Have you gotten to the end of the year not knowing what kids have truly learned? You know you’re teaching. You know what some students know and really understand. But when it comes down to it, you feel like you don’t really know what everybody learned. We completely understand! That’s what it felt like for us before we started backward planning and planning our year and assessments the way we teach in Down with the Reading Quiz and Curriculum Rehab.
We know assessments are key in guiding our instruction and gauging student understanding. You’ve heard us talk quite a bit about Sesame Street Quizzes and how much we love them but there are other assessments we absolutely love for assessing student understanding, too. One of our favorites is the paragraph chunk quiz!
Today, we are diving into paragraph chunk quizzes and ways to implement them in your ELA classes. We’re sharing what paragraph chunk quizzes are, why we love them, and different ways to format them to fit what you and your students need.
SHOW NOTES: https://www.bravenewteaching.com/home/episode205
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