🤑 CHIP IN TO OUR PATREON https://www.patreon.com/ARationalFear
📨 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL LIST: http://www.arationalfear.com/
G'day Fearmongers —
Thanks to the 300 or so of you who came out the the show at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival — it was such a great vibe.
Gabbi Bolt
Sami Shah
Grace Tame
Lewis Hobba
Nats What I Reckon
Vidya Rajan
Lewis Hobba
and me (Dan Ilic)
DJ Andy McClelland
We cover the great gamete of crucial topics — Gwyneth Paltrow, Murdoch's Minions, U2, Donal Trump, AI, Cops, and we interview the owners of the house that Tim Smith ran into. They were so traumatised by the event that they want to get rid of the famous temporary fence they put in place whilst waiting for Tim Smith to pay the bills.
You may have already seen on social media.already that we made a fancy sketch, and am auctioning it off on eBay with proceeds going to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre — it's already up to $3500!
If you chip-in on Patreon — THANKS for supporting A Rational Fear — your support meant we could pay for that Chappaquiddick Fence sketch, and for it to be framed too. It's an expensive sketch!
We also used a chunk of the Patreon money to pay for sponsorship on Triple R radio to advertise the Melbourne show, and another chunk of it to pay for a poster campaign.
It's times like this that an extra chunk of money really helps off set the Ludicrous expenses of running a festival show like this.
Thanks so much for your support! If you'd like to pay a little bit chip in here:
🤑 CHIP IN TO OUR PATREON https://www.patreon.com/ARationalFear
📨 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL LIST: http://www.arationalfear.com/
If Patreon isn't your thing, and Apple Subscriptions are too Appley — chip in with A-Cast here: https://plus.acast.com/s/a-rational-fear-1.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.