Have you ever felt a little intimidated to teach an advanced course like AP Lit? Well, after hearing from today’s guest, Gina Kortuem, we think your feelings may shift to pure excitement! Gina is someone that we’ve wanted to bring on the podcast for a while now because we see a lot of similarities in our teaching styles.
Gina brings us a reality check about what teaching advanced courses like AP Lit is really like. Yes, the content is challenging both for you and the students, but we believe that kids can learn hard things. All kids should learn hard things! It's about equipping yourself with the strategies and tools that you need to make that happen.
Inside this episode, you’ll hear about Gina’s genius bell ringers, her experience going to NCTE, all how she teaches an entire Shakespeare elective, which became the most popular class at her school!
If you aren’t already a member of Happy Hour, you’ll want to join us over there because Gina is taking over with her very own episode. Plus, Happy Hour members will receive an amazing resource from Gina too.
SHOW NOTES: https://www.bravenewteaching.com/home/episode182
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