040 | Today we have Noah and Becky from Money Metagame on the podcast to discuss their story, their upcoming 'Gap Year' of travel plus an incredible college hack they used to get full-tuition scholarships. In Today’s Podcast we cover: A discussion with Noah and Becky from Money Metagame Noah and Becky’s history behind their path to FI Travel Rewards was what initially got them into the world of Financial Independence How Noah introduced this idea to Becky originally Becky was originally hesitant...
Sep 11, 2017•1 hr•Ep 40•Transcript available on Metacast 039R | In today's podcast we discuss Episode 39 with Gwen from Fiery Millennials, plus a 'Cruise Control Path to FI' case study example and voicemails from our community members. In Today’s Podcast we cover: The Friday Roundup after Episode 39 with Gwen from Fiery Millennials A whole new FI world for Brad and Laura after their youngest daughter went to kindergarten They have the opportunity to live more of a FI lifestyle and have to now figure out what that looks like Second Generation FI and ex...
Sep 08, 2017•55 min•Ep 39•Transcript available on Metacast 039 | In today's podcast we have a conversation with Gwen from Fiery Millennials about her millennial path to FI plus some hacks that she used to save on college and increase her savings rate. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Our guest on Episode 39 is Gwen from Fiery Millennials Was Gwen from the generation that grew up with electronics from day 1? A background on Gwen’s story saving money when she was younger. She saved 50% of her income Gwen pursued dual enrollment classes and entered college wit...
Sep 04, 2017•59 min•Ep 39•Transcript available on Metacast 038R | In today's podcast we discuss Episode 38 The Why of FI plus we announce three of the finalists for the business building competition with Alan Donegan of PopUp Business School and a voicemail from community member Geoff. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Discussion of Episode 38 on the Why of FI Jonathan’s Frugal Win of the Week at Costco by saving on protein bars Jonathan’s nutrition goals and the underlying concepts of simplicity and removing decision fatigue How unusual it is that the FI co...
Sep 01, 2017•59 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast 038 | In today's podcast we discuss one of our most important topics: The Why of FI. Why we pursue this path, why we think it's a life 'superpower' and how it can help you escape the hamster wheel of life decades earlier than most people could ever dream. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Discussion of the Why of FI as an introduction to the concept of Financial Independence and why we’ve chosen this path and this community Jonathan’s explanation of the “hamster wheel” and what the normal ‘American d...
Aug 28, 2017•35 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast 037R | Today we discuss Episode 37 with Scott Rieckens, the filmmaker behind the FI documentary Playing with FIRE, plus emails and voicemails from the community and a discussion of reaching FI in a high cost of living area. The great American Eclipse and our viewing Brad’s vacation and how they spent $0 on hotels for 16 nights The value of slow travel and why it makes vacation dramatically better. Vacation doesn’t have to be stressful How expectations management is so crucial to life and on vaca...
Aug 25, 2017•1 hr 4 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast 037 | In today's podcast we speak with Scott Rieckens, the creative force behind the upcoming FI documentary called 'Playing With Fire' and we learn about his FI journey and this exciting project. In Today’s Podcast we cover: A discussion with Scott Rieckens, the creative force behind the upcoming FI documentary ‘Playing With Fire’ we’ve discussed on previous episodes Scott is devoting the next year of his life to create this documentary about the FI community Scott’s background story and how he...
Aug 21, 2017•1 hr 4 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast 036R | In Today’s Podcast we cover: Discussion of the community aspect of Episode 36 with JL Collins There is a yearning and desire for community meetups with other members of the Financial Independence community The spread of these community meetups and longer Chautauqua and Camp events throughout the world The ever growing FI community in the Richmond, VA area where Jonathan and Brad live How much money could we all save if we had like-minded people in our communities? Discussion of Millennial...
Aug 18, 2017•56 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast 036 | In today's podcast with Jim Collins from The Simple Path to Wealth and JL Collins NH, we discuss the Chautauquas, in-person events plus an 'Ask Me Anything' series of questions from our ChooseFI community. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Part 3 with JL Collins from JLCollinsNH, the Simple Path to Wealth and Stock Series fame Jim’s discussion of Alan from PopUp Business School and how the UK Chautauqua came to be The value of in-person events like Camp Mustache and the Chautauquas Ask Me Anyth...
Aug 14, 2017•52 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast 035R | In today's podcast we discuss our takeaways from Episode 35 with Big Ern from Early Retirement Now, plus paying off mortgages and student loans early and frugal wins of the week from the community. In Today’s Podcast we cover: The Friday Roundup after Episode 35 with Big Ern from Early Retirement Now This episode was long awaited, but was necessary to wait for until we provided the background of FI for the audience Ern’s information made us both feel more hopeful for the future of FI and ...
Aug 11, 2017•1 hr 1 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast 035 | In today's conversation with Big Ern from Early Retirement Now we discuss safe withdrawal rates, sequence of returns risk and much more. In Today’s Podcast we cover: A wide ranging discussion with Big ERN from Early Retirement Now on sequence of return risk and safe withdrawal rates This is Big Ern’s first podcast! And a thank you to him for helping with Paul’s case study Ern’s thoughts on social security Ern’s origin story and his thoughts on early retirement He had a student loan that he...
Aug 07, 2017•1 hr 12 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast 034R | In today's podcast we discuss our thoughts on Part 2 of the Stock Series conversation with JL Collins, risk tolerance, doomsday scenarios and rebalancing. In Today’s Podcast we cover: The Friday Roundup and the episode Part 2 of our discussion with JL Collins from The Simple Path to Wealth and JLCollinsNH What do you do when there’s a large crash in the stock market? Big takeaway from Jim’s episode You can’t sell at the bottom, so you need to steel yourself mentally beforehand If you’re s...
Aug 04, 2017•1 hr 12 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast 034 | This podcast is Part 2 of the Stock Series discussion with JL Collins, author of The Simple Path to Wealth and the website JLCollinsNH; we discuss the Great Depression and the mindset you need to be a successful long-term investor, plus how to allocate between equities and bonds. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Part 2 of the Stock Series conversation with Jim Collins If you have not yet listened to Part 1 you can listen to it here Be sure to check out the associated Friday Roundup here for Br...
Jul 31, 2017•1 hr 1 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast 033R | In Today’s Podcast we cover: Unpacking Episode 33 with Dominick Quartuccio and our takeaways from the episode Intentionality allows you to purchase your freedom, and we want to expand that intentionality beyond just personal finance Our focus on living a happier, more content and optimized life The ultimate luxury is the ‘perpetual money making machine’ to provide time and focus on what matters in life How Dominick spent $28,000 this year on personal development. Have you spent any time o...
Jul 28, 2017•1 hr 15 min•Ep 33•Transcript available on Metacast 033 | In today's podcast we speak with Dominick Quartuccio from DominickQ.com and the author of the book Design Your Life about disrupting your behaviors and 'creating a future you can't wait to live into.' In Today’s Podcast we cover: Our guest is Dominick Quartuccio the author of Design Your Future who is here to talk about ‘designing a future you can’t wait to live into’ This is a very personal episode for Brad, as Dom is a close friend and the person Brad goes to for advice and motivation FI...
Jul 24, 2017•1 hr 18 min•Ep 33•Transcript available on Metacast 032R | In today's Friday Roundup we discuss Episode 32 with Joel from FI 180 on the 'Milestones of FI', plus a life hack voicemail from Noah and Frugal Wins of the Week from our Facebook community. In Today’s Podcast we cover: The Friday Roundup after the Milestones of FI episode with Joel from FI 180 We’re having a FI get together in Richmond and hope to expand beyond Richmond The gamification aspect of personal finance and the milestones When your ‘financial freedom clock’ starts and discussio...
Jul 21, 2017•1 hr 2 min•Ep 32•Transcript available on Metacast 032 | In today's podcast we discuss the Milestones of FI with Joel from FI 180; this is a new look at the path to FI and the milestones along the way. In Today’s Podcast we cover: The ‘Milestones of FI’ with Joel from FI 180 We welcome Joel as our first repeat guest on Choose FI The Milestones of FI as a ‘master’s degree’ journey after Dave Ramsey’s baby steps Joel plans to be fully FI in January 2018 Joel is completely debt free and is shooting for $25,000 per year in other spending FI creates ...
Jul 17, 2017•48 min•Ep 32•Transcript available on Metacast 031R | In today's Friday Roundup we discuss travel rewards, flipping holidays upside down, buying presents, the upcoming FI Documentary and much more. Submit your applications for the contest to win a one-on-one business coaching relationship with Alan Donegan from PopUp Business School Brad’s slow travel vacation through New York State this August How we’ll publish episodes while on vacation and living a FI lifestyle Discussion of Episode 31 on travel rewards What to do with your strategy after...
Jul 14, 2017•59 min•Ep 31•Transcript available on Metacast 031 | In today's podcast we discuss Part 2 of our Travel Rewards series including what to do after you've focused on Chase credit cards plus whether you should focus on one trip or a general strategy. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Part 2 of the travel rewards podcast series on where to go when you’re done with the Chase credit card options Does it make sense to go after cards for a particular trip like Walt Disney World or should you focus on Chase cards while you are under the “5/24 rule?” Brad ...
Jul 10, 2017•33 min•Ep 31•Transcript available on Metacast 030R | In today's podcast we have the biggest announcement in the history of ChooseFI thanks to Alan from PopUp Business School, so be sure to listen and get your responses in ASAP. Brad’s thoughts on not doing what everyone else is doing: July 4th, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc. Jonathan’s wife loved the episode with Alan and she is going to use these skills on a side hustle herself You don’t need a lot of money to start a business – the big takeaway from the episode for Brad Bartering ski...
Jul 07, 2017•47 min•Ep 30•Transcript available on Metacast 030 | In Today’s Podcast we cover: How Alan Donegan of PopUp Business School has turned starting businesses on its head similar to how FI has turned personal finance on its head and caused us to think differently How starting a business is truly one of the ‘pillars of Financial Independence’ Brad and Jonathan started up their own business with ChooseFI based on similar principles to what Alan is teaching You need to know what you’re running to in FI and not just what you’re running from with you...
Jul 03, 2017•1 hr 9 min•Ep 30•Transcript available on Metacast 029R | In today's Friday Roundup we discuss our key takeaways from Episode 29: The Reluctant Frugalist vs. the Aspiring Minimalist, plus feedback from the audience as well as two of our in-house experts. How Jonathan used travel rewards points to book two round-trip flights to South Africa to visit his wife’s family. Only 128,000 points! How to think through a travel rewards redemption and where to start The essential nature of the psychology when considering financial independence How to approa...
Jun 30, 2017•1 hr 7 min•Ep 29•Transcript available on Metacast 029 | In today's podcast we go through a discussion of the mindset differences between a 'reluctant frugalist' like Jonathan and an aspiring minimalist like Brad. In Today’s Podcast we cover: The reluctant frugalist (Jonathan) vs. the mindset of the aspiring minimalist (Brad) How both these mindsets are valid and strong approaches to the concept of Financial Independence How do you talk to your spouse or significant other about financial independence? Voicemail from Royce about how he can get hi...
Jun 26, 2017•52 min•Ep 29•Transcript available on Metacast 028R | In today's Friday Roundup we discuss tax-deferred accounts, the Roth IRA conversion ladder, frugal wins of the week, an 'expert answer' from the Millionaire Educator as well as the Hot Seat with community member Chad! In Today’s Podcast we cover: The Friday Roundup after Episode 28 where we discussed the order of operations for savings as well as the available ‘buckets’ Brad’s discussion of his new health targets: CrossFit and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and how he saves money through a Gracie Garag...
Jun 23, 2017•1 hr 9 min•Ep 28•Transcript available on Metacast 028 | In today's podcast we discuss the four different "buckets" available to savers plus an in-depth look at the Roth IRA and the 'Backdoor Roth.' In Today’s Podcast we cover: The order of operations for how you should approach the different “buckets” available to you both for retirement accounts and for your taxable savings Four basic ways for your retirement and investment funds to be taxed Best case is an account similar to the HSA which is not taxed when you put the money in nor when you pu...
Jun 19, 2017•42 min•Ep 28•Transcript available on Metacast 027R | In today's podcast we highlight our takeaways from Episode 27 with Jay from Slowly Sipping Coffee, plus we discuss the 'Mount Rushmore' of FI and help debunk a lot of the misinformation surrounding the value of the mortgage interest deduction. In Today’s Podcast we cover: The Friday Roundup bringing in many aspects of our audience and community plus our thoughts on the Episode 27 with Jay from Slowly Sipping Coffee How to join the Choose FI Facebook group Looking at the great team of Mr. ...
Jun 16, 2017•1 hr•Ep 27•Transcript available on Metacast 027 | Today we welcome Jay from Slowly Sipping Coffee to the podcast to talk about his reluctant path to FI, the amazing Mrs. SSC and a Fully Funded Lifestyle Change. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Our interview with Jay from Slowly Sipping Coffee How they came up with the name of their blog and how they’d enjoy ‘slowly sipping coffee’ in a more relaxed and free Friday morning The origin story of their Financial Independence journey: SSC googled and found Mr. Money Mustache SSC already had a sprea...
Jun 12, 2017•48 min•Ep 27•Transcript available on Metacast 026R | In today's podcast we discuss our takeaways from Episode 26 with Physician on FIRE plus some exciting developments in the Financial Independence world as well as feedback, questions and comments from the ChooseFI community. In Today’s Podcast we cover: The Friday Roundup after the Physician on FIRE interview from Episode 26 Information for the high income professionals and how it’s important to give details for that aspect of our audience Does the perfect answer exist for high income prof...
Jun 09, 2017•1 hr•Ep 26•Transcript available on Metacast 026 | Today we welcome the Physician on FIRE to the podcast to talk about his path to FI as well as tips and hacks for other high income and medical professionals to get on the path to Financial Independence. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Our guest on the show today is Physician on Fire, who is here to tell us his story as well as some Financial Independence hacks for doctors and other high income individuals His message is for people with high incomes who aren’t looking to live an ultra-frugal l...
Jun 05, 2017•48 min•Ep 26•Transcript available on Metacast 025R | In today's Friday Roundup we discuss Episode 25 with Keith from the Wealthy Accountant, Part 4 of the case study with Paul including a look at his line-by-line expenses, plus questions and feedback from the audience. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Friday Roundup after Episode 25 with Keith from The Wealthy Accountant The firehose of information that Keith unleashed was incredible! Feedback from the audience about Keith’s episode The value of an S-corp election for small businesses How to fi...
Jun 02, 2017•1 hr 9 min•Ep 25•Transcript available on Metacast