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We're joined this week by fearmongers:
Steve Hili
Lauren Edwards
Lewis Hobba
and Dan Ilic
And we cover:
And in EXTRA FEAR only available on Patreon or Apple Subscription we ask Brynn O'Brien from Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility about the $10 billion buy out of major polluter AGL — https://www.accr.org.au/
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Bertha Announcement 0:00
This podcast is supported in part by the Bertha Foundation.
Dan Ilic 0:04
G'day Lewis.
Lewis Hobba 0:05
Hello, Daniel. How are you?
Dan Ilic 0:07
Good. You look so much better than you did last week.
Lewis Hobba 0:10
Thank you. Yeah, I feel a million times better. I'm still not at 100 I'm probably at like 80% but I am yeah. Mostly recovered from COVID. Back on deck backhoe work ready to talk about World War Three.
Dan Ilic 0:23
I'm glad you recovered just in time for the most dire times. Hey, we got a new joke. Keep a poster up at about in Sutherland Shire. Let me share it with you. I took a trip out to southern China to take a photo of it. It says Hawaiian hideaway for when things get too hot at home. This is bushfire sale now on so if you live near Sutherland station or you want to take a trip to southern station, go check it out.
Lewis Hobba 0:48
And take yourself I don't think you can take a train trip in Sydney at the moment. So probably strike the Uber. You
Dan Ilic 0:54
have to get an Uber take an Uber does other than station. Also, Louis. I've sent out the final perk for jokey but it's only taken 24 weeks. But finally, there's a guy who lives in Colorado. He runs a ski tech company. He ordered a plaque. And this is it here I'll shout it. It's a bronze plaque. And it says during a national crisis, the Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison stood on this spot and did nothing so that that is gonna go to Colorado for some reason. So that's fantastic. Big thank you to Steve for that.
Lewis Hobba 1:27
That's beautiful.
Dan Ilic 1:28
It is made it took forever to bake. But you know, it's also what was a massive success was the reordering of irrational fear. Last year, last week, we actually picked up nine new Patreon subscribers so big thank you to everyone who signed up to here extra fear, which is the phrase we're going with. It's not going with lend me your fears. Would you believe? Interesting?
Lewis Hobba 1:49
Interesting. Yeah. Fair enough. I mean, extra fee is a bit simpler. A little less fun.
Dan Ilic 1:54
Yeah, but you know, so our listeners are simple people. They simple. Like big ideas. Simple folk, like big ideas.
Lewis Hobba 2:01
I disagree. I think they logged my my lend me your fee is based.
Dan Ilic 2:06
When you go to patreon.com forward slash irrational fear, you get to listen to extra fear. Also, you get discounted tickets to our live shows. And we we are working on a new live show for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Put it in your diary. It's not on sale yet. But April 10 5pm. At the forum. It's it's definitely day after your show, Louis? Yeah.
Lewis Hobba 2:31
Oh, God. Yes. Okay. It's a Sunday. Yes. Sunday, Sunday. Yeah, great. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. We haven't announced the other show, by the way. So Cafe all right. No, no, no,
Dan Ilic 2:40
no, no. Yeah. So if you want to come to irrational fear, live on stage, we are going to play the biggest room we have ever played, Louis. It's 580 seater, which is also great. If we if it's half full, it's good for social distancing. So we're about at the forum. We're gonna play the forum, the big the big room at the forum. Yeah. I love the forum. It's beautiful. It's very exciting. So please come along to that. Tickets should be on sale. Hopefully at the end of the week.
Lewis Hobba 3:04
It's so have you been to the new forum. I don't think we're nice enough for that theatre. Like that's, it's a really nice theatre, we're gonna need to do like a dance number.
Dan Ilic 3:13
Okay, all right, let's do a dance number. I'm trying to get some I'm trying to get at least one really, really big name to come join us. So I'm excited. So should we go out a little known up and comer called Louis hubba is gonna make sure it's good. At the very end of this podcast tonight. Also, I'll be telling you about a brand new special election project that I'm working on Philly election and how you can be a part of it. So skip to the end. If you wanna hear about that. I'm recording my end of irrational feet on Gadigal Land of the coronation sovereignty was never said we need a treaty. Let's start the show.
Voice Over 3:45
A rational fear contains naughty words like bricks, Canberra, and gum and section 40 of our rational view recommended listening by immature audience.
Dan Ilic 3:59
Tonight after contracting COVID-19 Clive Palmer is rushed to hospital with symptoms coming out of an overdose of irony. And the summer of sequels continues to roll on as World War three kicks off in Europe but critics say it's incredibly derivative. And Sydney has had the wettest summer in over 30 years. But what is the cause La Nina or elbows new pictures? It's the 25th of February and we're not on strike. This is A Rational fear.
Welcome to A Rational fear. I'm your host, former chairman of Perth airport, Dan Ilic. And this is the podcast that hold your hands through the scariest stories in the news. And we've got a couple of first time fear mongers on the show tonight which is very exciting. Vice magazine says he has the energy of a dog that needs to be taken out. But you know, he's basically book this podcast on the strength of his solo show name which is the sexy environmental So please keep your IPCC in your pants and welcome Steve Haley. Welcome, Steve.
Steve Hili 5:06
Hello, everybody. Yeah,
Dan Ilic 5:08
thank you. How did you feel to know that device wanted to put you down?
Steve Hili 5:13
I know, I know. It was that just that came from. So I've done a gig. I've done a tour in Romania. Visa these up. It was very weird. By the end of the night they Yeah, it's kind of a compliment, right. Yeah. So I'm, I'm kind of proud of it. But I've also Yeah, I mean, once the
Lewis Hobba 5:37
Steve a lot of people would pay money to watch a dog on stage going so crazy that it had to be put down not people that you like, necessarily, yeah, come to your show, but people would pay pay and people would also pay money during the show to say, you know, what would happen to that talk?
Steve Hili 5:53
Yeah, very true. And you know, again, with with the way I look at my ethnicity, some you might get some people you might enjoy me being taken out. Depending where you are in the world. So yeah, so that happens and it was lots of fun. No, it was actually it was a it was a lovely talk. And I managed to get a good quote out of it.
Dan Ilic 6:18
And she's the host of what in the world is going on podcast and she calls herself an anti inspiration influencer so please try not to be inspired by Lauren Edwards. Welcome Lauren.
Lauren Edwards 6:29
Oh, thank you so much. I'm just on the dog thing I'd be a two hour by the way. Dogs that's who I am in person small and terrifying. So thank you so much.
Dan Ilic 6:39
And they call his legs the twin towers for good reason. It's Louis hobo.
Lewis Hobba 6:43
That's right. Because all the jokes I think I have to conspiratorial Joe can't melt them.
Dan Ilic 6:54
Coming up later, in extra fear. We talk good friend of the show. Bryn O'Brien from the Australian Centre for corporate responsibility about how the mike cannon Brookes takeover bid of AGL came to be and where it'll go from here. We'll also ask her, what will it take for Mike cannon Brooks to buy irrational fear. But first, here's a message for this week's sponsor.
Bland Power 7:15
We all want our kids to grow up healthy and not on fire which makes rising temperatures in and around the home a bit of a nuisance but if you want to do absolutely nothing about them by go past Liberal Party of Australia, not only has the Liberal Party of Australia received donations in excess of $5 million from fossil fuel companies since 2012. Unlike other Australian political parties, the Liberal Party of Australia comes with a unique formula that combines heavy investment in the gas industry with no meaningful plan to transition to renewables or electric vehicles making them the perfect party to guarantee Australia contributes less than our fair share to the global effort to tackle climate change. So if you want to stick your head in the sand and feel it get hotter and hotter, why not give the Liberal Party of Australia ago today bland power helping you vote better?
Dan Ilic 7:58
I do not recommend this week's first hear Tim Wilson loves free speech just not from his electric I don't even know this guy is an IPA member freedom loving libertarian is an MP. He basically hit his social media hard this week to alert everyone in his electorate that if you support Zoe Daniel by putting up a sign in your yard, you could be a law breaker. His tweet said that law breakers shouldn't be law makers fake independents have profited by selling signs to households that they know they're going to get a fine. So much for integrity. First of all, this doesn't sound like law breaking just sounds like democracy. Second of all, the council came out to say, yeah, it's okay.
Lewis Hobba 8:41
What was his problem with it? What did what did he say was illegal about the sign?
Dan Ilic 8:45
He said he said that basically it contravenes Council laws that if you put up a sign on your own property, it counts as advertising and you need a permit. And if you don't have a permit, for a sign promoting, you know, other candidates, then you could get a fine from the council. So it's not so much a law, more like you're just kind of breaking Council regulations.
Unknown Speaker 9:05
I mean, does he know that Josh Frydenberg has got signs all up around Kooyong where I live? Like, is he upset about that? Because they are everywhere?
Dan Ilic 9:12
What is it like living in Kooyong at the moment with all those?
Lauren Edwards 9:17
Oh, it's very blue. It also makes me feel very poor. Living in the crappiest apartment in Kooyong basically.
Lewis Hobba 9:25
You don't have your own tennis court.
Lauren Edwards 9:28
No, actually. We sold it to develop another high rise. I was very sad. But you know, we've got to make money somehow.
Steve Healy 9:39
I was reading about this guy, this Tim Wilson guy because I was I was doing a little bit of research for this for this show. Right? And I was I found out he's He was apparently defended some anti vaxxers Then they because he said he said that he was that they that it's that he's in favour of freedom of speech, obviously. Yeah, as long as the anti vaxxers message isn't on a billboard.
Lewis Hobba 10:04
Though they can pay for the billboard, it just can't be in their yard. Here's what I mean. I saw some interactions about it. And I saw someone reposting an old quote of his on one of his free speech thought experiments, which is where someone was like, Okay, you believe in the totality of free speech. Let's deal with a situation here. Where you know, we're at an Outback pub and a publican throws out someone for being black refuses to serve them. What What would you say to that? He said absolutely fine. Totally fine. That's that's free speech. That's freedom of action. He is free to throw throw out that person and then the community is free to boycott that establishment and that is just free market doing its job. So that's the kind that's the Tim
Lauren Edwards 10:48
Wilson also blocked me on Twitter for being mean to him so I mean, I you know, to me like that's the free market baby people.
Steve Hili 10:56
What did you do?
Lauren Edwards 11:01
Oh, look, I'm not gonna be really honest here. I, I troll a lot of local politicians. So I'm pretty sure that it was something about franking credits and I was just a sassy bitch to him basically, and I've been blocked by a few Liberal Party members so I honestly don't remember what it was about, but it was something about franking credits.
Dan Ilic 11:21
People on Twitter are getting really upset of me about me liking his tweets and I'm only liking them for they stay in my feed,
Lauren Edwards 11:26
so you can save them.
Dan Ilic 11:29
So when he does say something dumb, I can jump on it pretty quickly. Just so upset that you know, I'm going about liking stuff that don't like his tweets. I keep seeing them and like well, you know, you don't use Twitter
Lauren Edwards 11:40
to save the brain can't keep up with all the free speech that
Steve Hili 11:44
does sound a little bit like a Prince Andrew excuse.
Dan Ilic 11:53
Yeah, I like those. Yeah. This is great. I really enjoyed it so much soon as Bayside clarified the rules for putting up signs Samantha maiden from the Herald Sun. The Chief Political reporter said this absolutely dead from laughing. Sam is one of the best journalists in Australia and it's great to see her having a laugh.
Lewis Hobba 12:18
It's like lawmakers should probably be across the law before they call other people on Rikers.
Dan Ilic 12:23
That's right. Yeah. Does this make Tim Wilson a low faker? Now? Yeah,
Lewis Hobba 12:28
I'm a lawmaker up that's my bit. Yeah, lawmaker
Lauren Edwards 12:30
app. I like that. It's
Dan Ilic 12:32
so strange. Like it's so strange little kind of speech. He's willing to die like what kind of he'll is willing to die on like, this is a guy Tim Wilson is a gay man. And I think he said more on signage of signage in Bayside Council then the trampling of LGBT rights and the religious discrimination Bill was like he's got more tweets, more tweets and local local ordinances
Lewis Hobba 12:54
across the floor. He crossed the floor to stop that signage. Daniels
Lauren Edwards 13:03
No, absolutely not. It's very typical conservative politicians, you know, free speech, free speech and you know, everyone can say whatever they like and you're all a bunch of snowflakes until someone says something that I don't like because that really,
Lewis Hobba 13:15
he said was like vote for me. It wasn't even like Tim Wilson. I am also running in his democratic election. He's like no rational fear,
Voice Over 13:25
social progress. And that's what I fight for as much as economic progress. But you like redistributing wealth upwards you know, I want actually people to have a chance of being able to carve their own ladder and stand on their own two feet. And like people the ABC
your fear is rational.
Dan Ilic 13:41
This week second fear the Queen is Dead. According to a Hollywood blog three days ago, Hollywood unlocked made the call claiming that they had spoken to sources close to Buckingham Palace. And so those sources chose to speak with Hollywood and locked out of every other publication in the world. Steve is someone from the UK what counts as a source close to Buckingham Palace? Well,
Steve Hili 14:05
the guy she said it was a source close to the United Kingdom France right So to be fair, to be fair, the queen as look like she's been dead since 2004 hasn't really so. So it's not it's not I mean, I I'll be honest, I if if this really did happen if somebody leaked this news, the Hollywood unlocked then people in the palace of sweating apart from Prince Andrew
Dan Ilic 14:37
we gonna need some kind of a bell to Yeah, there we go. That's
Steve Hili 14:50
I've been looking into this I think that now this is I shit you know, this is what they say that they think that the reporter is. The name is His name's Jason Lee or something. He may have got confused. Because Mark Lonergan, who's the lead singer of the Queens of the Stone Age, he unfortunately passed away. And so this guy, for some reason thought that that meant that the Queen passed away. So it's just a case of mistaken identity. I mean,
Lauren Edwards 15:25
it can happen like Prince Andrew really.
Steve Hili 15:31
I mean, you know, members of the royal very look like different things, right? Prince Charles looks like a foot with a fungal infection. People look like.
Dan Ilic 15:42
There was a time when the prince of Jordan died. Mariah Carey got up at a press conference to say, Can we just take a moment? Remember Michael Jordan, he was such a great basketball player.
Steve Hili 15:56
Yeah, I remember that.
Dan Ilic 15:57
So, look, I think there's a lot of there's a lot of hubbub about the Queen dying this week, because people aren't quite sure the bit of conspiracy theories going around. I just went to Google and I typed is the into Google? Yes. How many out of the 10 autocompletes. on auction? How many were about the claim after typing in is the
Steve Hili 16:17
All right.
Lewis Hobba 16:19
Steve Hili 16:19
I was gonna say seven. Yeah
Louis is closest to but the top one one is the iPhone. So Jane waterproof. And then the second one is the Queenstown live, and then followed by the third one is the iPhone 11 water proof. Followed by his Ukraine pattern, NATO. And then finally, is the queen sick. So you know, there's a lot there's a lot of people's minds on the internet people are really concerned.
Lauren Edwards 16:45
Well, I mean, someone needs to tell the mothers of Australia, you know, all the all the mums need to know about the queen, my mother would be very upset. She doesn't know about this,
Dan Ilic 16:52
and they want to know finds a waterproof too, which is great.
Lewis Hobba 16:54
Well, did you see a story? It's only tangentially Queen related but the bastion of journalistic integrity here in Australia, do the story on the Queen getting COVID I'm talking of course, about a source we turn to often A Current Affair. They did a story on the Queen getting COVID and they interviewed a medical expert from Melbourne a doctor and they were as they were, they had the obviously pre recorded interview of this doctor, and they were just chucking up footage. So he was they were saying, you know, what sort of treatment is the queen going to be getting and this doctor was saying, you know, the queen will basically be getting what everybody gets, depending on how bad it is a variety of different things. And the current affair editors put up a photo of ivermectin. Oh, so, the doctor never mentioned either. But no one mentioned ivermectin, A Current Affair just for like, you know, the normal things that we talk about here on A Current Affair. The things that work like ivermectin,
Dan Ilic 17:50
yeah. Cohen's I'm gonna use hosting woman. She's gonna use Corgi dewormer. That's.
Lewis Hobba 18:00
I mean, she does love racehorses, right but she probably has a bit of ivermectin in one of our stables so yes, a lot of shares and ivermectin, I would say, yes. So they, they immediately apologise they took it down, they re edited and put it up but as you can imagine, the people who believe in ivermectin when they see a story that says the queen is taking either acted and then they say it taken down and then put back up without it and that has fueled like millions and millions of views curacy theories of people just going what is the queen know that we don't like the queen knows that works
Dan Ilic 18:34
to that community
is one of the subjects of HR ah,
well yeah, I mean, she's she's on the money isn't she? God we don't
Lewis Hobba 18:51
play for our cricket team.
Dan Ilic 18:55
As a subject that's close to the cleaning layer like how do you feel this must be a very strange moment where you're not quite sure you know what's gonna happen with cleaning?
Steve Hili 19:04
Well, I mean, I honestly I'm I'm very chilled out about the whole
Dan Ilic 19:12
idea if we had Adam Hills on the show he'd be very upset because he's now a Sir He's got an MBA these days. Oh, well,
Steve Hili 19:18
lucky. Yeah, obviously he's doing much better than me. If I if I was to be a sir I'm sure I would also suck up to him. As as it happens, I'm not I mean, obviously you don't want anyone to die there. Yeah. That
Dan Ilic 19:36
this comment for a man with dominant chlorin YouTube to clean did die but they're trying to get a porn to the other side before someone else.
Lauren Edwards 19:45
I don't know chess, but that's a good reference.
Journalist 19:49
Every Australians within their rights to see you as being a hypocrite given how much electricity you consume in that big house.
Interviewee 19:57
My electricity consumption is actually negative.
Journalist 20:00
You don't think this is going to have an impact on retail prices? If you take over AGL
Interviewee 20:04
I do think it'sgonna have an impact on retail prices. I think we're gonna bring retail prices down
Voice Over 20:08
a rational fear.
Dan Ilic 20:09
This week's third fear it's on Russia has invaded Ukraine. understandable if a country consistently gives you zero points on Eurovision year after year, that's the kind of behaviour that you should just assume is inevitable. Of course, Russia is saying it's not an invasion, the foreign minister is saying that it's merely a group of soldiers going on vacation and soon they'll be back home in their barracks fully rested you Western scum. So not an invasion, according to Russia. But Australia has put sanctions on Russia, which I can only assume means not giving them neighbours early or humming away. Oh, no, they actually hear the actual sanctions, right. Australia has put travel bands for the eight members of Russia's Security Council. This is a big move for a country, ie Australia that until Monday allowed no one to travel to the country. This is restrictions on imports, also from Crimea and Sevastopol. I mean, what are Australians importing from there? I can only assume like depleted uranium vodka, Twitter followers.
Yeah. Lauren, let me ask you, what is this invasion really about for you?
Lauren Edwards 21:21
I mean, I think it's just about Dick swinging, isn't it? Isn't that the whole idea? You know, from what I understand is that Vladimir Putin has been slowly but surely chipping away at democracy for however long and now it seems to be. He's getting to towards his imperialism that he's been looking for for a while. But for me, I'd like to know, you know, do the anti lockdown people of Australia know about this? Because, you know, they're very upset about dictators and taking over and freedom. And I haven't heard a word from them about this. So I'm just a bit confused. Yeah. Do you know what I mean?
Lewis Hobba 21:55
Yeah, they've actually imposed quite a lot of restrictions in the Ukraine of their citizens to try to stay home during the invasion. That's a real double tick.
Lauren Edwards 22:04
I feel like someone should tell the lockdown advocates and they should get over there really quick.
Steve Hili 22:09
As a Brit, we said that we're going to respond decisively. That's what Boris said. That usually means he's going to have a party.
Lewis Hobba 22:20
Do we think all of this could have been avoided if all those years ago when Tony Abbott said he was going to share it front Putin? And everyone in Australia was like this psycho. What are you doing? You're an idiot. And maybe in retrospect, we were all wrong. And maybe we should have let Tony just go over there and throw in hands like best case scenario. He beats Vladimir Putin, freeze Russia from the oppressive, you know, regime, worst case scenario, he loses and we get to watch Tony Abbott get punished. Like, to me, it's sort of a win win. That's That's true.
Dan Ilic 22:53
Steve, who you have no idea what we're talking about. Back in 2014. No idea. Back in 2014. It may win MHC and 17 got shut down our prime minister then Tony Abbott, who is a raging minor Kirsten, you know, tough guy. He said he was going to shirt front, Vladimir Putin. And basically they're all that's an AFL term, isn't it? Lewis you're gonna grab someone by their shirt,
Lewis Hobba 23:15
grab, grabbed him by the shirt and punch them in the chin.
Dan Ilic 23:19
So here's the grab. Here's the grab here. I'll play it for you see if you can hear it. Look, I'm going to shift from Mr. Putin.
Lauren Edwards 23:27
The Russians you already have?
Dan Ilic 23:29
Yeah, just this great bit where he's like, I'm gonna show it from Mr. Putin. You bet I am. You bet. You know, like, just completely fuck it up. Incredible clip like it was a promise of one to one violence. Like that was the kind of diplomacy he was he was willing to do at that point.
Steve Hili 23:46
It does feed into what a lot of the rest of the world thinks about Australia.
Lauren Edwards 23:51
And what is that? Can you tell us what that is?
Steve Hili 23:54
Well, basically, punch in Britain basically like Australia, but hasn't moved on in people's mind since Crocodile Dundee. So a lot of the I mean, I was having this conversation with someone the other day, he asked me who I thought the most famous Australians were. I couldn't get past Paul Hogan. Honestly.
Lewis Hobba 24:17
He's not even an Australian citizen anymore.
Steve Hili 24:20
Oh, yeah, I know, but tomato tomahto.
Dan Ilic 24:24
We've had so many great exports since then, like Nicole Kidman. Hugh Jackman. Hannah Gatsby. Yeah, Ronny Chang will claim him sure of Russell Crowe.
Lewis Hobba 24:35
All the Hemsworths.
Dan Ilic 24:36
Matthew Hemsworth, Luke Hemsworth. John and Steve.
Steve Hili 24:43
But, but, ya know, still
Lewis Hobba 24:48
still cracking I don't even think I've seen Crocodile Dundee.
Steve Hili 24:55
Obviously, sanctions when you were talking about the sanctions. I'm like, What are they gonna say? Casselman Forex we're going into Moscow. Why is Australia gonna do?
Dan Ilic 25:05
That's an absolutely fanboy. On that point, Nick Harcourt, who is a businessman was interviewing Vladimir Putin at APEC in 2007 in Sydney, and he asked, he asked Putin, he said, When I asked pertinent APEC, what do you think of Australia? He replied, I never think of Australia.
Lauren Edwards 25:26
He's basically Mariah Carey. I don't know.
Lewis Hobba 25:29
It's that classic. That famous sort of meme scene from Mad Men. You know, the one where there's a guy in an elevator talking to Don Draper. And he's like, you know, I think of you when you go home at night and how sad you must be. He goes on this whole tirade about how sad Don Draper is, and then there's a boss and Don Draper's turns around and goes, I didn't think of you at all. The elevator opens and it walks out. Oh, it's called.
Dan Ilic 25:57
I want to give a big shout out to our Patreon supporters who all signed up to here extra fear Kaylee green Kelly Clark Trishna Lindsey guest Nicole Roz quirk, Tom bellus. A Bob bryozoa Travis more blas Philip Westbury and man with Dominic claw, who is one of our superfans, and I'm always pumping the show and read it. Thank you, man with Dominic claw. Before we get into extra fear, let's do some plugs. Steve and Lauren. You got to plug anything that shows coming up.
Steve Hili 26:23
Right so hold on. I can you hear me? Yes. Oh, my cut out. Can you hear me now? We got it. Okay, you got me? Yeah, I so I'm not really Yeah, I don't really have anything big happening at the moment. But so so No, really? No. Thanks. for that. That was good. Yeah. Can you hear me?
Lewis Hobba 26:50
Nothing on Yeah. How's my audio? Is this thing on? Yeah, no dates.
Steve Hili 26:55
Follow me on Twitter. I've got some things that are happening in a few months time that I'm not really allowed to talk about yet. I will be able to talk about soon. So follow me on Twitter, Steve Healy, ha Li and all will be revealed there
Dan Ilic 27:10
and Lauren. You've got festival shows coming up?
Lauren Edwards 27:13
I do. I've got my new Melbourne Comedy Festival show called Everything is a lie coming up. Not dissimilar from Vladimir Putin really coming up on April 18. For I think a week or so. And also follow me on on Instagram. I my handle is live laugh Lauren. For some anti inspiration, inspiration.
Dan Ilic 27:32
Excellent. Now it's time for extra fear, extra extra fears extra level of fear, or extra extra extra fear extra. At the start of this week, there was a story that broke the made pretty much everyone in the do Gooding industrial complex spit out their coffee from their Cape cups. Australia's biggest polluter. AGL who is responsible for 8% of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. That's one company who's responsible for pretty much the entirety of New Zealand's output. But in Australia had been bid on and been tried to be bought by friend of the show Mike cannon Brooks and Canadian capital fund Brookfield for $10 billion. The bid was an opening gambit by the billionaire it was rejected, but it's still in its early days and someone who knows all about the deal. And how it's put together is Brynn O'Brien for the Australian Centre of corporate responsibility. She's shaking her head she doesn't know. To hear that. You have to become a member of Patreon. You can we can hit subscribe on the rational feet extra channel on Apple podcasts. Brynn. Why should people pay a couple bucks to hear this chat?
Brynn O'Brien 28:37
Look, if you're into insider trading, then you're not in luck. Don't have the inside scoop on it. If you want to hear a little bit of trash talking about the board of AGL then then that's why you should do it.
Dan Ilic 28:51
That's on extra fear. So make sure you go ahead and do that. That is it for irrational fear. Big thanks to Steve Healy, Lauren Edwards, brain, O'Brien and Lewis haba. Also, big thank you to red Mike's the birth of foundation, our Patreon supporters and Jacob round. Until next week, there's always going to be scared off Good night. Oh, also, I'm starting a new thing. On Tuesday. If you give him your email to the irrational fear email list, you will find out something you find out about something called It's not a race. It's a content engine that is going to be ripping into fossil fuel funded candidates for the election. So if you want to know more about that, make sure you pop your email address into the rational fit email list. And I'll send you an email about that on Tuesday. And that's going to be something completely different to a rational field. So hang in there and check that out. So thanks, everyone. We'll see you next time.
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