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We're joined this week by fearmongers:
Alice Tovey
Scout Boxall
Alice Fraser
and Dan Ilic
And we cover:
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Bertha Announcement 0:00
This podcast is supported in part by the birth of foundation. Hello,
Dan Ilic 0:05
Alice Fraser, not Louis Harbour. Oh my goodness, Louis.
Alice Fraser 0:09
However, unfortunately, for all involved except me, except me, I have made most of my career out of being the second person people call. And I'm very proud of that.
Dan Ilic 0:20
Yeah, pour Louis, for folks tuning in, who may not also listen to Triple J drive. You this may be the first bit of news that you'll find that Lewis haba has COVID He's got the owner. He's got the spicy cough so easily. He can't join us. He gave me a call about 10 months before the show started. I said I know just the person who can fill in your big shoes. I was Fraser
Alice Fraser 0:42
Yes. I mean, I feel like it's it's very sad that he has Coronavirus. It's one of those pieces of news though that you always feel like it should always have been the case. He is the I mean the for a grown man. He is the most like a Dickensian orphan I've ever met. He always not saying he's a sickly boy. I'm just saying that, you know if he coughs gently into a handkerchief, I wouldn't be surprised.
Dan Ilic 1:06
Well, for me, I feel like well, Surely his sheer height puts him above the breathing height of everybody else. So he he unless he's crouching down his risk is quite low.
Alice Fraser 1:18
Yeah, I think that's true. I have always noticed. Do you know vaping? Oh, yes. Do you know vaping? Yeah, you
Dan Ilic 1:25
heard of vaping heard of vaping. Yeah, I know. Louis haba. Knows vaping
Alice Fraser 1:29
I always thought that the the biggest feature of vaping as like a pre COVID thing was just knowing how big people's breath was. Because you could see you can actually see you can see Yeah, arguably vaping should be compulsory so that we can dodge a Coronavirus, or as
Dan Ilic 1:46
Hey, big thank you to everybody who signed up to this week's Patreon I'm going to be hammering the Patreon over the next few months because we need you we need to join you need you to join up. If you love the show, please head to irrational fear.com forward slash Patreon Alice Fraser You have an exceedingly good Patreon wonderful community there. What is the top secret of running a Patreon community for me
Alice Fraser 2:08
for you? Well, I do I do these salons where I talk to everyone and I treat them like people which is important. I don't know I just I just
Dan Ilic 2:17
No offence to anyone my Patreon that sounds gross
Alice Fraser 2:21
Well, I think of that like I support people on Patreon I like I support them because I'm super excited to be part of whatever they're doing. Like I want to be be a part of it. And so it's really nice like I just I just think well what would what would it be like to be a patron of me and what would I like? My own patron which I am I pay my own bills. Let me tell you
Dan Ilic 2:40
where they go. irrational fear I think we are Patreon of yours at the very lowest level. I think it's like 50 cents a month. So it's great to be also us helping you out Alice right.
Alice Fraser 2:50
We're gonna be talking to you like
Dan Ilic 2:54
you also get discounted tickets to our live shows. We do have our 10 year anniversary show that has been rescheduled. It is going to be at the Opera House. So make sure you become a patron so you get a discounted ticket to that. Also you can see our us on stage with a special irrational fear show at the Judith Nielsen Institute. We're doing a show may 5. It's called is the Joker mightier than the word it's a show that satire be more powerful than journalism, right?
Alice Fraser 3:21
I mean, it is it may 5 on May 9 Because I think you offered both and I said for one of them. I'm in Adelaide and it's May 5 Right so are you just telling me I'm off the bill. So
Dan Ilic 3:29
I was frozen may not be on that bill, but we have to anyway, join the Patreon and you'll find it all the details is my point. I'm recording my end of irrational feet on the land of the Thoreau waltz sovereignty was never seated. We need a treaty. Let's start
Voice Over 3:42
the show. A rational fear contains naughty words like bricks, Canberra, fed gum and section 40 of a rational view recommended listening by image your audience.
Dan Ilic 3:56
Tonight the Minister for aged care Robert Colbeck promises to appear the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 after the next ashes test in Hobart and just in time for Valentine's Day when McDonald's is changing the shape of the nuggets box to contain a little heart cut out just to remind customers which final organ will be cut out after you eat their products. And according to The New York Times, Vladimir Putin could be planning something worse than war. His first ever solo show at the Adelaide Fringe Festival is the limit in February 2010 This is a rational
Yes, welcome. This is a rational fit. I'm your host, former Duke of York Dan Ilic. And this is the podcast that puts the news in a blender with ginger and men so even the most awful stuff tastes okay. Let's make our fear mongers for tonight. While their day job is a CT transcriptionist, their passion is a blend of The Satta and finally organised cerebral chaos, which is why they're perfect for this show. irrational fear. Have your pencils ready? It's Scout Boxall
Scout Boxall 5:09
Hello. Oh for having me. Oh my goodness. Now Scott has a court
Dan Ilic 5:14
transcription is do you? Is it true? You talk really fast and one of those fancy machines?
Scout Boxall 5:18
I typed so fast I typed about 97 words a minute to me. Yeah, I got the little magic thingies. I'm ready to go. I actually over in very cool news. I quit my day job. We're gonna give the performing arts ago My first step was appearing on this podcast for free
Dan Ilic 5:44
$100 will pay you money. It's okay. Oh my goodness. Yeah, oh,
Scout Boxall 5:50
my God reaches beyond my wildest dreams. I can't wait. I'm so stoked to be here. I would have done it for free. Anyway, I would have paid you for the privilege. Oh, great.
Dan Ilic 5:57
Excellent. Well, I just made $100 And she holds a Bachelor of classical voice and masters screenwriting vci, which means she's completely overqualified for this podcast. It's singer songwriter and shit Sarah, Alice, Toby.
Alice Tovey 6:10
Hello, Thank you, Dan. I'm qualified to do nothing with those pieces of paper.
Dan Ilic 6:16
It's quite incredible. Like it like two degrees like in like the Super Fine Arts. That is. That is a commitment. Well done.
Alice Tovey 6:23
It makes for great pub chat. Thank you, but really, they're just used to kind of cover the little crack in the wall of my main my rental property and that's
Dan Ilic 6:31
right, excellent. And he's the co host of Triple J drive shows harbouring it's Louis harbour
Alice Fraser 6:40
today, this one hour Actually, no, I'm gonna treat myself and just be Louis haba till midnight.
Scout Boxall 6:46
What's your next step?
Dan Ilic 6:47
Yeah. Yeah, what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do next? What's the big fan
Alice Tovey 6:51
back into a Fraser pumpkin? Naturally?
Alice Fraser 6:53
Yeah, just slowly, slowly disintegrate back into myself. But I think what I will do just is revel in being tall for a bit revel in being tall.
Dan Ilic 7:00
Yeah, Have some pity quips about Kanye West and
Alice Fraser 7:04
go say using something high with my elbow?
Dan Ilic 7:07
Yeah, can I can I recommend getting incredibly outraged about the quality of a quiche? That is something I know about the risk of
Alice Fraser 7:17
such an injury that is such a specific joke. But even I Louis harbour about whom the joke is don't get the
Dan Ilic 7:23
coming up. Later, we'll be talking with Sam Holland from the new liberals will ask him how long will it take to the new liberals to be around until they get to be called the old liberals. But first here is a message from this week's sponsor, and I really apologise this.
60 Minutes Voice Over 7:38
Sunday 60 minutes goes behind the door to kirribilli house to present Australian politics like you've never seen before. The Prime Minister Scott Morrison Good morning calm and journalist cosplay calm Stephen pm Good morning to you. You know, our long suffering session very hard. Only for behind from Prime Minister to prime Daddy, I gotta tell you, I'm coming from breakfast television journalist to chief of scomo staff. Wow. It's 60 minutes of Walkley award winning 69 And then you put the finger through their watch cow Stefanova get lodged by Scott Morrison in the launch the big stick sounding
Dan Ilic 8:25
on nine and nine now. I would like to see if you would marry me. Love you man. That'll make sense a little bit later on. More on 60 minutes later, but this week's first fear spies are on the dating apps and they're doing much more than invading your DMS ASIO DG Mike Burgess confirmed that that some espionage and foreign interference with democracy when we within Australia has now supplanted terrorism as the nation's principal security concern. He was thinking the nation's principal security concern was allowing religious groups to discriminate against kids that don't either work out but know. According to ASIO spies are using social media and dating apps to mine confidential information from 1000s of Australians with classified information. The DJ said ASIO is also tracking suspicious approaches on dating apps such as tinder, Bumble and hinge.
Alice Fraser 9:21
What counts as a suspicious approach then is it like respectful? Like doesn't pick very
Dan Ilic 9:28
immediately that is very suspicious. Yeah, yeah. It is very strange. Like, what would a suspicious approach be? Would it be like, Hey, want to come around for some Netflix and state secrets? Is that like, the first line that people would do? I
Alice Tovey 9:41
dance as if single people didn't have enough to worry about already. Like, you've got to find someone who makes you laugh who likes those long walks on the beach, and now you got to make sure their terrorist cell looks promising.
Scout Boxall 9:54
I just think it's like it's insane. To me. I'm wondering whether it's like men are getting more likely to be catfished on This because I feel like women on dating apps are so suspicious all the time. And I bet I can't. It's done. It's stunning to me. I mean, how lonely do you have to be to get into bed with the enemy literally sleep? No, that's only I mean, I
Dan Ilic 10:17
look next to it all the time. The movies like James Bond loves to get stuck on like that, you know that. That's, that's, that's, you know, that's what happens. See, I
Alice Fraser 10:25
take this story really personally, because whenever I lose a friend from my life, they sort of just evaporate or disappear. I decided to because they're a spy now. And so they can't have contact with their own life. And that's how I soothe my feelings.
Alice Tovey 10:39
And now they're Mrs spy.
Scout Boxall 10:42
That sounds super healthy. Alice, I can't wait for you to unpack that in a Medicare rebate a therapy session. That's fantastic. I am I actually have a personal element to this because my mom dated a spy. Australian spy. Yeah, yeah. In the 80s before she met my dad, from the Treasury Department. So way less interesting. But she got fully vetted. Like they'd been dating for about nine months, he was going to pop the question. And so like some ASIO guys came over and asked her a bunch of questions. She was working in the treasury at the time, and so she passed with flying colours, and then she broke up with him. So
Dan Ilic 11:15
did you trashed it? Did she get any state secrets while she was dating here?
Scout Boxall 11:19
No, but she realised how gullible she was like, she was like, yeah, he just kept going on the se trips to Iran. And I just thought that sounds that sounds exotic. That sounds fun. Not sure what you're doing there for CSIRO. But I'm sure there's something interesting going on. So she's a smart lady. But she's she's booksmart not street smart. Well,
Dan Ilic 11:37
I mean, I mean, here's something like my dad worked for ASIO. And my mom and dad dated after Oh, no, my mom dad stated as he was still working for ASIO. So they I mean, but you know, did she No. Yeah, I think eventually. Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, yeah. Each
Alice Tovey 11:54
to write things with pens, and then turn into little cameras and guns, just like something's going on.
Scout Boxall 11:59
Everything in the house is invisible angel is like always an eye in there ready to warm up the lemon juice. You can see the secret message.
Dan Ilic 12:06
Yeah, it was like, Please tidy, please take out the beans. But it was written in lemon ink. Yeah. It's interesting. I don't dad has never divulged any information. From his time working in ASIO. I just assumed that he was chasing down Croatian separatists that were running around the country at the time. Back in back in the 60s. So yeah. That's some really hard questions before. Before. Yeah,
Scout Boxall 12:28
once the state speak once the state Secrets Act is expired, like
Alice Fraser 12:34
30 More than 30 years, my dad has to know an ex CIA agent who became a meditation teacher. Oh, my God. Is that just this podcast and after
Dan Ilic 12:46
he became a meditation teacher to deal with these PTSD?
Scout Boxall 12:49
I was about to say he was in he was
Alice Fraser 12:51
in Southeast Asia working for the CIA and he became interested in the Oriental religions and then interested he didn't want to keep murdering people for fun. It probably
Dan Ilic 13:01
was a cover up of like, okay, now say hum, and also what your password is, or, Yes,
Scout Boxall 13:09
transfixing. And I'd like and that's the dining. It's like, if you can get if you can look, if you can fuck them good enough. A little pillow talk at the end. It's like so um, what was the name of your first pet? What would be the last four numbers of your Medicare number? Just like off the bat, just like I'm so interested in you.
Alice Fraser 13:28
I mean, if you're talking after sex, you're doing it wrong.
Scout Boxall 13:34
Yeah, you should have your vocal cords absolutely excoriated. You shouldn't be able to make a word. Yeah.
Dan Ilic 13:39
Normally, I wouldn't play a clip from Senator James Patterson. But he did make a pretty good point on on this issue. He also sits on the joint committee for intelligence and security.
James Patterson 13:49
Let's remember that. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. If you're a six, and there are 10. It might not be your looks that they've been charmed by it might be your access to classified information.
Dan Ilic 14:02
As someone who's a five that is very cutting is very.
Alice Tovey 14:06
Dan, can I just say that that is a scathing recommendation from the Ministry for negging just
David Speers 14:15
Do you agree with the sentiment that keeping wages at a relatively modest level is a deliberate feature of our economic architecture to actually drive jobs growth? Absolutely not. And Bill Shorten to even suggest that I think is actually coining I'm quoting Mateus coolmath finance minister here, Minister, your colleague,
Voice Over 14:36
he's absolutely right. Your fear is rational.
Dan Ilic 14:40
This week's second fear after three years of threatening and with only three sitting days of Parliament left the coalition tried and then failed to pass a religious discrimination bill which in terms would kind of allow religious organisations to do more discriminating array freedom to discriminate? It's just what Jesus would have wanted. At 5am Thursday morning, the debate was still raging with the five liberals crossing the floor to vote with Labour and the cross benches in support of amendments that the independents put up to abolish the rights of religious schools to discriminate against gay and trans kids. Five liberals cross the floor which is pretty extraordinary now responding to criticism levelled at him by ministers of his own party Scott Morrison said I don't feel betrayed. I don't feel upset I don't feel much anything because that's the benefit of being a complete psycho. So fear mongers Did you solve this bill go down. Why does God need to help the Australian Christian lobby scout?
Scout Boxall 15:37
Oh my god I'm so this bill hits pretty close to home for me. I went to a religious private school is a little kiddo. And as a bait Basically, first of all, I want to give a shout out to the five MPs who broke ranks. So Bridget Archer, Trent Zimmerman, Fiona Martin, Katie Allen and Dave Sharma. Like congrats to you guys for showing that good people can get in the way of a bad build, you know what I mean? But um, I think the thing that really worries
Alice Fraser 16:04
me is pushing it.
Scout Boxall 16:07
But but you know what I mean? Like, it's nice to see like a skerrick of conscience in the liberal party like and even if, you know, I fundamentally disagree on them on literally everything else they do. That's one good thing they did do. The sad thing now is that, like, we're now going into election where this could potentially be, like, a debate issue, like and I just really worry that trans and queer kids in schools are essentially going to get thrown under the bus as the liberal party tries to like not like themselves, like split into different factions. And it's just it's, it's really disheartening to see that like, you can Yeah, it's it's really disheartening, so it's actually been like a really, really tough week for the community. I can
Dan Ilic 16:45
I can totally imagine it's so weird that this political football has even come into play because it's just pure culture war bullshit that absolutely doesn't need to happen I don't know if you know anything about the country right now but there's a bunch of other stuff that needs to kind of get done
Alice Tovey 17:02
it's like a little glob yellow pen Nene going on. It's also pretty rude for like trans people to be used as political footballs when they've been historically excluded from sport
Dan Ilic 17:13
that's a no comment. So my place to comment on
Alice Tovey 17:16
that No, I can comment on that and I can say that's a good joke Alice
Scout Boxall 17:20
thank you
Alice Tovey 17:23
I just want to be a political little hockey puck to cut me on the ice baby I got no I got in my house. Boiling right now. Oh, my goodness.
Dan Ilic 17:30
It's so cheap that this whole community has to be this political football at this time. Like no one needs that when there's so so much other stuff that the government actually needs to get done.
Alice Fraser 17:40
Done. I think it's a problem that's gonna solve itself if we ignore climate change long enough and focus on this kind of stuff. Eventually, everyone will just be floating around neck deep in water and you won't have to worry about any kind of gender presentation still have gills and be fish
Scout Boxall 17:57
as no segregated change rooms in the apocalypse. Ever everyone ships at the end of the day, maybe?
Voice Over 18:04
A Rational Fear. The reality is if we if you have to disclose all of your donors, people won't donate to
Dan Ilic 18:10
a rational fear. This week's third fear Jenny Morrison is going primetime in what appears to be the puffy first of all puff pieces. 60 minutes is doing a soft lens job on Scott Morrison to curry favour with the audience no doubt. Well, Dan, Dan, I was gonna say that silence was me cutting up my comedy card.
Scout Boxall 18:28
Oh my god the curry.
Dan Ilic 18:33
Sam maiden wrote up a piece based on a car Stefanova interview, which Carl said the following quote regarding their 2020 trip to why also Jenny makes a killer Margarita, which is kind of strange with the whole Hawaii thing. I don't know if anyone's told Carl, but Margarita is out from Hawaii.
They're not from Hawaii,
Alice Fraser 18:53
easily and they're a kind of pizza.
Dan Ilic 18:57
cow goes on to say the textile scandals. I mean, there's nothing she doesn't address and she's you know, she's herself. I don't think she's the person who's manipulated by Pr boffins. She's real. I think she connects in a real way that's open and honest. incredibly refreshing. fear mongers. Why? Why does it sound like that Jenny would make a better Prime Minister than Scott Morrison.
Alice Tovey 19:18
Because she would at this stage she used wad of paper towel would be better than Scott Morrison. At this point in time.
Dan Ilic 19:26
We're going to play hang on a sec. Now. I'm going to play the the trailer to the 60 minutes piece. It's gonna get to it on Sunday. If you want to joke, just yell out hang on a sec. And I'll stop the tape. Here we go.
Alice Fraser 19:36
I will say pause for a minute because I don't do colloquialisms.
Dan Ilic 19:40
Okay, very good. You could say pause for a minute. All right, here we go. Let's play pause for a minute. Here we go. Ready? Here we go.
60 Minutes Voice Over 19:46
Do you sleep we want in the toughest week?
Alice Tovey 19:51
Yeah, a lot of lizards actually don't have eyelids so he probably always be sleepy but his eyes open.
Unknown Speaker 20:00
We'd like everybody it'll see. Of course I do. In the toughest,
Scout Boxall 20:03
of course are minute. Q Q. Scott Morrison raising his hands to the camera and just showing his own stigmata. He bleeds for our sins everyone
Alice Tovey 20:14
we love the Catholic school joke Scouty
Alice Fraser 20:17
I mean, also I liked the way that that question got asked of like, do you like you really like it really like as though that were a hard hitting question like, do you actually have blood
Scout Boxall 20:28
Karl Stefanovic is really like the recapture. Like, are you human please take Can you see like three chimneys in the same that's like the extent of is
Alice Fraser 20:37
exhausting when they say prove that you're human and you have to go off and live a full happy life. Eat me eventually die. And by then you've forgotten the Amazon password.
60 Minutes Voice Over 20:48
Scott Morrison fights back, you might need more than a miracle this time. You might need the second coming. Well, I believe in that too.
Scout Boxall 20:56
Oh, hang on a sec. I think he's ever made a woman come one way but also I love
Dan Ilic 21:09
looking for my horn.
Scout Boxall 21:11
It was such a flatulent one. I loved it. That's beautiful.
Alice Fraser 21:14
Well, I just liked that he presented his like horrifying evangelical fervour as a kind of a fun perk of his personality. I believe in that too. And also not even gay people and you go okay, what well, you know There we go.
Unknown Speaker 21:30
60 minutes behind the scenes in the kitchen cabinet. Observe the knives only from behind. Mr. launches his secret weapon.
Scout Boxall 21:41
Hang on a sec. Oh, Jenny is a secret weapon. Really? Escaped guys. This is the secret weapon. Man. The secret weapon she's been the shield this whole time Jesus is the sword Jenny is the shield. She's the one that like, absorbs all of the flak all the insults and is the only woman who can bear to stand next to him on camera and be like, he's actually a really cool guy.
Alice Tovey 22:05
Jenny to Scott Morrison right now is like a very thick carpet that gets rolled over the road if there's nails on it so people can drive over and not get hurt.
Dan Ilic 22:16
What would you say? He's 16 year old so
Scout Boxall 22:20
hang on. Okay, genuine cry for help at this point. At what point do we go in and emancipate Jenny Morrison? Like she's just she's gazing out from these crazy eyes like yeah, I love this man and I love my country and I love Jesus Jenny Valle de Anza open like messengers anytime day or night we're here for you girl. Get some of the lemons make some invisible ink get one of those scholastic a Spy Kids you got you got for the kids. You can get out better you can get out slip into
Dan Ilic 22:47
my DMs like a Chinese spy Jenny slip
60 Minutes Voice Over 22:51
she's a night I actually felt sick to my stomach and so
Alice Tovey 22:59
hang on a sec. I mean yeah if scomo touched my leg like that like it was a teenage boy at a social here I'd feel sick to my stomach do can't believe he didn't leave room for Jesus on that couch. That is just uncalled for it was probably after she had one of his disgusting Gary's What is it with the man and curries all the time? Yeah, he thinks salt is a spice they're not gonna it's not gonna be a good curry. Let's let's
Alice Fraser 23:25
not be unfair to Jenny. She's probably an absolute asshole as well.
Not assume that cheese
situation she's probably like giving him an oily massage being like a bit, you know, hot.
Scout Boxall 23:40
Oh, go Layne Maxwell vibes, Lady Macbeth vibes
Alice Fraser 23:47
the women in this situation. This feminist.
Scout Boxall 23:50
I was just about to say Feminists can be absolute cants too. And that's, we love that. Then you can go to Hawaii to sink. Just hang on. Do soon. That was three years ago. It's not too soon. Hawaii is not too soon.
Dan Ilic 24:09
When are we going to start talking about those bushfires from three years ago when when we get to talking about accountability? You know, everything is too soon for this government. Everything is too soon for Scott Morrison. He always waits until things become a crisis. Like it all starts with the anger then problem you know, it's basically builds and builds and builds and then it shuts his pants and this is the same the Engadine doctrine works right across this like putting here
60 Minutes Voice Over 24:33
Sunday online and offline now.
Dan Ilic 24:38
There we go. It wasn't that amazing. Who's excited? Anyone?
Scout Boxall 24:43
I will genuinely be tuning in like it's it's like how you watch a live stream of some ferrets at the zoo. Like you just want to see what happens. There's not gonna be any substantive political debate or any like serious journalistic, you know, investigation but tiny insight into your evening of watching fair What's the zoo? Wanna Live? Yeah, what's the what are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna come over here and fight me? You know? Watch it to Alice's Oh no.
Dan Ilic 25:10
Next week we'll have three Alice's will just get up every week a new album. The 2022 federal elections are shaping up to be to be a bit of an interesting one, with the electorate becoming more and more suspicious of major parties. Many are turning to independents and minor parties and one of those minor parties has a pretty major name, the new liberals? Do they still believe in chambray shirts and chinos? Do they still believe in looking at refugees for an undetermined amount of time? Or are they like New Coke? They taste different? They're heavy on the fields. Joining us now from the new liberals is Sam Holland, who is 26 and he's going for the Queensland electorate of Ford. Hello, Sam. Welcome to irrational fear.
Sam Holland 25:49
Hey, guys, um, thank you for having me.
Dan Ilic 25:51
It's great to have you. First of all, let's get some business out of the way. Who are the new liberals? And what do you stand for?
Sam Holland 25:58
It's a common misconception that the liberals were the first Liberal Party in Australia. And every time I have this conversation with someone, it's a really big thing. But we're sort of a spin off of the original liberals. And so not the old liberals, the new liberals, and the sort of competing against our really annoying older brother.
Dan Ilic 26:14
So I like the old liberal should I be called liberal classic.
Sam Holland 26:20
out of there, yeah, that's a good yeah. librettos
Alice Fraser 26:25
was truly liberal. Opera joke. Well done.
Sam Holland 26:29
Thank you. I try my best.
Alice Fraser 26:31
I just figured I was the one. I mean, Alice. Come on.
Alice Tovey 26:34
Oh, I got it. I giggled very well done.
Scout Boxall 26:36
I used to go to the opera. My parents vote Liberal. So yeah, we're all across the libretto.
Dan Ilic 26:43
So tell me, when you say a Liberal Party, is it in the true sense of the liberal party?
Sam Holland 26:49
Yeah, that's right. So basically, equality and trying to make everyone look using reason and logic and science and try to make the world a better place and not being corrupt. That's our main thing. Because, like, me, we really need to change that.
Dan Ilic 27:08
When you pick a name, like the new liberals that has a, that has, like a really heavy connotation to it, is is that in order to attract liberal, previous liberal voters who are upset with the levels of kind of cronyism and corruption that are happening in the liberals, or is it to attract Labour Party voters or greens voters? Like how how, what's the thinking behind the name? I know, you're not the person who founded it, I'm just, you know, asking questions. Yeah.
Sam Holland 27:34
It did start off as a, I guess, looking at the liberal voters who believe in liberal values, but then they just got attracted to the liberal party with a dime and nothing else. So that's where it started at. But as we get further on, it seems that the people who are really keen on sort of those sort of, they don't want to vote Liberal, but also they're not really, there's been a little bit disenfranchised of the Labour Party too. And we're trying to provide an option and we're not trying to compete against the Labour Party, we just put a broad, I guess, the Pepsi to their coke. And
Scout Boxall 28:04
don't call yourselves the Pepsi say your car. No one's going for Pepsi
Sam Holland 28:09
know when the LA ice
Dan Ilic 28:13
right. Now, one of the areas that the new liberals really differentiating themselves, and this is kind of similar territory to the climate independencies big around climate change, and, and conservation. What kind of some of the big marquee policies the new liberals have around climate change?
Sam Holland 28:32
Well, for example, we're not going to net zero by 2700 or something. Yeah, but again, it's we got to wait 2030 Like the rest of the world sees be heading for honestly, we have a plan is budgeted plan for 2035. But we think dream big, good 2030.
Dan Ilic 28:50
That's super interesting in like, is that to do with emissions reduction? Or is that like basing it along? Fictitious things like carbon capture and storage?
Sam Holland 29:01
No, it's a renewable they're already the cheapest and most efficient form of energy. The thing that really got me onto this is like, you always hear the arguments that renewables are a viable option. But if we all just put our super into companies that were investing in renewables, we'd already hit zero, but 2030 a little bit with any government interaction. I'm microbiologist story.
Dan Ilic 29:21
Yes, man man with a dominant claw has put up a quote a comment saying he cites this is a scientist, what flavour of science is it really relevant to climate science? Yes, you're a microbiologist and you have put your PhD candidacy on hold so you can run for this election. Does that concern you? Like if you if you win, is that your major concern? Like you'll be like our damn I won't become a doctor for another at least another three years.
Sam Holland 29:48
Yeah, well, yeah. So my plan is become a like an MD PhDs are both the doctors and foray into politics was not really on my plan until I saw how badly the government screwed up this because I'm like I actually, in my undergraduate degree got tested on how I'd manage Coronavirus. It was an epidemic admittedly, but let's just say the you're
Dan Ilic 30:11
responsible for Coronavirus, you actually predicted it might happen.
Scout Boxall 30:16
You were doing your undergrad in Wuhan. And you got me like Samuel, something's gone wrong at the lab here. We need to sort this out right now. And you're like, Oh, I'm going for politics at this point.
Sam Holland 30:28
That's exactly what happened. You got because
Dan Ilic 30:31
now you're in Logan city, which is, which I understand is a fairly progressive local council, particularly when it comes to climate action yet at the federal level, this the fact the federal candidate is a is a liberal, very conservative on a federal level. How, why is that? Why do you why is the local council so progressive, and so climate action oriented, but in the federal level? Of course, you know, you have the Liberal Party up
Sam Holland 30:57
there. Yeah, issue is that the local council sort of a Sharada being really quiet, you know, quiet? Yes. Liberal. Like realistically, um, it actually I can say this now, because it's sort of come out the local councillor who is very aligned with the incumbent MP, she told me to my face if I a preference anyone above, anyone above, but she killed me, she'd fucking kill me. Whoa, and then and then on top of that, so I got at the stage where I got a campaign on this, right. And so I wanted to, like get a campaign office, and that helped this charity, I'm just using the front roof myself. And the council, like owned the property and went, Oh, too bad. You can't rent it from us.
Dan Ilic 31:43
What happens? And so was it a liberal counsellor told you that they're going to kill you?
Sam Holland 31:48
Yeah, it's right to buffets in front of a campaign manager.
Scout Boxall 31:51
Do you have receipts? Oh, no.
Sam Holland 31:56
She looks at me. She looks at me in the face. And she goes, I'm really glad you got that liberal on your shirt. Because, you know, like, that's what I believe in. I'm a real bluevoda. And I wouldn't I wouldn't be speaking to you if you didn't have the word liberal on your shirt. So obviously, I agree with your policies. And I'm like, you haven't read my policies.
Scout Boxall 32:14
You also haven't read a dictionary? Like that's not. There's more to that word than just that party. That's insane. That's batshit insane. So yeah, Sam
Dan Ilic 32:25
a huge concern for your life now that some liberal counsellor is going to kill you.
Sam Holland 32:30
My boy has been blackmailed into potentially
Alice Tovey 32:35
speedily driven BMWs in your area, my love. Yeah,
Dan Ilic 32:38
Sam, that's not it. That's not how you answer that question. You You're meant to say, I don't mind if she kills me or not. What I can tell you is I'm getting on with the job. That's what you that's how you answer that question. I'm just focused will
Alice Fraser 32:50
continue to do so from beyond the
Scout Boxall 32:55
policy decisions by ouija board. It's great.
Dan Ilic 32:57
Now one of the key policies that you're kind of working on for your local area is around koala habitat. Tell me Tell us a little bit about that.
Sam Holland 33:03
Yeah, so um, I guess like most people, our age, sort of started thinking about this. Well, and the initial seed obviously came from the bushfires. But the second seed to the came from the friendly jordiz video about the Great Wall National Park. And so actually, on my campaign team, I have an expert who studies koalas and protecting corals and said, Hey, is that actually a good idea? He said, Yeah, it's not a bad idea. But a better idea would be connect all the existing state preservation with koalas because a larger the buyer corridor, if you connect to the existing habitats, you actually provide a better, it'd be better both the quality and it'd be cheaper to we started looking at that. And actually, we've costed it and it even actually goes past where the great quality National Park would be.
Dan Ilic 33:48
Well, Sam, you know, you're 26. So you've got, you know, a few more runs in you. So if you don't, if you don't get up this election, there's always the next election and the election after that election after that. By then you'll be like a qualified doctor. And yeah, look even more impressive on the poster. For folks who are considering moving away from the major parties, what's one thing that you would tell them to vote for you?
Sam Holland 34:15
My biggest thing is the anti corruption commission. We really need a proper anti corruption commission that can punish people retroactively, like corruption is a crime. It doesn't matter. Like just because there isn't a police force currently doesn't mean that you should get away with those crimes. But both political parties seem to think that like one just says don't be a police force. The other one goes, Okay, let's have a police force but only look at it from now on.
Dan Ilic 34:38
And of course, of course, the anti the anti corruption body that the government was planning on putting up this time around actually had retrospective powers a bad idea.
Sam Holland 34:56
I just paid a fee Dunn's face, like a Monday afternoon Hey, If you're telling me you want to put us all in jail, Scott,
Dan Ilic 35:04
you're telling me that it costs a billion dollars a year to run the narrow detention centre like the same as it cost to run the ABC and you're not corrupt. Okay, interesting. That is it for a rational fear a big thank you to all of our guests tonight. Alice Fraser Scott box or Alice Toby Sam Holland. Big thank you. Now it's time to do the plugs. What would you like to plug scout?
Scout Boxall 35:24
I have a show coming up at the Melbourne Comedy Festival called buck wild from the 30th of March to the 10th of April. So if anyone's in Melbourne, I'd love to see you there.
Dan Ilic 35:34
And congratulations on becoming a 2022 Moosehead recipient. That is awesome.
Scout Boxall 35:40
Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
Dan Ilic 35:42
Cool Alice Tovey.
Alice Tovey 35:43
Well. Yes, I have two shows coming up at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. You can see my show one night only over seven nights. Or you can come and see my late night show the Melbourne metropolitan real estate agent of the Year awards 2022. With Frankie McNair Yeah, that's
Dan Ilic 35:59
great. I I've always wanted to do a show at the MCG and have the posters of giant posters and say Dan Ilic McG one night only. And like have it like in a conference room at the MCG and then and then like and then when I could add when I sell out add more shows like new dates added. For the end. I was like waiting
Scout Boxall 36:22
to get tickets.
Alice Fraser 36:24
I was I have three shows at the Melbourne Comedy Night. I will be doing my show Cronos in Adelaide and Melbourne and Perth if they open the borders ever again and then in Edinburgh, but you can find me online at patreon.com/ellis Fraser it's a one stop shop for all of my standup specials podcasts blogs, and my weekly tea with Alice salons.
Dan Ilic 36:45
Yeah, jump on there salons that's good. That's good fun, Sam. Anything you like yeah,
Sam Holland 36:50
I have a show the opera house so he's doing that seriously. If you're in town, come on via I met me all the time and just just check out the other options, and then preference live before the liberals.
Dan Ilic 37:08
If you want to know more about preferencing please head to irrational fears newsletter. Kar Schlegel has written a great piece on the importance of preferencing and preference where you put your preferences. So that is from two weeks ago on the rational feed newsletter, and she's coming up non Tuesday with a brand new con so stick around for that on the rational feed newsletter as well. Big thank you to rode mics the birth of foundation, our Patreon supporters Jacob Brown, Kili and David Lee constable. And also a big thanks to new patreon supporters who've signed up Meredith Harper at sea caves. Angus Templeton, Sophie haha what? Tim Baker and Catherine Thank you very much. And before we go, I've been getting some fundraising emails from the state liberals in New South Wales. So I decided to give them a call to find out what kind of perks you get. When you donate let me let me just get my phone where is it?
Good morning Liberal Party K speaking. Hi, Kate. How are you? Good. How are you? Excellent. I'm just got the donation email and I just wanted to share it. Well, I just wanted to ask you, what do I get for donating? Is there anything special?
Liberal Secretary 38:21
I'm not sure I'll put you through to the donations who's calling play. My name is Dan. Dan, I have no problem. You have questions?
Dan Ilic 38:35
Do you have any any perks for donating? We
Liberal Staffer 38:38
do give merchandise for our members. They sometimes get mugged. Like it might, you know, maybe a little bit too much dices. We're looking for something in particular.
Dan Ilic 38:52
What about like a cop? Do you get a free car park or a boat shed? I can't make any promises. I can honestly say no, that's fine. Thank you very much for your help.
Liberal Staffer 39:12
Every day
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