Brian is known as “The $161 Million Man”, “The Spellbreaker” and “The Shaman Coach”, and he delivers a radical CORE Paradigm Shift that can help you experience freedom in all areas of life. He is a #1 Best Selling author of the book ‘Break your Self-Help Addiction’ Most of his clients are people who have already invested years (or decades) in personal development with limited results. Brian’s method of ‘core paradigm clearing’ creates massive life and business results where nothing else has. (Including literal Miracles.)Brian says, ‘He’s not a healer, a teacher, or a guru. He is just a “reminder”, here to remind you of what you already – and always – know.’ In Early 2011, Brian experienced an Intense, Profound, Life-Changing Awakening.After 30 years of near-fanatical devotion to his self-help junkie lifestyle, his life was worse than ever. After an abusive childhood, Brian dove into self-help and personal development, seeking to improve his life. As program after program failed to deliver the promised transformation, Brian became a self-proclaimed “Self Help Junkie” - eventually investing over $300,000 and tens of thousands of hours into his desperate quest for a life that “worked.” At his lowest, most hopeless point, homeless and suicidal, Brian experienced what he calls his “Miracle Moment”, one blast of infinite awareness and insight, where he discovered “The Level 5 Paradigm”.His entire life transformed. He went from homeless to living in paradise in Hawaii and has dedicated his life to spreading the “LEVEL 5 TECHNOLOGY” and helping others attain true, lasting personal freedom. Contact Brian:Website: with Brian: Engagements: Book: Book:
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