I know you’re tired. If you’re anything like me, you’re bone-tired! But there is still a way forward.
I know you struggle to find the time to do all the things. If you’re like me, you’re juggling business ownership with family life and wondering why you never find time for a haircut. And who created all this washing??
Like me, you’re human.
Also, like me, you’ve got the same 24 hours as we all do.
If you’re tired of feeling like you’re always complaining about how tired you are or how little time you have, shake things up a bit.
You don’t have to join the 5 am club, but maybe even half an hour earlier would let you start your day feeling more organized.
I know we shouldn’t “eat lunch at our desk”, and we should take proper breaks, but maybe as a business owner, you need to combine things a little to stay afloat. Perhaps eating your lunch in a park or a cafe with some time to think (without all those damned interruptions!), would allow you to feel like your day is staying on track.
And you know what? You won’t go to hell for having Uber Eats for dinner tonight if it means emptying your inbox and spending more time with your kids watching that movie.
Whatever works for you, do what you need to do to find that balance, that sense of sanity, that feeling of respite. Or just so you feel like you’re simply not drowning in it all.
You’re a business owner. You’re tough, you’re quick-thinking, you’re creative.
And you’re human. Never forget that!
Do what you need to do to shake things up so the path ahead, your personal way forward, remains clear.
Much love, Tess. x