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360|iDev- August 25 - 28th - Denver, CO
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Complete Transcription
Leo Dion (Host): Hey Gary, how's it going?
[00:00:01] Gary Sabo (Guest): Doing well, Leo, how are you doing?
[00:00:02] Leo Dion (Host): Good. Good. So what were your thoughts from WWDC?
[00:00:07] Gary Sabo (Guest): Boy, so much. I think like a lot of people, just my immediate reaction was this with UI. I didn't hear rumors. I mean, I heard maybe I heard something about, you know, declarative framework, but I didn't expect that.
[00:00:18] And sort of the, what seems to be the eventual abandonment of the storyboard. So yeah, that was the biggest shock to me.
[00:00:26] Leo Dion (Host): We had some rumors about like declarative programming. I think Gruber had talked about that, but people were just kind of like, not making it as big of a deal about it because I think everybody was like marzipan, marzipan, marzipan.
[00:00:38] Right. And then it's like the project catalyst is kind of an afterthought. It's like, Holy crap, they're replacing the entire UI. Framework UI kit. I think it's still vibrant. I don't think it's dead by any means, because they've made some major improvements. It looks like to the way table views and even more so collection views are done, but you can kind of see the writings on the
[00:01:01] Gary Sabo (Guest): wall.
[00:01:02] Leo Dion (Host): Yeah, it's like Swift. It's like Swift four years or a . It's like, yeah, I mean objective is going to be here for awhile. It's going to be forever, quite frankly. But like that's called Swift UI. It's not called objective-C UI for specific reason.
[00:01:18] Gary Sabo (Guest): Right. And obviously companies have existing code bases, and if you were just starting out today, I still don't think I'd dive into Swift UI yet.
[00:01:27] You know, companies are going to need to support their existing projects for years,
[00:01:31] Leo Dion (Host): and somebody who's been playing around with it for two weeks. Yeah. Don't. I don't suggest jumping into it right now.
[00:01:38] Gary Sabo (Guest): Yeah. And it's still in beta, so keep that in mind as well.
[00:01:42] Leo Dion (Host): Very much so. Yeah. It was a big year. It's probably the biggest WWDC since Swift was introduced.
[00:01:49] We can safely say.
[00:01:50] Gary Sabo (Guest): I haven't gotten through all the talks. There's a github repo that I found or came across that kind of lists bullet points of the talks just so you don't have to invest the full 40 minutes. You can kind of just see if it's what you're interested in. So I've been going through that and just, I've been starting with obviously the ones that are most near and dear to me, like the WatchKit the Healthkit.
[00:02:11] But yeah, it seems like there's a lot to unpack. The combine is another thing there. Their foundation API. I didn't have a cha...