Do you want your yard to benefit nature, while also being a place that speaks to you and is somewhere you enjoy spending time? Would you love for your yard to also be a place your neighbors admire and that inspires them to create pollinator and wildlife friendly landscapes? In this episode of the Backyard Ecology podcast, we talk with Larry Weaner about how to achieve both those goals.
Larry is a Landscape Designer and the founder of Larry Weaner Landscape Associates and its educational affiliate, New Directions in the American Landscape, or NDAL. He is also the author of the book, Garden Revolution.
According to Larry, ecology based landscaping or ecological landscaping takes into consideration where and how native plants naturally grow then adapts that knowledge to your property. The goal is to create a landscape that not only benefits nature, but is also a place that speaks to you and is somewhere you enjoy being.
One of the topics that came up several times, and in several different ways, was how we connect and engage with a place. The place-based parts of our conversation included not only personal connections, but also community connections. Community connection is important because if our ecology based landscaping connects with our neighbors, then they may replicate some of those principles on their own properties, thus increasing the ecological benefits.
Another topic that wove its way throughout our conversation was maintaining and managing our landscapes. This topic came up multiple times and in multiple ways. As Larry said, there probably isn’t any such thing as a “no maintenance” landscape. Larry also talks about the biggest challenge he sees people face, especially when getting started.
Larry is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to integrating ecological principles and landscape design. His approach is one that really resonates with me and has done so for several years. I encourage anyone who is interested in creating ecology based landscapes to read his book and look into his courses.
Until next week, I encourage you to take some time to explore the nature in your own yard and community.
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