We absolutely love hearing real life stories and examples of how you are implementing Brave New Teaching strategies and tools to make a bigger impact on your students and make your life easier! High school English teacher, Lannette Story, is back with us to walk us through what semester two looks like for her classes after she did a complete curriculum rehab last summer.
This week, Lannette is sharing how she kicks off second semester with Romeo and Juliet in an engaging and meaningful way, what her Ruta Sepetys unit looks like, and how she wraps up the school year with a Socratic seminar based on the year-long essential question.
If you’ve embarked on a curriculum rehab or have designed your curriculum to be more inquiry based and driven, we’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us on Instagram, send us an email, or leave us a podcast review. We want to hear more stories from you and have you share them on the podcast so feel free to reach out - we are open ears and excited to hear your journeys!
SHOW NOTES: https://www.bravenewteaching.com/home/episode203
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