Cindy Gaddis is a homeschooling mom to seven and the author of the book, The Right Side of Normal: Understanding and Honoring the Natural Learning Path for Right-Brained Children.
In this episode, Cindy and I go over multiple topics covered in her book including:
and so much more!
You can find more of Cindy's work here:
as well as links to her book, including an e-book download option. Be on the lookout for another episode, a Part 2, with Cindy.
Other things discussed:
The Barefoot Playground a community for parents and educators to show up with childlike curiosity and put into practice research and theories on child development and well-being.
Find more of Missy's writings and offerings @letemgobarefoot and You can purchase our ebook, Life Unschooled: A Guide to Living and Learning Without School.