As this month comes to a close, we think it’s only fitting to reflect on what July’s incredible guests have had to say, and what new knowledge and perspectives they’ve brought to the table. This week we are back with Ginger and introducing a more structured Round-Up, where we will be revisiting topics from this past month's episodes and discussing our favorite moments and takeaways. While the subjects of this month's episodes have varied from spending for happiness to understanding Roth conversi...
Jul 31, 2023•56 min•Ep 448•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: financial advisor breakups, I bonds, the 4% rule, second generation FI, Roth IRAs, and the listener mailbag. Breakups are hard, but breaking up with financial advisor can be harder given the minutia that is often involved in doing so. It's good to have friends to lean on in times like this, which is exactly why we have the FI Tax Guy himself Sean Mullaney with us to help! Listen along as he and Brad dip back into the listener mailbag this week and discuss a plethora of topics su...
Jul 24, 2023•58 min•Ep 447•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: designing your life, real estate investing, pain points, working backward, and finding your sweet spot. This week we are rejoined by friend of the podcast Chad Carson to discuss his new book "The Small and Mighty Real Estate Investor: How to Reach Financial Freedom with Fewer Rental Properties," as well as cover some strategies he’s picked up during his real estate investing journey. While investing in real estate can be a full time job, for many listeners it can also be seen as...
Jul 17, 2023•1 hr 1 min•Ep 446•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: investing, losing money hurts, pessimism, optimism, index funds, psychology, history, and building wealth. Whether you're a confident investor or weary of playing the market, there is still a lot to be learned when it comes to your investments. This week we are re-joined by friend of the podcast Brian Feroldi to discuss important truths and takeaways he’s learned as a decades-long investor, from navigating the psychology and history of the market, to focusing on longevity and si...
Jul 10, 2023•38 min•Ep 445•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: the phases of FI, your spending framework, dying with zero, changing your anchor points, and the value of time. This podcast offers insight to what the path to FI can look like for listeners, and while we usually speak broadly to our listeners who are all at different stages of FI, it’s important to look back, as well as look forward to see how this journey has changed for us. This week we are joined by Carl Jensen and Doug Cunnington of Mile High FI to talk about the evolution ...
Jul 03, 2023•1 hr 1 min•Ep 444•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: travel rewards, credit cards, the true cost of buying a car, health, retirement, and community wins. This week we are re-joined by Ginger for another Round-Up episode where we will briefly discuss travel rewards, updates on Ginger’s credit card journey, the value of implementing new habits, and also dip into the listener mailbag! Over the course of this podcast we often discuss the importance of taking action and making changes in your life to not only achieve FI but also improv...
Jun 26, 2023•55 min•Ep 443•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: the travelers triangle, booking early, flexibility, planning, hotels, and knowing you are getting a deal. This week Suzy joins us for a new installment of travel rewards tips, where we will be diving deeper into how you can optimize your savings and travel points to get the most out of your travels. While the subject matter we are tackling today may be more useful to listeners who have already acquired the necessary credit cards and travel points, there is still a lot of helpful...
Jun 19, 2023•1 hr 12 min•Ep 442•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: the continuum of FI, skilling up, chasing true value, the power of connection, and second generation FI. This week we are rejoined by friend of the podcast Bo Loy to talk about finding value on the FI journey, drowning out the "noise," and the importance of not depriving yourself of happiness in order to reach your FI goal. While the journey to FI does require you to make financial changes and pick up new habits that can launch you towards financial independence, the purpose of ...
Jun 12, 2023•54 min•Ep 441•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: money against mindset, fear setting, FI events, gap years, slow travel, and living intentionally. Everyone’s relationship with money is different, just as everyones path to FI looks different, but how do you unlearn behaviors that could be holding you back? This week we are joined by Amy Minkley to discuss how finding FI changed her life while abroad, as well as the the importance of unlearning and breaking free of internalized stress when it comes to money. A large part of the ...
Jun 05, 2023•54 min•Ep 440•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: success after FI, finding purpose, owning your time, investing in health, and spiritual pursuits. While reaching your FI number and subsequently retiring is an amazing achievement in itself, what are you supposed to do with yourself after getting there? Well, figuring that out is also a big step you are going to have to take on your FI journey. This week, we are once again joined by Chris Terrell to discuss the ways you can fill your time after achieving FI, and how to identify ...
May 29, 2023•58 min•Ep 439•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: the pain of paying, anchoring, relative value, sunk costs, response to stimulus, and opportunity cost. On this installment of the Book Club, we are joined by Clint Murphy and Ginger to discuss some of our favorite takeaways from Dan Ariely and Jeff Kreisler's "Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter," We often mention on this podcast the importance of actionable steps you must be willing to take while on the journey to FI, and this book is chalk-full of...
May 22, 2023•59 min•Ep 438•Transcript available on Metacast This week we are re-joined by friend of the podcast, Travis Hornsby, to discuss some critical updates and deadlines pertaining to student loan forgiveness. While the thought of paying off student loans can feel daunting, there may actually be some ways to mitigate the stress entirely! Though this episode may not pertain to your situation specifically, we believe it can act as a resource for some you may know, or others on this journey who are looking to potentially have their loans forgiven. Tra...
May 15, 2023•33 min•Ep 437•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: getting comfortable investing, the vision boards, salary negotiations, and the skill of spending Whether it's wanting to pay off your debts or get yourself set up for your future, there are many motivations for wanting to begin the path towards FI. This week we are joined by listener and fan of the podcast Rakesh to discuss how his journey to FI has been over the last 3 years, and the lessons he’s learned along the way. We often stress on the podcast the importance of bold moves...
May 08, 2023•58 min•Ep 436•Transcript available on Metacast Oftentimes on our show, we talk to people on the FI journey with “regular” 9-5 jobs, and other times we talk to those who have achieved their FI goal and are able to retire from their careers. However, we rarely talk about money management and FI when it comes to those working in service industries, such as serving and bartending. This week we are joined by author Barbara Sloan to discuss taking control of your finances while in a variable income job, the importance of an emergency fund, and the...
May 01, 2023•54 min•Ep 435•Transcript available on Metacast There can be points on the journey to FI where you feel that you may not be able to accomplish your goals, or even take advantage of some of the hacks we talk about on the show. But sometimes all it requires is for you not to limit yourself and just think outside the box. This week we are re-joined by friend of the podcast Ginger to discuss how the transtheoretical model of change can apply to those on the path to FI, as well as read your emails and answer some of your questions on this installm...
Apr 24, 2023•1 hr 4 min•Ep 434•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: the power of outside, overcoming adversity, the value of streaks, building momentum, and van life. As we’ve discussed many times on our show, creating and maintaining habits are an important part of the FI journey. Not only does it require you to prioritize what you value, but it can lead to success in many areas of your life. However, while we talk about the success that habits can lead to, sometimes we overlook that starting a habit can be stressful or overwhelming. This week ...
Apr 17, 2023•49 min•Ep 433•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: tackling the big issues, the everywhere effect, change and discomfort, and getting the most from what you have. On this Podcast in recent months, we have made a point to highlight the fact that FI isn't about deprivation. While we do think making a few cuts in some areas is a good thing, we believe in that idea because it acts as a means to an end, with the endpoint being living the most fulfilling life available to you. So how is it possible deprive ourselves in a manner that d...
Apr 10, 2023•53 min•Ep 432•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: forming habits, fulfilling goals, routines, the importance of health, restriction without deprivation, and working on life. While beginning your FI journey means having goals and taking necessary steps to achieve them, it may seem like you have to approach your life with discipline and absolute structure when it comes to money matters. While setting yourself up for success on this journey does mean creating different habits in regards to spending or investing, these habits shoul...
Apr 03, 2023•1 hr 3 min•Ep 431•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: early financial conversations, what you truly value, house hacking, and the psychology of FI. It can be scary to have to acknowledge the reality of your financial situation, especially if you feel you do not have the financial literacy to proceed with confidence. However, setbacks and failures can often be blessings in disguise. This week we are joined by The FI Couple to discuss the importance of perseverance and flexibility in the face of uncertainty, as well as the strength t...
Mar 27, 2023•53 min•Ep 430•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: finding your why, creating space, deprivation, board games, lesson learning, and decision making. Whether you’re years into your FI journey or just beginning, evaluating your finances and spending, you may feel like you have to make some cuts into your favorite hobbies in order to reach your goal quicker. However, deprivation and cutting out the things that bring enjoyment into your life should never be the only option. This week we are joined by friend of the podcast Chris Tere...
Mar 20, 2023•1 hr 24 min•Ep 429•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: personal investments, 401k contributions, FI is for everyone, travel rewards, task management, and taxes. On what is considered a very personal journey, how do you handle changes that feel like setbacks? Whether its spending more when you feel you should be saving, or re-evaluating goals based on what needs immediate attention, do you feel equipped to handle it with confidence? This week we are having a weekly roundup, and are re-joined by Ginger to not only answer listener’s qu...
Mar 13, 2023•1 hr 14 min•Ep 428•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: the "average" withdrawal, Karsten's strategy, Fritz's strategy, fixed withdrawal rates, the bucket strategy, and refilling. Preparing for retirement can look different for all on the journey to FI. All of our goals differ, but we are still in the mindset of positioning ourselves for the coming years. This week we are having a face-off between returning guests Karsten and Fritz, as they discuss their own receptive drawdown strategies, their advantages, and how you can best prepar...
Mar 06, 2023•1 hr 1 min•Ep 427•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: the 2.5 million dollar inversion, looking at the incentives, interest rates, your biggest asset, and potshots. When you begin your FI journey, you may feel like you must follow a certain path or plan in order to achieve your desired outcome. However, the longer you are this journey the more you realize that it is a personal one that requires adaptability when so many factors can affect your bottom line. This week we are back with Scott Trench from BiggerPockets as he shares his ...
Feb 27, 2023•54 min•Ep 426•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: the value of time, what are you optimizing for, bold moves, increasing your kid's odds for success, and balancing deprivation. Because we have put so many leaders, members, and experts in our community on the hot seat here at ChooseFI, we figured it was finally time we played fair and put Brad on the hot seat himself! With the assistance of Aaron Lee, a longtime listener, friend, and host of "The Next Generation Leader Podcast," we ask Brad all the burning questions related to h...
Feb 20, 2023•59 min•Ep 425•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: budgeting, the power of FI, different funds, living in the present, and the power to make your choices. No matter your background or the hardships you’ve endured, you should never rule yourself out for success! Ruminating over your past mistakes can make you feel undeserving of the life you want, but those same mistakes can actually serve as motivation to propel you further on your journey! This week we are joined by returning guest Deanna to discuss how her FI journey has progr...
Feb 13, 2023•54 min•Ep 424•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: what sparks goals, what are you optimizing you, valuing your time, and money prioritization. Sometimes on the journey to FI, we ask ourselves the following; do I really need to spend money on this? Do I really have the time and resources for that? These questions may be easy to dismiss by saying no in order to stay on track with your financial goals, but by dismissing them, you could be missing out on something that is beneficial to your personal journey! This week we are joined...
Feb 06, 2023•1 hr 17 min•Ep 423•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: taking the unconventional path, the price of time, early entrepreneurship, talent stacking, and the pursuit of learning. At least once in most of our FI journeys, we have pondered what our life would look like if we started earlier. Maybe you have even wondered what value could've been gained if you had started in your teenage years. Well, for some context into the possibilities decision that could provide, we decided to have 17 year old listener Devin on the podcast to discuss ...
Jan 30, 2023•1 hr 11 min•Ep 422•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: taxes, the secure act 2.0, the best news, roths, 529's, catch-up contributions, and the new options you have. On December 29th 2022, Joe Biden signed into law the Secure 2.0 Act. As this law may have ramifications on your retirement tax planning, to stay ahead of the curve we decided to have The FI Tax Guy Sean Mullaney back on the show to discuss what this law is and ways one may be able to approach and utilize it going forward with there retirement planning. While laws and reg...
Jan 23, 2023•44 min•Ep 421•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: mindfulness, removing judgement, thoughts creating reality, envisioning, awareness, and the hot seat. Oftentimes on our show we like to remind listeners that achieving FI isn’t an end all be all to one’s problems, and that reaching financial independence doesn’t automatically equate to happiness. An important part of the journey is the work you do inward along the way, and this week we are tackling what that can look like. This week we are joined by coach and host of Mindful Fir...
Jan 16, 2023•1 hr 17 min•Ep 420•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode: bold moves, building bold moves, dreams, themes, uncomfortable awareness, and finding energy. For most people, a new year can signify new goals that we hope to accomplish. Regardless of where you are on the FI journey, the new year ushers in a time for change and welcomes the opportunity to learn and grow! In this episode we are re-joined by Dominick Quartuccio to discuss navigating new beginnings and designing your “Bold Move” as we enter the new year. Instead of having a new y...
Jan 09, 2023•1 hr 3 min•Ep 419•Transcript available on Metacast