Fridays with Keenan's Cutting Edge - podcast cover

Fridays with Keenan's Cutting Edge

The Keenan Trial

Join us weekly to find out what's new from the Keenan Trial Institute. Featuring KTI alumni guests speakers, sharing their success stories by using principles from The Cutting Edge. Find out what it takes to win your case and make the community a safer place!


The Importance of Courage with Adam Princenthal

(This is a Replay) He will talk about one of the biggest lessons he has learned from Papa Don - the importance of Courage for a trial lawyer, and how Courage shows up in our practices, and some practical things we can do to increase the likelihood we act out of Courage rather than fear. Contact Email: Telephone: (678) 534-1980 Website: To learn more about the Keenan Case Presentation System, click on this link: https://www.k...

Aug 05, 202457 minEp 18Transcript available on Metacast

Stress Relief with Joe Tunstall

(This is a Replay) KTI Faculty and 2020 Honors Graduate, Joe Tunstall, joins Jenna to provide tips and tricks on how to manage the constant stress of trying cases. Contact Joe Tunstall at Website: Phone: (855) 234-8630...

Jul 29, 20241 hr 1 minEp 17Transcript available on Metacast

Order of Proof and Witness Prep with Monte Tynes and Courtney Wilson

(This is a replay) We will be discussing the direct of our expert treating doctor, our cross of the Defendant’s expert doctor, and our use of the before and after witnesses to support the client’s damages. Phone: 228-769-7736 Fax: 228-769-8466 Email:

Jul 22, 20241 hrEp 16Transcript available on Metacast

Opening Statement Book with Amy Miller

***This is a Replay*** With our valiant podcast host in the midst of her own trial, we wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity to hear about the upcoming release from the KTI Library. The Opening Statements book will soon be available on the KTI website (link below)! This book contains verbatim opening statements given in actual cases where Don Keenan has been lead counsel together with some of the finest lawyers in the country who were referring attorneys in these cases. Get a sneak pr...

Jul 08, 202444 minEp 14Transcript available on Metacast

Keenan Case Presentation System with Matt Powell

***This is a Replay*** Matt Powell joins Jenna on the Podcast this week to discuss the Keenan Case Presentation System. A software program that has been in the works for quite a while, the Keenan Case Presentation System (or KCPS) has gone through a lot of changes and updates. Matt will go over all new things KCPS as well as give you tips and tricks on navigating this new software. You don’t want to miss out. Contact Matt Powell at Website: Email: To learn mo...

Jul 01, 20241 hrEp 13Transcript available on Metacast

How to maintain excellent notes from a focus group with Rohit Pendyala

Maintaining detailed notes from a focus group can help us understand the feedback we receive from participants, identify important patterns and themes, and ultimately use this information to build a strong case. In this podcast, I will talk about how to effectively capture and organize information from focus groups. This guide can be an indispensable resource for both experienced legal assistants and beginners who want to make the best use of their focus group data. Contact Rohit Pendyala at Ema...

Jun 24, 202446 minEp 12Transcript available on Metacast

Negative Focus Group Responses, What do they mean? with Andrew Gould

(This is a Replay) This week we cover “Negative Focus Group Responses, What do they mean?” with Andrew Gould Contact: Andrew Q. Gould Princenthal, May, & Wilson, LLC TEL: 678-534-1980 CELL: 706-537-2149 FAX: 404-806-0624 To learn more about the Keenan Case Presentation System, click on this link: And on your Apple device you can download the KCPS App for FREE:

Jun 17, 202457 minEp 11Transcript available on Metacast

The Silent Million Dollar Opening Statement with Clayton Syfrett

(This is a Replay) A peek behind the curtain with Clayton Syfrett on his “Silent Million Dollar Opening Statement”. Email: Website: Phone: (850) 795-4979 To learn more about the Keenan Case Presentation System, click on this link: And on your Apple device you can download the KCPS App for FREE: Want to listen to more episodes? Or did you miss out on last week's ...

Jun 10, 202448 minEp 10Transcript available on Metacast

Rules and Case Selection College with Ben Boscolo

**This is a Replay** Benjamin Boscolo starts of a new series of episodes highlighting the undergraduate courses offered by the Keenan Trial Institute. Who better to kick off the first episode than the Dean of Rules, the Dean of Case Selection, and an instructor who has been with the KTI since its inception! The Rules and Case Selection courses are the foundation to understanding the Edge system, and are crucial steps in achieving a verdict for your clients. Contact Benjamin Boscolo at Phone: (85...

Jun 03, 202458 minEp 9Transcript available on Metacast

Keeping it Simple with Sean Olson

(This is a Replay) Many attorneys often present their cases in a manner that is too complex for Bubba to understand. We want to include all the facts and details we can, but sometimes that is not the best course of action for our cases. The key to overcoming that obstacle, keep it simple. Sean Olson joins Jenna to share tips on taking complex cases and boiling them down to the important details. Contact Sean Olson at Website: Phone: (720) 923-8574

May 27, 202455 minEp 8Transcript available on Metacast

Opening, Focus Groups, and Depositions with J.David Stradley

(THIS IS A REPLAY) This week we cover “Opening, Focus Groups, and Depositions” with J.David Stradley. Contact J. David Stradley at: phone: (919) 424-9400 • fax: (919) 845-9745 email: 3105 Charles B. Root Wynd Raleigh, NC 27612

May 20, 20241 hr 2 minEp 7Transcript available on Metacast

$8.5 million whistleblower jury verdict with David Wiley & Amy Gibson

(This is a Replay) David Wiley & Amy Gibson join Jenna on the podcast this week to talk about their client’s $8.5 million whistleblower jury verdict in a Texas town with a population of less than 12,000. Hear how a social worker client stood up for her community and how Edge techniques helped from start to finish. Amy Gibson Gibson Wiley PLLC T: (214) 522-2121 F: (214) 522-2126 M: (214) 417-9233 E:

May 13, 20241 hr 18 minEp 6Transcript available on Metacast

New College at the Beach with Amy Gibson

How can you reduce blood pressure and improve clients’ experience with the justice system … in a new way? Well, Beast at the Beach. That’s how. Tune in to learn about this evolution in the Keenan Trial Institute. Gibson Wiley PLLC E: T: (214) 522-2121

May 06, 20241 hr 4 minEp 5Transcript available on Metacast

Power Words with Adam Anderson

(This is a Replay) Power Words... What are they? How do we use them? And why are they powerful? Adam Anderson stops by the podcast to answer all of those questions and more. Find out how to supercharge your arguments by simply incorporating words and phrases that will immediately connect with juries. Contact Adam Anderson Website: Email:

Apr 29, 202446 minEp 4Transcript available on Metacast

The Future of Nursing Home Litigation with David Hoey

While regulators and even prosecutors try to address circumstances in nursing homes, often it turns out that only civil litigation can redress the grievances of those harmed by dangerous and undignified conditions. Learn about the future of this type of litigation for KLF’s very own David Hoey. Contact David Hoey at Website: Phone: 877-LAW-HOEY...

Apr 22, 202459 minEp 3Transcript available on Metacast

Women's Summit with Kari Jones Dulin

(This is a Replay) Kari Jones Dulin joins us on the podcast this week to discuss the Women's Summit, which is an elective course reserved only for female attorneys. She will share what the course was about, the process through which it came about, and her thoughts on getting the course, which has and continues to be in transition, up and running again. Contact Kari Jones Dulin Website: Email: Want to listen to more episodes? Or did you miss ou...

Apr 15, 202454 minEp 2Transcript available on Metacast

Insurance Bad Faith with Gregg Luther

How to avoid the Top 3 Insurance Bad Faith mistakes made by plaintiff lawyers in working up their cases. Contact Gregg Luther at Website: Email: To learn more about the Keenan Case Presentation System, click on this link: And on your Apple device you can download the KCPS App for FREE: Want to listen to more episodes? Or did you miss out on last week&a...

Apr 08, 20241 hr 2 minEp 1Transcript available on Metacast

Direct Exam with Thomas Morrissey

(This is a Replay) Direct exam is the most essential way to allow your client to clarify the facts of a case. Allowing them to accurately and honestly express their point of view without feeling led by the plaintiff attorney is the goal of the Direct Exam Course. One of the most highly respected instructors in the KTI, Thomas Morrissey, joins the podcast to share what to expect in this incredibly important course. Contact Thomas Morrissey at Phone: (417) 887-0529 Website: https://morrisseylawfir...

Apr 01, 202454 minEp 16Transcript available on Metacast

Why We Lose or Get Less Than We Should with Brent Crumpton

(This is a Replay) Brent Crumpton joins the podcast for the first episode back from our Summer break. He will share the common pitfalls lawyers experience when using the Edge and how to avoid them. Even when we get a verdict in our favor, sometimes it is smaller than we are expecting. Tune in to hear how to use the Edge to the best of your abilities from long time KTI Instructor and Alumni, Brent Crumpton. Contact Brent Crumpton at Website: Email:...

Mar 25, 20241 hr 5 minEp 15Transcript available on Metacast

Behavioral Health Issues with Allan Galbraith

(This is a Replay) Allan Galbraith joins Jenna on the podcast this week to discuss the Behavioral Health Issues among Lawyers. Allan wrote a blog about this topic, called Recovery and Hope, and he will share his thoughts and overall perspective on the problems of mental health/addiction issues within the profession. Does he think it's gotten better or worse since his blog article over 10 years ago? Tune in this week to find out. Contact Allan Galbraith at Phone: (404) 523-2200 Website: http...

Mar 18, 20241 hr 4 minEp 14Transcript available on Metacast

Trial Losses and Lessons Learned w/ Peter Levine and David Rash

(This is a Replay) As trial attorneys, it is no secret that we can't always achieve a stellar verdict for our clients every time we enter the courtroom. But it doesn't mean we give up. When disaster strikes, use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Tune in to hear how Peter Levine and David Rash have learned from their losses in order to improve themselves as trial attorneys. Contact Peter Levine at Phone: (323) 617-4406 Website: Contact David Rash ...

Mar 11, 20241 hr 1 minEp 13Transcript available on Metacast

Case Autopsy with Jenna Labourr

Jenna Labourr is not only our incredible podcast host, but she actively tries cases in her joint practice, the Washington Injury Lawyers, located in Washington state. She concluded her most recent trial and has offered to provide an overview of the case, the trial, and how she implemented the Edge system throughout the process. Contact Jenna Labourr at Phone: (425) 312-3057 Website:

Feb 26, 20241 hr 5 minEp 11Transcript available on Metacast

KTI Undergraduate Voir Dire College with Matt Lathrop

(This is a Replay) Jenna is joined by Matt Lathrop to speak about the Undergraduate Voir Dire College. Voir Dire is one of the earliest places to embed the threads of your trial. Selecting the right jury can make or break your case. So knowing how to get a group of people engaged and ready to fight for your client is crucial. Tune in to hear how the Undergraduate Voir Dire College can help you choose the best jury for your case. Matt Lathrop is a personal injury attorney from the state of Nebras...

Feb 19, 20241 hr 2 minEp 10Transcript available on Metacast

Turning a Turd into a Treasure with Young-Ji Ham

(This is a Replay) Jenna and her law partner, Young-Ji Ham, return to the podcast for a viewer requested topic, how to turn a turd into a treasure. Sometimes you take a case thinking its great, only to find out it is not so great during discovery. So how do you make it work for you? Not every turd will turn into a retirement case, but Jenna and Young-Ji share how they have been successful in some really difficult cases in the past. Contact Jenna Labourr and Young-Ji Ham Phone: (425) 312-3057 Web...

Feb 12, 20241 hr 5 minEp 9Transcript available on Metacast

Taking Witness Prep to the Next Level with Elizabeth Larrick

(This is a Replay) This week we cover “Taking Witness Prep to the Next Level” with Elizabeth Larrick. - incorporating focus groups into your witness prep system - using depositions for role play - teaching with visual aides (clients + jury) Contact Elizabeth Larrick at Phone: (833) 722-3399 Email: Website:

Feb 05, 202446 minEp 8Transcript available on Metacast

Enriching your life through plants with Tricia Keffer

(This is a Replay) Plants + People = Love Make a great first impression for your clients with some beautiful plants in your office. And, at the end of day at home when the shoes are off and a beverage in hand, set up a home garden space to relax and enjoy some quiet time. Plants refresh us in body, mind, and spirit. Tricia will discuss easy, functional “how to do it” tips for your home or office “garden” Contact: Tricia Keffer Website: Email: SummertimeLandscapeDesi...

Jan 29, 202458 minEp 7Transcript available on Metacast

Jury Selection Notes Apple App with Matt Powell

(This is a Replay) This week we cover ” Jury Selection Notes Apple App ” with Matt Powell. To Beta Test Honey Juror please use this link: Please understand this software is not perfect, and it can fail, so be prepared with notes and back up. To share feedback please send your comments to Matt Powell at this address: Contact Matt Powell at Website: Email: To learn more about the Keenan Cas...

Jan 22, 202453 minEp 6Transcript available on Metacast

Defense Admits Liability Now What with Mindy Bish

(This is a Replay) This week we cover “Defense Admits Liability Now What” with Mindy Bish. Contact Mindy Bish at Website: Email: Phone: (404) 523-2200

Jan 15, 202453 minEp 5Transcript available on Metacast
Fridays with Keenan's Cutting Edge podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast