Last week we talked about our first book choice of Camp BNT, Liz Kleinrock’s Start Here, Start Now. We’re going in a different direction today as we dive into graphic texts. Specifically, we’re looking at Stamped from the Beginning: A Graphic History of Racist Ideas in America, by Ibram X. Kendi, adapted and illustrated by Joel Christian Gill.
Graphic novels are something that we haven’t fit into our curriculum as much as we’d like and we hope to change that moving forward. This type of text has the ability to convey complex historical ideas and emotions and facilitate deeper learning and empathy. Plus, the accessibility of visuals within graphic texts is so helpful for students who are visually inclined, and also helps others stretch boundaries of understanding visual text. It’s a win-win for everyone!
We hope today’s book recommendation is helpful! Be sure to join Camp BNT (free!), download the summer bucket list, and join us on social media as you’re checking things off your list.
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