Hi Everyone! On today’s episode of Backyard Ecology we talk with Dr. Kirsten Traynor, a research associate at Arizona State University and the editor of 2 Million Blossoms, a quarterly magazine dedicated to protecting our pollinators. Our conversation takes a curvy, twisty path that covers multiple different topics including what led her to start the magazine, some of the articles in the magazine, a discussion of some of the crazy interactions between plants and their pollinators, some of her current research, and what’s next for the magazine.
Kirsten’s journey into the world of pollinators started when she became a beekeeper. Her honey bees served as a “gateway bug” that inspired an appreciation of all the other bees that she also found visiting flowers. She started 2 Million Blossoms because she wanted to bring together beekeepers, native bee enthusiasts, and other people who love pollinators. Her goal with the magazine is to inform, inspire, and entertain.
2 Million Blossoms launched in January 2020. The tone of the magazine is very positive and it always has beautiful photographs and artwork. Articles over the past year have included the story of someone who rode her bike from Mexico to Canada and back as she followed the migration path of the monarchs, how coyotes serve as important seed dispersers for pawpaws and persimmons, goldenrods that grow well in garden settings without taking over, the lost migration of hover flies on the east coast, and photo essays exploring the connection between nature and the night sky. Kirsten also hinted at some of the stories she has planned for 2021.
I’m a huge fan of 2 Million Blossoms and it’s currently the only magazine that I read cover to cover. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for its second year. If this is your first time hearing about the magazine, then I encourage you to check it out. Kirsten was even kind enough to give our listeners a coupon code for $5 off the subscription price. (And no, I don’t get any kick back or affiliate fees if you subscribe. I just really enjoy the magazine and think many of you will too.)