https://www.literacypodcast.com/ Connect with Melissa & Lori: Twit...
May 20, 2019•42 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Common Core Shift 3 is often understood as "a balance of literary and informational text types," but the most important part is misunderstood, the idea of building knowledge. How does the Wit and Wisdom literacy curriculum address building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction? Listen as we interview Sarah Woodard, who shares valuable insight and information on the intentional integration of texts to attend to Shift 3 in this curriculum. Visit OUR WEBSITE to subscribe to our newsle...
May 08, 2019•42 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast What does fidelity mean in a large, urban school district when implementing Great Mind's Wit and Wisdom ELA curriculum? Melissa and Lori share perspective, research, and resources to support teachers in unpacking the why behind fidelity. In this episode, we reference: Justice is Found in the Details - Kate Gerson - Summer 2018 Standards Institute Keynote Speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNzEaBXj2SM What Does It Mean to Follow a Program - Tim Shanahan http://shanahanonliteracy.com/blog...
Apr 26, 2019•42 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast