What being a finalist means to me and why I’m so excited for the awards ceremony tomorrow night, regardless of the outcome.
Firstly let me just say that I was always the kind of kid that had a rather Pollyanna-ish approach to things like awards,
“Someone has to win, it could be me, right?” ... but have never really been invested in the outcomes to things like this.
When I think back on this, I think I learned as a kid not to expect to win awards (because I never did).
School talent contests... sure I’d go in them, but never won National acting schools ... yep, auditioned aplenty, but never got in Photography prizes ... gotta be in it to win it, right? But never did.
It’s only since making the decision at 25 years of age to go to university to study psychology that I’ve found “success”, however you wish to interpret that word.
And it wasn’t because “someone’s gotta win”, it was because of two simple things:
a) It was the right calling for me, a perfect fit.
b) I worked bloody hard!
So when I “won” a first-class honors degree, it was because I worked hard. When I “won” a scholarship to complete my PhD, it was because I worked hard. When I “won” a major contract for my practice, it was because I (and my team) worked bloody hard.
And this is why I am such a proponent of the philosophy surrounding Growth Mindset - Success (in any form) comes when we learn that it’s not luck, it’s not innate intelligence/strength/looks, it’s not any fixed attribute - success comes when we learn it’s how we apply ourselves to our goals and to problem-solving that matters. It’s action. It’s tenacity. It’s support and encouragement from others. All these things matter!
So to be selected as a finalist in this year’s Allied Health Awards in the category of Australian Psychologist of the Year, means more to me than any other “gotta be in it” thing I’ve done before in my life.
Because the finalists were selected by professional peers who understand how hard ALL of us (all finalists in all categories of all the allied health professions) have worked.
And so tomorrow night I’ll be in a room filled with people I know really well, respect immensely, and some of whom have become very dear friends from within my profession and beyond.
Tomorrow night will be a celebration of all of the allied health professions, it will be a celebration of just how hard each of these incredible professionals have applied themselves to their goals, to their profession, and to the communities they serve.
So yes, let’s be honest, winning would totally ROCK! But in many ways, I already feel like I’ve hit the jackpot.
And if you’re a finalist at the awards, please come say hello, I can’t wait to congratulate you on just how hard you’ve worked!
Much love, Tess x
p.s. If you need to challenge your psychological barriers to business success, get in touch SOON to ask me about my FIRESTARTERS 30-Day mentoring program or my NO QUARTER 90-Day mentoring program. Both start in October. Check out the mentoring options on my website to find out more - www.tesscrawley.com.au - or simply send me a message. I’m happy to help!