With December almost upon us, now is the time to start organising our thoughts for what lies ahead in 2020.
I much prefer to do this in November / December, rather than January, because it helps me feel less overwhelmed in the pre-Christmas rush and more prepared for the year ahead.
Take time now to prepare your diary.
* Block in all the known variables like business travel, conferences, training, birthdays, etc.
* Give some thought to planning "static" elements to your diary - themed days where you focus on specific elements of your business.
* Then put a little effort into creating a structure to your diary management that keeps you feeling organised (and less overwhelmed).
The three prongs to my system are pretty simple, and help me immensely.
1. A big wall calendar allows me to see the year at a glance so I am on top of the bigger events that are scattered throughout the year. It also helps my family know what I'm up to.
2. A week-at-a-glance diary allow me to see what's coming up over the next week or so, which allows me to plan for thinking time, project work, learning new skills, etc. I don't keep this rigidly updated, but most Sundays will spend a little time on it.
3. My day-to-day, always up-to-date diary is the one in my phone. This is linked to all my electronic calendars and is where I put new appointments as they arise. This informs the Sunday updates to my week-at-a-glance overview.
And that's it. Pretty simple, but these three elements mean that at any time I can see what I've got coming up today, this week, or this year.
I'd love to hear what works for you!
Much love,
Tess x
p.s. BETTER ACCESS DOING YOUR HEAD IN? … If you’re an Australian private practitioner dealing with the Better Access system under Medicare, did you know my training is still available? Here’s how to find out more: http://bit.ly/2UYIihu
p.p.s. If you’re struggling with self-doubt, you’re welcome to download my latest free resource, How to Slay Your Own Bullshit!
Here’s the link: http://www.tesscrawleyglobal.com/bsslayer