I am thrilled to have Nicolette of Mamas Roots are Showing on the podcast again. You were first introduced to her in the second episode, “When Did you Know”.
Today, however, we cover A LOT more ground.
Growing up as a 4th generation farming family, being close to the land is 2nd nature to Nicolette, so naturally, we talk about farming and gardening, our own connections to nature, and raising children outdoors.
We also talk about creating community, what it means to be a peaceful parent, the importance of addressing our own triggers and childhood wounds so we can be more mindful in how we interact with our kids, plus so much more.
You can find Nicolette's blog here: Mama's Roots are Showing (mamasrootsareshowing.com
Her podcast is on Apple or Spotify
and on Instagram @ mamas.roots.are.showing
Find more of Missy's writings and offerings @letemgobarefoot and www.letemgobarefoot.com. You can purchase our ebook, Life Unschooled: A Guide to Living and Learning Without School.