235: Scientific Cannibalism
Cashierless stores of the future, what we'd like to see added to HomeKit, our current ebook purchasing strategies, and the question of lab-grown meat.
Cashierless stores of the future, what we'd like to see added to HomeKit, our current ebook purchasing strategies, and the question of lab-grown meat.
Our Facebook and Google privacy concerns, interest (or lack thereof) in the Oculus Go and VR, thoughts on the Logitech Crayon stylus announced yesterday, and whether Apple's streaming service is too late to the party.
The latest Facebook privacy hoopla, Amnesty International says Twitter violates women's rights, Apple's upcoming education event, and questions about the future of self-driving car technology.
Cryptocurrencies, tech devices we don't want to upgrade, our favorite smart gadgets, and the contentious issue of whether we use our phones in the shower.
Our smart and dumb home thermostats, the fractured state of net neutrality laws, the potential resurrection of the MacBook Air, and AI technology in military hands.
Apple's foray into healthcare, the one thing we think Siri needs to improve, where we stream most of our content, and our feelings on the latest social network, Vero.
Our book-reading (or listening) habits, how we use tech to get our news, Twitter's abandonment of the Mac desktop, and our feelings on fingerprint readers vs. facial recognition.
Our essential travel tech, most romantic uses of technology, biggest technology disappointments, and thoughts about the HomePod.
How we listen to audio, what problems we want technology to solve, whether we buy apps as gifts for other people, and if we plan on getting the HomePod.
Where we'd like to see Apple focus its software quality attentions, our feelings about the iPhone X and its sales, home theater lighting, and our favorite tech of last year.
Whether drones are here to stay, how we're doing with our New Year's tech resolutions, the affect of missing features on the HomePod, and our paper vs. digital note-taking thoughts.
How to deal with hoarding old tech, our biggest tech disappointments, the VR and AR experiences that have us excited, and the state of dictation and voice assistant software.
Smart toilets: brilliant or ridiculous? Plus, the state of Twitter, what to watch for at CES 2018, and whether cryptocurrencies are here to stay.
Changes we'd like to see Apple make in 2018, our best personal tech stories from the holidays, our most delightful apps and games of 2017, and how best to run Windows on your Mac.
Our favorite (or most challenging) tech support jobs of the holidays or year, the tech items we wish we'd gotten as gifts, the biggest tech blunders of 2017, and our wishlists for tech for 2018.
Apple's possibly unified app platform, the Essential Phone and "iPhone killers," activity and health tracking, and have iOS's Settings gotten too complicated?
A wireless charging retrospective, companies or technologies Apple should invest in, the future of the desktop computer, and the potential of AR in education.
Apple Pay Cash experiences, Google and Amazon's YouTube tiff, increasingly complex emoji, and what we'll think of the iPhone in another ten years.
Robots we'd invite into our houses, Nintendo's approach to mobile gaming, gestured-based computing, and what's the responsibility for reporting critical software vulnerabilities.
Holiday tech support tips, kitchen smart gadgets, what we do with our photos, and whether we could get by with a simple phone.
Face ID spoofing, Facebook wants your nude pictures, whether we'd leave Twitter, and what we'd like to see Apple change for the iPhone X.
Online payment services and Apple Pay Cash, tech workarounds we love, whether wearables will work, and AR's killer apps—or lack thereof.
Animoji: passing fad or important new technology? Also, whether or not we use a case on our smartphones, how Face ID's one-face limit affects us (if at all), and why iPhone users and Android users seem to clash so much.
Would you let Amazon into your house? What happened to Apple doubling down on secrecy? Are you lining up for an iPhone X—and is it the ultimate form of Apple's smartphone?
Machine learning for sensitive photos, our dalliances with other desktop platforms, whether anyone still needs real cameras, and the walled garden of voice assistants.
Tim Cook talks AR glasses, some thoughts on diversity and inclusion in tech, what we do for ergonomics, and how we cope with social media in our everyday life.
Google's notch-less Pixel design vs. the iPhone X, justification for Apple TV's high price (or lack thereof), our can't-live-with-'em-can't-live-without-'em technology choices, and iOS 11's Notes app.
Resurrected Apple television arguments, explaining quantum computing, Apple's Bing-for-Google swap, and our favorite games that iOS 11 leaves by the wayside.
iPhone buying decisions, anonymous apps, our opinion on augmented reality, and the biggest missing features from our favorite tech products.
Apple's huge smartphone line-up, our most anticipated High Sierra features, how we feel about wireless charging our iPhones, and how much is too much to pay for a smartphone?