At the center of the center of the Torah is the Day of Atonement. What is the significance of this day the biblical authors have placed at the heart of the Torah? What does this day accomplish? And what’s with the sacrificial goat and the scapegoat? In this episode, Tim and Jon explore the Day of Atonement and the ultimate atonement accomplished by Jesus on the cross. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-20:20) Part two (20:20-37:53) Part three (37:53-51:08) Part f...
Jul 04, 2022•1 hr 9 min•Ep 310•Transcript available on Metacast Childbirth, non-kosher food, sex, death, disease—they’re all considered impure in the book of Leviticus. In this episode, join Tim and Jon as they discuss the levitical laws of purity and impurity and how they create a way for humanity to share in God’s own life and form a surprisingly beautiful backdrop for Jesus’ miraculous healings. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-10:50) Part two (10:50-28:04) Part three (28:04-44:35) Part four (44:35-01:05:32) Referenced R...
Jun 27, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Ep 309•Transcript available on Metacast Why did God say he was going to kill Moses? What exactly was God’s test for Abraham on Mount Moriah and Israel on Mount Sinai? What’s the connection between the ten plagues and the ten commandments? In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to your questions about the Exodus scroll. Thanks to our audience for your incredible questions! View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps What Was God’s Test for Abraham on Mount Moriah and Israel on Mount Sinai? (00:00-31:57) What Can We Learn From the...
Jun 22, 2022•1 hr 13 min•Ep 308•Transcript available on Metacast In the second movement of Leviticus, Aaron and his sons agree to the terms of their covenant with Yahweh, signing up to be the gatekeepers of Heaven and Earth. But then Aaron’s sons offer unholy fire before Yahweh—and then they die. What’s going on here? A seven-day ceremony of consecration and celebration ends with everything going terribly wrong. Join Tim and Jon as they kick off the second movement of Leviticus, discussing the theme of holiness and a very difficult part of the story. View ful...
Jun 20, 2022•1 hr 4 min•Ep 307•Transcript available on Metacast What is the significance of the offerings described in Leviticus? In this episode, join Tim and Jon as they walk through the five offerings ancient Israelites made to Yahweh and see how the purpose of these practices sound a lot like the teachings of Jesus. Even here in Leviticus, Yahweh’s hope for his people is the same: love God and love your neighbor. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-9:01) Part two (9:01-24:26) Part three (24:26-33:20) Part four (33:20-52:37...
Jun 13, 2022•53 min•Ep 306•Transcript available on Metacast A God who wants nothing more than to dwell with humanity, a way forward to a repaired relationship between Heaven and Earth, atoning sacrifices meant to communicate grace (not punishment)—you’ll find all of this in Leviticus. While the laws governing Israel’s sacrificial system can be some of the most challenging parts of the Bible to read, they’re an integral part of the unfolding story of the Bible. In this episode, Tim and Jon discuss the surprising beauty of sacrifice and atonement in the op...
Jun 06, 2022•1 hr 13 min•Ep 305•Transcript available on Metacast Holiness is a word we frequently associate with the Bible, but what does it mean? As we pick up the story from where we left off in Exodus, we find even Moses unable to enter God’s presence—and a whole bunch of laws about situations many of us have never considered. What is going on in the scroll of Leviticus? And why is it important? In this episode, join Tim and Jon as they dive into the first movement of the Leviticus scroll, where we’ll trace the theme of sacrifice. View full show notes from...
May 30, 2022•1 hr 5 min•Ep 304•Transcript available on Metacast Did Israel pass or fail God’s test at Mount Sinai? And what did Yahweh mean when he made Israel a “nation of priests”? In this episode, Tim and Jon talk with long-time friend and Hebrew Bible scholar Dr. Carmen Imes. Tim and Carmen share differing interpretive perspectives of the Exodus story, reminding us that the Bible is meant to be meditated upon and studied within a community. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-18:45) Part two (18:45-30:30) Part three (30:30...
May 23, 2022•1 hr 1 min•Ep 303•Transcript available on Metacast In the second movement of Exodus, Moses walks straight into God’s fiery presence on Mount Sinai without fear. But by the end of the scroll, he can’t enter God’s presence. What changed? Right after confirming their covenant with Yahweh, Israel turns around and commits idolatry by making and worshiping a golden calf. It’s a choice that ruptures their relationship with Yahweh and even their connection to Moses. In this episode, join Jon and Tim as they explore the final portion of the third movemen...
May 16, 2022•52 min•Ep 302•Transcript available on Metacast Why does God seem to care so much about the furniture within the tabernacle? The instructions for the tabernacle furniture are about far more than aesthetics. They were means of dealing with Israel’s moral brokenness, they served as reminders of Eden, and they were designed to form Israel into a people of perpetual surrender. In this episode, join Tim and Jon as they continue to trace the theme of the temple in the third movement of Exodus. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Par...
May 09, 2022•1 hr 1 min•Ep 301•Transcript available on Metacast You may have heard that God’s holiness keeps him from getting close to sinful humanity, but in the Bible we see God regularly doing the opposite, drawing near to dwell with human beings. We encounter this reality again and again, including in a surprising place—the tabernacle blueprints. In this episode, join Jon and Tim as they walk through the opening act of the third movement of Exodus and explore the relationship between the tabernacle, the garden of Eden, unconditional love, and eternal lif...
May 02, 2022•1 hr 16 min•Ep 300•Transcript available on Metacast We often think of the ten commandments as a list of dos and don’ts—the things you need to know to make God happy. But is that what they’re really about? In this episode, join Tim and Jon as they take a deep dive into the ten commandments, and find out why they’re far less about simulating moral perfection than they are about preserving proper worship of Yahweh and the shared dignity of humans as his image bearers. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-11:00) Part tw...
Apr 25, 2022•1 hr 10 min•Ep 299•Transcript available on Metacast Mount Sinai is the famous spot where Yahweh gives Moses the ten commandments—and the location where most of Exodus, all of Leviticus, and the first ten chapters of Numbers take place. When Israel first arrives at Sinai, they fail yet another test and try to get Moses to pass it for them. In this episode, join Tim and Jon as they explore Yahweh’s fiery presence, the test at Sinai, and the question of Israel’s national identity: will they be the kingdom of priests Yahweh intends? View full show no...
Apr 18, 2022•1 hr 3 min•Ep 298•Transcript available on Metacast The nation of Israel seems to go from one life-threatening situation to another in the Exodus scroll. From slavery in Egypt to being cornered between a hostile army and a vast body of water, Israel’s God has delivered them from everything so far. Now in the wilderness, they face a series of three tests. Will they trust Yahweh to deliver them again? In this episode, Tim and Jon explore Israel’s testing in the wilderness. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-9:05) Pa...
Apr 11, 2022•1 hr 11 min•Ep 297•Transcript available on Metacast Nobody likes tests. But the test is a recurring pattern in the biblical story for how God relates to his chosen ones. So are humans just lab rats in a divine experiment, or is there something else going on? Join Tim and Jon as they talk about the theme of the test and the famous account of Israel crossing the Sea of Reeds, as we dive into the second movement of the Exodus scroll. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-14:30) Part two (14:30-20:25) Part three (20:25-3...
Apr 04, 2022•1 hr 3 min•Ep 296•Transcript available on Metacast The ten plagues––they’re fascinating, they’re famous, and they sometimes seem overly harsh. Where do they fit in the story of the Bible and the process of God revealing his own name and character? In this episode, Tim and Jon talk about the ten plagues, or ten acts of de-creation, in which Yahweh uses his power over creation to undo his own creation in judgment. Listen in as we explore how God’s response to evil reveals another layer of his character. View full show notes from this episode → Tim...
Mar 28, 2022•1 hr•Ep 295•Transcript available on Metacast The story of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt is famous for good reason—a burning bush, a transforming staff, 10 plagues, and the Passover. The exodus is also the story that defines God’s personal name, Yahweh. What does this narrative show us about Yahweh? And why does God care so much that people know his name? In this episode, Tim and Jon talk about God’s character revealed through his acts of deliverance and judgment. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-12:15...
Mar 21, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Ep 294•Transcript available on Metacast God is not a name—it’s a title. In fact, the God of the Bible introduces himself by a specific name in one of the most famous stories in the Bible, the exodus event, when he works through Moses and Aaron to deliver Israel from slavery in Egypt. In this episode, Tim and Jon dive into the first movement of the Exodus scroll and explore the theme of God’s name. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-12:15) Part two (12:15-23:45) Part three (23:45-46:30) Part four (46:30...
Mar 14, 2022•1 hr 5 min•Ep 293•Transcript available on Metacast How is Jesus the first-born of creation and the “second Adam”? Why are the biblical authors so obsessed with the east? And why can’t Jacob and Esau both be blessed? In this episode, Tim and Jon tackle your questions about the Genesis scroll. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Is Jesus Both the First-born and Chosen Second-Born? (1:27) Why Are the Biblical Authors Obsessed with the East? (7:00) Where Did Cain Find a Wife? (15:55) Who Are the Nephilim? (21:14) Does God Test Abraha...
Mar 07, 2022•1 hr 1 min•Ep 292•Transcript available on Metacast He lays down his life to save a remnant of God’s people, he brings God’s blessing to all nations, he forgives those who tried to kill him, and his name is … Joseph? In this episode, Tim and Jon conclude our study of the Genesis scroll with a final look at the theme of exile. See how Joseph’s story becomes an important part of the Bible’s depiction of the ultimate suffering servant, Jesus the Messiah. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-6:30) Part two (6:30-17:00) ...
Feb 28, 2022•45 min•Ep 291•Transcript available on Metacast Joseph is one of the Bible’s most famous characters, and in the Genesis scroll, his story is a climactic moment in the theme of exile that spans the whole book. In this episode, Tim and Jon dive into the fourth and final movement of Genesis, a narrative rich with patterns, repeated words, and the presence of God even in the pit. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-11:30) Part two (11:30-24:45) Part three (24:45-41:51) Referenced Resources Interested in more? Check...
Feb 21, 2022•42 min•Ep 290•Transcript available on Metacast Throughout the story of the Bible, God singles out different people, like Jacob, to be the conduit of his blessing to all humanity. But from birth, Jacob consistently acts more like the snake from the garden of Eden than a righteous chosen one of God. He lies his way into blessings that God had intended for him all along. So what will God do? In this episode, Tim and Jon discuss the theme of blessing and curse in the life of Jacob. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00...
Feb 14, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Ep 289•Transcript available on Metacast The word “blessing” brings to mind a variety of images for all of us. But what exactly does it mean when God blesses someone? And where did the curse come from? In this episode, Tim and Jon start exploring the third movement of Genesis, tracing the theme of blessing and curse. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-18:35) Part two (18:35-37:40) Part three (37:40-51:30) Part four (51:30-1:01:42) Referenced Resources The Blessing and the Curse: Trajectories in the Theo...
Feb 07, 2022•1 hr 3 min•Ep 288•Transcript available on Metacast Today would have been our 287th podcast episode. We haven’t missed a single week in seven years! Unfortunately, we won’t be able to release our next episode until a week from now, Monday, February 7th, when we will dive into the third movement of Genesis, focusing on the life of Jacob. This week take the time to explore our catalogue and listen to an episode you haven’t heard before. You can also listen to the podcast in our new app and check out our new interactive podcast feature. As you liste...
Jan 31, 2022•2 min•Ep 287•Transcript available on Metacast The family of Abraham is chosen by God. But despite God’s promises to them, they continually act out of greed, division, fear, deception, and lack of trust in Yahweh. How does God respond to this? What will he do to make sure his blessing comes to all nations? Join Tim, Jon, and Carissa as they continue tracing the theme of the tree of life in the second movement of Genesis. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-13:50) Part two (13:50-27:45) Part three (27:45-36:30)...
Jan 24, 2022•1 hr 5 min•Ep 286•Transcript available on Metacast Blessing, testing, failure, success, God’s plan for the nations—you’ll find all these themes woven through the story of the Bible, often accompanied by … trees? While it might not seem obvious, trees play an important role in the Bible and, notably, in the life of Abraham. In this episode, join Tim, Jon, and Carissa as they dive into the second movement of Genesis and trace the theme of trees through the story of Abraham. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-08:25)...
Jan 17, 2022•50 min•Ep 285•Transcript available on Metacast When we think of God’s Spirit, judgment is probably not what comes to mind. But the biblical authors saw God’s Spirit as the one who gave life and took it away—the one who could create, de-create, and recreate. In this episode, Tim, Jon, and Carissa follow the theme of God’s Spirit through the second half of the first movement of Genesis. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-10:20) Part two (10:20-29:00) Part three (29:00-35:00) Part four (35:00-43:30) Part five (4...
Jan 10, 2022•1 hr•Ep 284•Transcript available on Metacast Why does the author of Genesis make a point to name God’s Spirit in Genesis 1 and 2? In this week’s episode, Tim, Jon, and Carissa embark on a new journey for the BibleProject podcast—reading the Bible in thematic movements, starting with a close look at the Holy Spirit’s role in the book of Genesis. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (00:00-10:00) Part two (10:00-23:00) Part three (23:00-39:00) Part four (39:00-50:00) Part five (50:00-end) Referenced Resources Interest...
Jan 03, 2022•56 min•Ep 283•Transcript available on Metacast In the final episode of the year, Tim, Jon, Carissa, and the CEO of BibleProject, Steve, reflect on our journey together in 2021 and look forward to some exciting plans for 2022 and beyond. Thank you to all of our listeners and supporters for your generosity and for joining us as we experience the Bible together. View full show notes from this episode → Referenced Resources Interested in more? Check out Tim’s library here. Show Music “Defender (Instrumental)” by TENTS Show produced by Cooper Pel...
Dec 27, 2021•19 min•Ep 282•Transcript available on Metacast How do we apply the biblical paradigm to our own Bible reading? It starts with reading the Bible in movements—the thematic patterns in which the biblical authors organized their ideas long before chapters and verse numbers were printed. In this episode, Tim, Jon, and Carissa introduce us to biblical movements and walk through how to identify and trace biblical themes on our own. View full show notes from this episode → Timestamps Part one (0:00-14:00) Part two (14:00-19:45) Part three (19:45-29:...
Dec 20, 2021•57 min•Ep 281•Transcript available on Metacast