It’s so tempting to wallow as we enter lockdown, and believe me I’ve been tempted today (pyjamas until 1:00pm anyone?), and because I get it, I’ll be the last person to tell you to pull up your socks and crack on.
Today I’m going gently. I’ve got healthy food in the fridge and plenty of snacks for later. I’ve got a coffee in hand, music in my ears, and a breeze on my face. I’ve got the sound of my sons chatting and laughing together. And I’ve got endless entertainment from watching the dog try to sit on the cats (I kid you not).
Allow yourself some grace to do whatever brings you a little smile today.
Meanwhile if you can support your local grocer, restaurant, cafe, florist (etc), please do. This is especially hard on the small businesses in our communities.
Stay strong. I’m proud of you.
#businesscoach #smallbusiness #supportlocal #melbournelockdown #victorialockdown #mentalhealth #selfcare #psychologist #crawleyclinic #crawleyhouse #privatepractice