Focus and Finish
“There is no good in anything until it is finished” - Genghis Kahn
“There is no good in anything until it is finished” - Genghis Kahn
Behind every principle is a promise but behind every feeling is nothing.
Why don’t we listen to our guts more? A lot of time our guts or the Holy Spirit is telling us what we need but we just refuse to listen.
Stretching is an easy way to improve your muscle health. Taking the time to do it daily has its perks and benefits.
In infinity wars the reality stone is powerful because it’s hard to do anything productive if you don’t know what is real. Your dreams are the same way.
Some people are are curious while others think they already know it all. They don’t have a single showing of humility and because of that they never learn.
There is no better way to leave everyone frustrated than to try and help a people who don’t want your help. You gotta learn to keep your mouth shut and only help People who really want it.
You don’t get what you want in life by not knowing what you want. You get what you want by being crystal clear about what you want and how you plan to get it.
More is not always better but just being “busy” all the time is not the best way either. You need to find the valence between taking care of your commitments and not closing down huge opportunities.
You want to have goals, track your habits to help you reach those goals and a journal to help you document the journey.
Olympian and WeWake founder Ian Warmer speaks on how to be the real you all of the time. There is not reaching your full potential without doing this.
You must do everything you can to get momentum to work for you.
You know you are being your true self when it naturally pushes some people away. No everyone was meant to like you.
Self control is what habit building is really about. No self control and your focus will always be on what you can get now.
Your goals and actions must align . When they do not you risk big disappointments.
Being busy is almost a badge of honor in our society today. Being busy only matters if it moves the needle of your life forward though.
Olympian and WeWake founder Ian Warner digs into how a habit tracker works. There is a difference between a habit tracker and a goal. The habit trackers set you up for success in the future.
If you don’t have discipline and consistency, you don’t have what it takes to succeed.
If you have no relationships in life then you have nothing! You want to develop habits that feed the relationships you want to succeed!
The concept was made popular by the book extreme ownership. It is simple to understand but very hard to execute. It goes like this, take ownership for everything no matter how hard it is to blame others.
If you do what is hard your life will be easy. If you do what is easy your life will be hard. The best habit you can build for your own discipline and success is the ability to attack what is hard.
Olympian Ian Warner issues a challenge on building better habits and why simple daily choices can change your life.
Cold showers are not for the faint of heart but there is ok better thing to do for an instant mindset shift. You can be under cold water for 30 seconds and come out of it a new person.
Your body knows what it needs and it will do what it needs to do to tell you. If your need water it will make your mouth dry. If you eat foods it does not want, it will make your stomach hurt. You have to listen to these signals!
Jealousy is never a good look. You must challenge yourself to rise above this ugly trait.
Olympian and WeWake founder Ian Warner speaks on doing more than you are paid to do and why it matters so much.
Life has to be more about education than it is about entertainment. The average person loves spending all their time watching Netflix. Successful people spend their time learning.
Reflection is a huge key to success because it requires thinking and a deeper level. You can’t get better if you’re not thinking about the best way to move forward from this moment.
Gossip is just the worst! It leaves you feeling cheap and pathetic after. It does nothing to add to the world and it is a negative habit we need to kill.
Success never comes on discount. It never comes easy! If it were easy everyone would crush their goals.