In this special belated Halloween episode, Cody and Chris are joined by friend (and neighbor) Tracy! Tracy is well-versed in many things, and her graduate dissertation - on vampires, of all things!! - was actually the inspiration for this episode’s topic: Classic Movie Monsters. First, Cody starts us off by discussing Frankenstein and real attempts in the 1700s to reanimate the dead. Next, Chris tells a very graphic story regarding a case of lycanthropy (please be forewarned, this story contains situations of assault, violence, murder and incest). Lastly, Tracy gives an amazing lesson on vampires, diving into their history and how they have become relevant in popular culture. Creep of the Week is a story of a cupboard haunting by one of our listeners. This week’s drinks are Francis Ford Coppola wine, Wild Vines blackberry merlot, and Werewolf beer.