CREEPYPASTA STORIES- ►0:00 "If you see a man selling ice-cream in the middle of the night. Call me" Creepypasta ►16:20 "The dogs in my town aren't dogs anymore" Creepypasta ►36:21 "If you're ever at the Covenwood Hotel, DON'T STAY in Room 371" Creepypasta ►59:00 "How to program an organic computer" Creepypasta ►1:22:35 "Everyone in my village screams at the setting sun" Creepypasta ►1:50:43 "There is a village where everyone screams at the setting sun. I will find it" Creepypasta ►3:02:36 "Snow Angels are illegal where I live" Creepypasta Creepypastas are the campfire tales of the internet. Horror stories spread through Reddit r/nosleep, forums and blogs, rather than word of mouth. Whether you believe these scary stories to be true or not is left to your own discretion and imagination.