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Trigger Warning:
On this week's podcast we discuss in depth Scott Morrison's Are You Okay Day instagram video.
Comedian and host of the Dead Dad's Society Podcast Mitch Garling talks us through what it's like to be mistaken for COVID19 Crisis Actor.
Blair Palese also joins us to call bull shit on NewsCorp's promise to do better on climate action.
We also ask why Greg Hunt couldn't open an email to save his life.
And rip into Guy Sebastian for his vaccination non-denial denial where he claims “he's not trying to tell people what to put in their bodies”.
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Dan Ilic 0:00
This podcast is supported in part by the birth of foundation. Good evening Lewis. Hello Daniel. How are you? I'm well I'm well and I just want to say a big sorry to Jane Kara who was gonna join us for this show. But she had a computer glitch and can no longer join us. And this is the second time that she's been ousted from irrational fear thanks to computer glitches. I don't know exactly what's going on there.
Lewis Hobba 0:26
I don't know one doesn't want to hear.
Dan Ilic 0:29
Someone can't handle the truth Bill Gates can't handle the truth. Hey, Louis, remember when I when I found out that we were on a list of best podcasts in Australia and we were 97 I found out I'm on another list this week. I'm in the in the watch list. I'm in the top 500 most influential tweeters on climate change. I'm between shell and the United States Department of Energy. Do you have any idea where that puts me?
Lewis Hobba 0:59
Like between 304 137/37
Dan Ilic 1:01
influential person on Twitter according to coordinate this list slightly above the IPCC and the climate council?
Lewis Hobba 1:14
Yeah, having you in between those two? I don't know if you've seen that that new KFC burger where they like invert the fillets and the feeling is instead of putting the good things in the middle they put the two chicken fillets as bread and they put the feeling in the middle yes you you're in the middle you're the little bit of lettuce you're the healthy decision as to unhealthy chicken fillets killing the world on the other end.
Dan Ilic 1:38
That's right and it's you know, on the put it another way, like on the beat you don't want in your chicken burger. Yeah. I thought that was really fun. Hey, I'm recording my end of irrational fear and gadigal land in the yard nation's sovereignty was never ceded. We need a treaty. Let's start the show.
Unknown Speaker 1:57
A rational fear contains naughty words like bricks. Canberra. Fan COMM And section body or rational view recommends listening by image your audience.
Dan Ilic 2:10
Tonight America asked whoever the last one out of Afghanistan is to please turn out the light and Scott Morrison came to Sydney to give the headline address at the safety for Jenny and the girls brunch summit. And Western Australia records Australia's biggest ever surplus. Even that can't justify $7 flat whites. It's the 10th of September 2021. And we're all out of Kmart plates. This is a rational, irrational
Welcome to irrational fear. I'm your host, former wag Dan Ilic It is great to have your company let's meet our fear mongers for tonight. I I was gonna introduce Jen Kara, but I won't because she's not here. So instead, I'll introduce Blair to laser laser laser is one of the most effective climate activists. She co founded 350 dot org. And she was also at a very special news called function 18 years ago, which we're going to talk about a little later on. Welcome Blair to irrational fear. Thank you. Great to be here. And he's been labelled as a COVID crisis actor. Does this mean he's eligible for best new talent at the Lucky's it's the host of the dead dead society podcast. It is comedian Mitch garling. Mitch, welcome to the podcast. Thank you. You have had quite a wait place. Take Lewis and Blair through it. What happened this week? Well, look,
Unknown Speaker 3:36
it was pretty crazy. It was pretty crazy. First of all, I love the idea about best new talent for the lucky that is great, I will write that down.
Dan Ilic 3:45
I've got some bad news and leggies has been cancelled the last two years, you know,
Mitch Garling 3:50
you might have just tried again. Or if maybe if COVID hangs around for a bit longer. I'll go 2022 logos or 2023, something like that. But essentially guys, what happened was is there was a bunch of videos going around of patients in the hospital was filmed and released by New South Wales health that these people that had COVID checking in on them saying, you know, don't obviously don't get it. That's a that's a big one. But it's like just checking in on them really. And apparently one of the guys looked like me. So I started getting a lot of hype. So people people went into my acting star now profile and my name and my Facebook page and ran with it. And yeah, I copped a lot of abuse over the last 10 let's say 10 days now.
Dan Ilic 4:40
So just just to clarify you're not in a guy called a sama who lives in Western Sydney
Unknown Speaker 4:47
zero COVID zero sama you know it's not assignment not don't have COVID never had it have been COVID tested twice. I don't know if that if I need to prove that I definitely don't have it and not, not pretending to have it either is the biggest thing, I think.
Dan Ilic 5:08
I mean, are there any benefits to being labelled as a COVID? crisis activity cost in more COVID crisis things like you know, the boom industry?
Lewis Hobba 5:16
meaa letting you sign up?
Unknown Speaker 5:20
I think we get a I think as like, it's a bit of a, what's the word as like a benefit friends of Gladys kind of thing? I think we get out October 16. Instead of Mitch, have
Lewis Hobba 5:32
you? Have you found out any way to contact the person who you're supposed to have been? No, I haven't. I've
Unknown Speaker 5:38
literally was thinking about that today. Because now now that things have changed from your piece of shit to you guys should get together. That is actually such a good idea.
Lewis Hobba 5:50
This is such a weird 2021
Unknown Speaker 5:54
Yeah, and there's only a certain amount of people that will even appreciate the photo of human eye together. But I'm gonna hit that like that. That group thing. I love it.
Dan Ilic 6:06
This is a Netflix sitcom. We're waiting to happen. This is great.
Unknown Speaker 6:10
This is your 20 2021 version of that perfect strangers. We'd like Bronson Pinto. Do you remember that? Like the so now? I've absolutely I thought that was gonna hit. I thought that
Dan Ilic 6:23
coming up later, we're gonna chat with bear plays about News Corp, and how they moving from a climate change denier to being a climate change action hero but whose benefit before then here's a message from this week's sponsor.
Unknown Speaker 6:35
There's only one airline that can fly you to vacation in Hawaii while your home is ablaze. There's only one airline that can fly you to discover your family's history on the other side of the world, while families at home are being made history. And there's only one airline to help you secretly see your loved ones in another city when everyone else is only allowed to travel three miles from home. Fly the entitled skies were tone deaf headphones are complimentary. Oh good, are you very good. You're the best Prime Minister ever. The only airline where you don't have to put your seat up if you don't want to, in titled airlines direct flights now available from Canberra to a place where they filmed the White Lotus.
Dan Ilic 7:24
This week's first fear guy Sebastian apologises for posting a pro vaccination vaccination campaign to his Instagram but refuses to apologise for angels brought me here. I would never tell people what to do when it comes to what they put in their body Sebastian said in an Instagram post. At the same time Sebastian's wife immediately deleted several posts of her own telling people that they should be putting nature's way vitae gummies in their bodies. I don't know I've done my own research here. And according to several sources on the internet nature's way vitae gummies are incredibly delicious. Sophie mangas has guy Sebastian, let us down here, Mitch garling. Look,
Unknown Speaker 7:59
I'm not sure if he's let us down. as such. I think there seems to be a lot of questions about like everything here. We're talking about guy we're talking about jaws a lot of this. These two seem to be coming up. But the problem that I have is that once again, no one is giving any respect to nosy no one has bought at any point. No one has even asked how he's doing what he thinks. Does he take vitamins? Yeah, we don't know.
Lewis Hobba 8:29
Yeah, yeah. He's sitting there going. What about me? I was the first thing I did, Mitch, at the moment I saw the guy's Russian story. The first thing I did was go straight to nauset Instagram just to see if he'd made any comment. He's a Instagram is like, genuine pure country dat energy. It's just like he is he is my new truck. He is a roast lamb. He is the shape that I was writing for the last three years before I turned it into this first lamb
Dan Ilic 8:59
guys video did have a strong kind of hostage feel about it. Like he really felt like he was being held hostage by a whole bunch of his his fans for promoting vaccines. Yeah, I mean, he said in he said in this video, and I think it's interesting. There are personal circumstances that everybody has to consider when it takes the vaccine. So what are these personal circumstances it is so hard to kind of even fathom what those personal circumstances are. Things like belief in science big stuff. Actually, I feel like that's it because he's a large part of his audience are really hugely Christian and there's like all these rumours about about stem cells and foetuses being used in these vaccines. And that's the personal circumstances just say it decide guy put it out there. Exactly. Let us know how crazy you
Blair Palese 9:51
are. If you're gonna, you know circle around trying to not nail it down one way or the other. You know, the apology after for the apology. The apology seems largely confused at the end of it.
Lewis Hobba 10:04
It's actually so amazing because he between this and the apology had to make for being like Scott Morrison's, sort of show pony for the announcement of the funding for performing artists. It's now at a point where most Australians are more familiar with these public apologies than his songs.
Dan Ilic 10:22
Yeah, I really liked I really liked his 920 19 apology. Yeah, he's 2022 apology tour is pretty good.
Lewis Hobba 10:29
When there's the award for Best compilation of public apologies. He's absolutely going to ramp that in.
Dan Ilic 10:36
I'm really enjoying what man with the dominant klore on YouTube has said, what happened to not getting advice from some guy on the internet?
Unknown Speaker 10:45
There's that whole thing going around that he's patient zero anyway, because of the the Instagram photos of him in Wuhan in late 2019.
Dan Ilic 10:55
Oh my God, is this is this true?
Unknown Speaker 10:58
Yeah. So it's kind of a it's kind of interesting. Like, I mean, now the now the anti Vax stance kind of makes sense. It's like you don't want to ruin your own work. Yeah, you're not wrong about that video.
Lewis Hobba 11:12
That photo that this is talking about? Like it's obviously it's incredible. But that the it's so good the captions that he puts on it, uh, so perfect. It's him in we're in Busan. And the caption is, he's like, so great to be here. Beautiful word hon. I showed it ate some strange things. Hashtag big things coming. I did it. Well is incredible. That is incredible. He is patient zero.
Unknown Speaker 11:40
Wow. irrational fear is horrible. But we also need to put things into perspective. There are 8 million citizens who don't have a choice in how they spend their free time. That is no way to leave. Your fear is irrational.
Dan Ilic 11:53
Now remember when Scott Morrison and Greg Hahn said that Australia was at the front of the queue when it came to ordering the Pfizer vaccine. Well, linked emails have shown that the Pfizer Pfizer reached out to the government in June last year saying hey, Australia, we've we've got some jabs. Do you want any and then Greg hunt and Scott Morrison rushed to do a deal. Five months later, five months later, in which time the UK in the US got in front of us five months. Now admittedly, it's a bit of a process because Pfizer wanted to be paid in US dollars. So Treasury had to work out just how many commuter car parks I would have to convert to buy the vaccines. See mongers from the front of the queue to the back of the queue. I'm beginning to think that our leaders are not very good at their jobs.
Lewis Hobba 12:41
What do you think? Well, Dad, I mean, the Liberal Party over the last what 20 years has been very adamant about not wanting cue jumpers in this country. And I do think that you got to give it to them. I really have put their money where their mouth is
Dan Ilic 12:54
they leading by example. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 12:57
you can't help but wonder if any normal person had failed that badly at their job. And yet they're still in there. You know, not just one The Little Miss major mistake. 1000 people dead after the next but still in there. No accountability.
Dan Ilic 13:13
You can't we can't get rid of them. We can't get rid of them for another few months. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 13:17
the health minister or the health department just comes across as a almost as a bit of a player or they come across as a bit of a fuck boy if I'm being honest. Like if you look at it, it's like, you know, they they got Pfizer interested, they hooked them in. Then they left them on red.
Dan Ilic 13:34
Now negging now negging Pfizer.
Unknown Speaker 13:38
And then five months later, they come back when there's no better options, they come back and they're like, where are you at? Like, come on. Now.
Dan Ilic 13:45
Come on. Just a little prick. Just little prick. Come on. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 13:50
You have a question mark message at 3am in the morning. He's Pfizer up like that.
Lewis Hobba 13:55
Their defence is kind of like everyone's a hindsight here or we could all do it and there is like 5% of that that is true. Like I do remember when they were talking about the vaccines and everyone was talking about like one one company is going to make billions of dollars here. And every like non health experts non government experts were everyone was like man, if I've got 100 bucks I'm chucking it in like one medical company here just to say just so no one quite knew who was gonna win. So there is a degree of that like shore in hindsight we didn't know but also the idea of just like not showing up to a meeting with the one of the world's biggest companies when you knew that a vaccine was on the way that 95% of it is so dumb
Dan Ilic 14:37
pandemic when when that's the that's the bloody job.
Unknown Speaker 14:41
The only way and you know when you think this would be a good thing, why not throw us some effort at all three and then see which one sticks on the wall?
Lewis Hobba 14:51
That's actually what they should have done play. It's just gotten a few professional gamblers. We're really did that in Australia. Yeah. Pfizer is in lane one. madona is in lane two. Yeah, just got Bruce McAvennie to call the whole thing would have been gripping.
Dan Ilic 15:06
Yeah rather set up the National COVID Coordination Committee, which basically started a gas pipeline. They should have just got sportsmen to give them advice. Yeah, looks like guy, you know, I know we're paying them $2.50 AstraZeneca we're paying $1.80 to come through madona coming through and $4 ad
Unknown Speaker 15:27
considering some of the advice that you can find online. Getting advice about vaccines from an X 40 player is probably Alright, like that's better than getting Tommy's wife or something, which seems to be the thing that happened at the moment.
Lewis Hobba 15:42
The response from Scott Morrison is like, there's no greater sign that someone has fucked up and hearing a politician say, we're not looking at the past. We're looking at the future. Like you sent a Google Alert for that sentence. Every time someone has said it. Just like
Dan Ilic 15:59
that person should be fired. Yes,
Lewis Hobba 16:01
it should be fired. That is a fireable offence that sentence
Unknown Speaker 16:05
rational fear that's a matter for the Queensland Government. I mean, that's a matter for the premier. That's a matter that all rise with other premiers and Chief Ministers. That's really a question to the brilliant, that's a matter of I'm happy to take up with the other premiers and Chief Ministers a rational theory.
Dan Ilic 16:19
Now we're going to play Hang on a sec. I'll play a video if you want to chime in simply say, hang on a sec, and I'll stop the tape. This week's Hang on a sec comes from the Prime Minister's Instagram, where he's wishing us all I guess a you okay Day. Happy? Are you okay?
Unknown Speaker 16:33
Are you okay? Are you okay? Day is that reminder, not just for today, but for every day for us to check, you know each other. We all have those moments, hang on a second. He's
Dan Ilic 16:45
like really leaning over us in this point of view. Like physically, he is dominating this screen, he is looking down on us like we're a little child asking for some more soup. And in a second, he's going to lock us in a room and send us to our room that's very imposing here.
Unknown Speaker 17:00
We already started to think the best of him. And now he looks like some sort of like, sleep demon or something just over the top of me.
Dan Ilic 17:07
I feel like this angle, I feel like I've just been punched by Scott Morrison. And now he's asking me if I'm okay. Like,
Lewis Hobba 17:15
if you're listening on the podcast, imagine that someone has put a phone on the on a table at probably bellybutton height. And then as has leaned over ominously towards the camera, kind of like a scene from the BFG. And like, This man is about to blow a trumpet of evil dreams into your ear and you're never gonna wake up happy again.
Unknown Speaker 17:37
Dude like that he got three seconds in before it looked like he definitely checked a script of some sort. Yeah. If you know it's an IU ik de video. Surely, when you say it, okay, for the second time, you're going to be like, I'll remember that. I think I'm going to remember what these sentences about. Like, it's the first Are you okay? You're like, Oh, yeah, he kind of the find that in almost. But it was the second one where I was like, he wrote a check to that just he checked a script. For sure.
Lewis Hobba 18:08
If he was doing this for ANZAC Day, and on the second day, he'd gone like bland black day, he would have done it.
Unknown Speaker 18:16
We all have times when we really need someone to ask us that question. Give us that invitation to be able to share how we're feeling. So that can help us get through. So ask today, ask every day, check on your mates, your family, your friends, those you work with. Or sometimes it's just seeing someone who might be in a bit of a stress
Unknown Speaker 18:34
and you've got Hang on a second. A bit of stress. Let's talk to Brittany Higgins about stress and how she's feeling this week. I'm sure we'll get to that shortly.
Lewis Hobba 18:47
Yeah, also just going like, you know what it's like when you your family are in a bit of distress. But you separate it from borders. So you just you hire a jet at the taxpayers expense. You pop over and you say your family and you ask them Are you okay? And you should do that every day. I mean, become Prime Minister because it's very easy.
Unknown Speaker 19:08
You pick that up and just ask them Are you okay? too? We are as a country it's what I like about our UK day it's something very Australian
Dan Ilic 19:17
no other no other no other people from any other country have ever checked on that the welfare yeah the thing that will Anderson always goes on about mate ship being uniquely Australian the whole principle Oh, there aren't any other countries in the world that have friends that doesn't exist is so uniquely Australian major
Lewis Hobba 19:37
Spanish a famously solitary people.
Dan Ilic 19:41
Also like he likes this about you okay? Because it's also something the government doesn't have to pay for.
Unknown Speaker 19:49
It's also very like, in terms of Australia, like, I know, it's a very serious thing and it's a great thing that it exists but half the people that I know that ever say are you okay like It is it's it's ironic like it's never it's never genuine. So I don't know it's hard to it's hard to to believe this guy when I know he has a history of being not genuine.
Unknown Speaker 20:11
He pretty much Edison it's hard to believe this guy I could have I could have just stopped there Blair and I mean at least to be fair,
Dan Ilic 20:23
well, you have to remember the interim is Scott Morrison is an ironic Prime Minister, like everything he's done is basically I run everything, everything from the very start of putting his hand around Malcolm Turnbull before he rolled him to say, Oh, this is my leader. I'm ambitious for him.
Lewis Hobba 20:41
If Scott Morrison today said, Malcolm Turnbull attacks, thank you okay. That would be the single funniest thing he could ever have.
Dan Ilic 20:55
Fun, funny and sad at the same time.
Lewis Hobba 21:00
We shouldn't be a diaper bullying but you would have to give a pass to that.
Dan Ilic 21:03
I get away with it too. I don't have that number in my phone. But if I did, I'd call him right now to get him on the podcast to find out if Scott Morrison has sent him an IOU Okay, text.
Unknown Speaker 21:13
I okay, day is the day for Scotty to write some roles that like he could. He could reach out to out to Malcolm or he can wait what was that the guy that he the guy that he stood on his lawn when the guy had just received again? Standing on his lawn and he ruins that guy's lawn? Maybe? Maybe not you like high day text? There might be nice.
Unknown Speaker 21:33
Having a woman the woman with a goat on the chain dad after the bushfires, we forced him to shake hands with him. Right How are you coping right now? Have you got a house yet? You know, things like that?
Dan Ilic 21:46
Yeah. Oh, just check in on anyone who's on narrow or Christmas Island.
Lewis Hobba 21:50
Dan, are you okay? Day is not classically now ruin. It is. It's just it doesn't cross. It doesn't cross the waters like that. Anyway, okay.
Unknown Speaker 22:01
I hope so. If not, there are people there who can help you. But it's not me.
Lewis Hobba 22:08
When he asked, Are you okay, and tried and tried all with all of his mind to sound like a human being. It made me feel like the uncanny valley in animation where things are like, to to human to be fake and to fake to be human. It was real. That was the uncanny valley of questions
Unknown Speaker 22:26
when he said I hope so. It's like, are you okay? I hope so. And it's like, oh, that's Scotty that's so believable. It is it's the was that Mars Attacks. It's the lady with the the the alien the dresses up as the lady in Mars Attacks and tries to fit in and everyone's like, Oh, I think something's off here. That's what is happening right now. I'm sorry that my references a sell off tonight.
Dan Ilic 22:51
Taxes one of my favourite films of 1998 it was really, really good, really good,
Unknown Speaker 22:55
you matter a great deal. And so it's important that we know if you're okay.
Dan Ilic 23:01
That's a bit sinister there. It's important to know if you're okay, that feels like that's coming from the AFP more than anyone else.
Lewis Hobba 23:08
We've read your emails, we know you're not okay. And we're sending the AFP around to check on you.
Unknown Speaker 23:13
You're listening to a rational fear.
Unknown Speaker 23:17
Put back in place, especially with reopening and people going back to pumps and stuff, we will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order.
Dan Ilic 23:29
After years of denying that climate change exists, and constantly backing governments whose sole focus is to extract as much coal as possible out of the ground. The baddies in Australian media, aka News Corp. Going to do an about face at least for a couple of weeks and support net zero by 2050 targets up until about cop 26. And reportedly these editorials are going to be led by friend of the show Joe Hildebrand to find out whether these bullshit or not it's a real privilege to have Blair police here is the managing editor of climate and capital media and is one of the most effective climate campaigners in Australia. And 18 years ago Blair Yeah, you were at an event that was meant to change the game on climate for News Corp forever.
Unknown Speaker 24:18
Again, 18 years ago, sitting in a in a room with a lot of journalists and others activists, all the activists were invited, of course, pretty cheap lay of the land there not much on offer in terms of cost centre, good coffee, but a big announcement about this thing called one degree. And one degree was all about how to keep the planet at one degree of warming or less and all the things that newscorp was was going to commit to to reduce its emissions. And I remember sitting around next to people and everybody kind of looked at each other saying, Is this a good thing? This is possibly a good thing. These people are evil. Is this a good thing? Come to find out 18 years on Guess what? another announcement this time it's net zero. That's the catchphrase of this century and 2015 or less, by the time, you know, 2050 rolls around, you could pretty much do absolutely excuse the French jack shit, and it would all still sound relevant to net zero by 2050. So, you know, my theory is that News Corp is given lessons to Scotty from announcements about how to use announcements just as a way to keep people slightly off kilter and confused why you continue to trash the planet with more information about climate denial.
Dan Ilic 25:27
So why are we hearing about it? Now? Why is it being publicised in databases,
Unknown Speaker 25:32
right, this thing called cup 26, coming up in November meeting, there's one country in the West, that is the ultimate bad guy. And guess what, it's Australia. So I think there's just a little bit of an attempt there to try and paint themselves green. Right in maybe, you know, share drinks on opening day Rupert and Co. With the whole the big kind of big names that are there on the first day, there'll be kings, they'll be queens, there'll be president still be you name it, there'll be there. Rupert probably just wants an invite.
Dan Ilic 26:04
Is that is that is that as cynical as it gets? Like Rupert, actually, you know, wants to go to Glasgow, in November,
Unknown Speaker 26:10
probably, you know, the guy hates to miss a big event. buys him space to keep doing exactly what he's doing. Because says one thing does another. He's been doing it for 20 years on climate. So what would change about that?
Dan Ilic 26:25
Do you think we'll say any kind of movement from news Colbert? Or in in this space as a good actor at all? Absolutely not. Well,
Lewis Hobba 26:34
he said, Is there any chat like I you The thing about nice copies, like, you know, obviously they they run their own race, and then you'd say it with something like the like the like the Kevin Rudd election, they will come a point where they realise that they can't keep backing a losing horse to publicly and then right at the last minute, just to like, try to keep people on board. They'll make the switch, and they'll be like, Ah, you know what, Kevin Ryan is actually a really good guy. And then six months later, we'll stop
Unknown Speaker 27:01
to think that rupert murdoch would do that before Scott Morrison, but it's possible.
Lewis Hobba 27:06
Yeah, but I mean, like, is it? Is there a point where like, 80% of Australians want action on climate change? They're like, there is just a point now where like, the only people who don't want to are currently on staff at Sky News. Well, and the last standing fossil fuel company, yeah. And is there a chance that like, they just realising that they're starting to look so stupid now? Is there any chance of that at all? No. I mean, I, I kind of knew the answer, but I think it bothered me and maybe, maybe it does, I hope for a better world
Unknown Speaker 27:35
worth noting in the New York Times article that there is a staff member who's quoted about it, who will not be named because fearing for his life, you have to kind of look at it that way. Right? So if on staff, they've analysis, this big thing, and the staff at large are not allowed to say whether they think Well, yeah, it could be good, but might not you know, you could get shot for less at News Corp. So you know, it's not looking good.
Dan Ilic 28:00
I want you to know, Blair, that is absolute lies because Joe Hildebrand himself has replied to a text when I said when you can come and talk about the climate thing come on irrational fear. Again, he said, Love to love to we're gonna get Joe to random to talk about what he's called. The three articles and East Coast get a right.
Lewis Hobba 28:21
He didn't say whether it'd be for or against.
Unknown Speaker 28:27
Other other lines in the New York Times, there's a phrase that said, we're going to change and explore the depths of this very complex issue. Two years ago, the language was, its fraudulent in its a damaging cult, the climate movement, which is it it's hard to know Well, that's
Dan Ilic 28:48
a lie because nothing in the Daily Telegraph explores in a thing in any depth. Demo just want to extend a Sydney confidential and say Asha Gunzburg with a shirt off. That's all I want. Yeah. Quite frankly, Who wouldn't?
Lewis Hobba 29:01
I would I bet they've done like a pretty in depth expose I on the Nadia Bartell plate saga. I've been checking. I reckon I would have done a full double page spread every day.
Dan Ilic 29:14
We're seeing exponential rise in carbon and an exponential rise in the sales of Kmart plates.
Lewis Hobba 29:22
investigating the climate change effects of cocaine. Yeah,
Dan Ilic 29:25
I'm more interested in cocaine capture and storage solutions.
Unknown Speaker 29:31
I'm just hoping that from all of this, perhaps I could get some work as like a climate actor. I don't know if I don't know what the roles are. Like I could, I could play like a slightly deeper bit of water or something. Well, Mitch,
Dan Ilic 29:48
unfortunately for you News Corp. Who are the climate activists actors who pretend climate change isn't isn't isn't happening is changing their tag. So normally, you could just go walk into Sky News and say oh, Climate change
Lewis Hobba 30:00
is rubbish. Maybe you should just do a self tape, a self tape audition for a variety of different crisis actor roles. Hello, my name is Mitch galling. I'm here from Star now. My next role will be school shooter. Like Hello, my name is Jolene I'm five foot 10 and now I'm going to do victim of climate change and you know screaming rain as the fire bands just do it just set yourself up for the whole gamut of options look and
Unknown Speaker 30:29
that will help with range like that will show a lot of range like there's not I don't know how many people in Australia are able to do that kind of contrast of like, I'm I'm water I'm also fine. Like there's different. The great thing about the climate change climate crisis actor is that right now we're all acting method.
Lewis Hobba 30:49
Really good.
Dan Ilic 30:50
We are Stanislavski eating this shit.
Lewis Hobba 30:52
Yeah. Steppenwolf for the climate change play.
Dan Ilic 30:55
Hey, Louis. And you remember a few months back June when we were performing in Newcastle we imagine what do we like if Alan Jones all of a sudden became a climate action hero and actually started writing articles for endorsing climate action. I'm not saying that irrational fear forced this change from an idea. idea? quite clearly.
Lewis Hobba 31:23
I can't I really hope to have to see that it's gonna be as natural as Scott Morrison's Are you okay? I think we can all agree that climate pollution is an acute problem. Watching Alan Jones do fit, like talk about getting rid of emissions down. It would be like watching Johnny Depp in the pistoletto video.
Dan Ilic 31:48
Yes, ah, emissions need to come down. Because, Oh, God, it'd be very hard for him to do very difficult. Blair, you know, you have been doing this for so long. And you have got a good standard show. Right. Thank you. Thank you for all of the work that you've done. For so long. And if you would, in your heart of hearts be generous to News Corp for just one second. That's impossible. You know, what if? What if where they are going to be a good actor? What would it look like to you? Like, what would you like to see them do if if they to make good on this idea that that they've put forward
Unknown Speaker 32:36
is there is only three things that banner headline across every paper, we were wrong. Movement Murdoch, at the cup opening ceremony, I was wrong. And I sacrificed myself to all the planet or do whatever you must with me. At this point I've done I have no single human has done more damage than I have. So I offer myself up. And that's what I want. I want his hand on the platter.
Dan Ilic 33:11
onstage at Glasgow say, Hello, I'm drivemode I was wrong. Here's this Tesla charge I'm gonna put it in my chest and let Laughlin run the country
Unknown Speaker 33:22
got really bad for a second that went from a went from like, I want a print on the front of the newspaper to like, just like a public murder like but but I'm so i'm i'm not saying I'm not
Dan Ilic 33:41
different a different a different stration martyrdom may with river murder. Climate matter. That's what we like to say. That is it for irrational fear. big thank you to our guests. Bear Blair please Mitch giling. Lewis, how about what would you like to plug folks? mityana plug something?
Unknown Speaker 33:58
Oh, yeah, thanks for having me on guys. Much appreciated. I'll be not pretending to be a COVID actor for the foreseeable future. And I've got a podcast called dead dad society started. It's like a bit of a therapy group in the form of a podcast, I started it when my dad died. So I just have people on that have lost parents or lost, you know, sisters, brothers, or even just, you know, crazy, crazy things happening in their lives that maybe you might need a bit of therapy. I am not trying to be a therapist in any way. It was more than I just wanted to. I think I was wanted to get my own stuff out and was good to hate people.
Dan Ilic 34:35
And if you pay on Patreon, that's a whole cheat. That's much cheaper than a therapist. Yeah, it's quite nice, actually the other way round. Out giving Yeah, really. Thank you Mitch. Blair, what would you like to play?
Unknown Speaker 34:50
Well, climate and capital media, keep an eye it's free to sign up and read what we got going and it tracks the kind of trends on climate and the opportunities. So if you're looking at what What you can do how you can invest and what you need to know about the issue it's all there and with cop coming up now's the time.
Dan Ilic 35:07
Great Louis Do you want to plug anything?
Lewis Hobba 35:10
No dad just get out there stream guys Sebastian he's had a rough way.
Dan Ilic 35:16
Get some nights his way via gummies into your
Lewis Hobba 35:19
absolute nature's way. The only way really with the
Dan Ilic 35:26
tagline A big thanks to the bursar foundation of Jacob round on the tepanyaki timeline I feel for him he's got to edit this together. Mica from rode mics and a big thank you to Patreon supporters another bumper week of Patreon supporters joining up to enjoy the show. Grandmaster to sweet is back sky King has joined up Darren Nash Curtis Jackson, Stephen Joseph Louise mechel Vogue is joined up a big media consultant who I've worked with in the past comedy director Casey Anning has shot signed. She's a big deal these days I've convinced him to come on the show, Louis. She's gonna come on. I love Casey and Andrew Paddington, and also a brilliant animator and illustrator Adele K. Thomas, who has been a longtime listener on the pod has also signed up if you want to support what we do here at irrational fear, go to patreon.com forward slash a rational fear. Until next week, there's always something to be scared of. Good night. Oh, and next week we got hate Franklin, and you know Yama, so come back next week for them.
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