Thursday, August 10th, 2023
Skye Perryman is the President and CEO of Democracy Forward, an organization that uses the law to build collective power and advance a bold, vibrant democracy. We discuss successful legal action to protect and advance the rights of all Americans.
A culmination of factors have come together to create a moment in which there are serious existential questions about what type of government and what kind of society Americans will be living in. Backsliding in areas such as voting rights, reproductive rights, and freedom to read are leading to legal fights across the nation. Skye reminds us that “The role of courts in a democracy is to fortify and strengthen democratic institutions through interpreting our constitution, through interpreting the laws, through providing predictability, as well as to ensure that everyone has access to the rule of law.”
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Host: Mila Atmos
Guests: Skye Perryman
Executive Producer: Mila Atmos
Producer: Zack Travis