What it is, what it’s not, and how it’s screwing you over!
How much money would it cost you if I charged you $5.00 for every time you complain of not having enough time? How many times a day to you use lack of time as an excuse to not achieve something important on your to-do list?
Or, how often have you said no to a great opportunity, blaming lack of time as the reason?
It’s okay. I get it.
Time scarcity is my Achilles heel too. The difference is I’m now on the lookout for this BS excuse and DECIDING whether or not something is important to me or not. If it’s not a priority, fine. But let’s not blame “time” for that!
Telling ourselves there’s “not enough” of anything as an excuse or as a fear or as a limiting belief is a form of scarcity-driven thinking. Time scarcity is just another form of the scarcity mindset.
It is not that you lack time. You might lack organization. Or you might be unwilling to delegate. Or you might be scared to do the thing.
But regardless of the root cause, you actually have the same 24 hours as me, Richard Branson, the Queen, Beyonce, and the butcher down the road.
DECIDE what’s important in your day. DECIDE how to tackle those priorities. EMBRACE your choice to say no to things that aren’t a priority.
Then if it’s important to you, do the damn thing!
Much love, Tess x
p.s. If you need to challenge your psychological barriers to business success, don’t forget both my 12 Month (Like A Boss 2.0 - where you get access to me and all my stuff!) Intensive mentoring program is currently open for registrations.
Send me a message if you’d like to learn more - www.tesscrawley.com.au