Have you actually seen ducks?
Have you tried to get them to get (let alone stay) in a row?
Well, it is never gonna happen!
Meanwhile … you could be taking action towards your goals!
Are you one of those people (I know I have been in the past) one of those people who waits until they’re a little fitter before starting an exercise program?
Never gonna happen!
Meanwhile … you could have been taking action towards your goals!
Or those who wait until they’re feeling better before seeking the help they need?
I get it.
Change is hard.
But if you are STILL waiting for all your ducks to get in a row, nothing will change.
SO you’re not silly. I know you know these things. I know that you know that you could take a nibble at taking action.
What if you took one baby step in the direction of change?
And then tomorrow you took another step forward? And the day after that you took another step forward?
You get the idea, right?
OR you could just bloody dive in boots and all because deep down I KNOW that YOU KNOW what you need to do.
You’ve just been waiting for those bloody ducks.
Stop it!
It’s not rocket science. It’s not even DUCK science! It’s simple. Dive or stay stuck. Your choice.
SO, what are you waiting for? CHOOSE ACTION!
I know you can. Because I believe in you. Now you just need to believe in yourself.
Much love, Tess. x
p.s. If you need to challenge your psychological barriers to business success, get in touch SOON to ask me about my FIRESTARTERS 30-Day mentoring program or my NO QUARTER 90-Day mentoring program. Both start in October. Check out the mentoring options on my website to find out more - www.tesscrawley.com.au - or simply send me a message. I’m happy to help!
p.p.s. You’re welcome to download my latest free resource, How to Slay Your Own Bullshit!
Here’s the link: http://www.tesscrawleyglobal.com/bssl....
p.p.p.s. There’s still one and ONLY ONE spot left in my LIKE A BOSS program (12 months of kick-arse mentoring in a small group of kick-arse like-minded business superheroes). Then you can have Firestarters and No Quarter for free if you like! But don’t hang around waiting … there are already people nibbling at this final spot. Then there’s no more until October NEXT YEAR!