It’s 3:30 in the afternoon and you’re pumping Red Bulls. You’ve just had a long, very cerebral meeting, and now you’ve gotta back it up with some pretty intellectually demanding writing work. But you’re exhausted.
Holly Ransom, Fulbright Scholar and author of The Leading Edge, wants you to find a different way to perk up when you’re running low on energy. The Red Bulls, the half-litre cups of coffee and the sugary snacks might feel like they’re working, but they’re really just numbing the signals your body is trying to send you.
So how do you manage your energy naturally?
The first step is to perform an energy audit - you need a realistic understanding of when you’re at your peak each day, and when you’re not: because nobody can operate at full bore all day, every day. Knowing when she’s at her best each day has changed the way Holly plans her work days, and even her weeks.
She shares how she audits her energy, the ways she perks up when she’s feeling drained, and how she “switches off” at the end of the work week so she can fully rest and recharge over the weekend.
Connect with Holly on Twitter, Instagram or Linkedin
You can find the full interview here: The maths of mentoring: Holly Ransom on the equation of getting help by giving it
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Produced by Inventium
Host: Amantha Imber
Sound Engineer: Martin Imber
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